On July 14, Hexi District held the first batch of socialized military support unit licensing and preferential treatment certificate issuance ceremony, marking another expansion of the "circle of friends" of preferential treatment certificates and further strengthening the good at

2024/06/3007:59:32 military 1195

On July 14, Hexi District held the first batch of socialized military support unit licensing and preferential treatment certificate issuance ceremony, marking another expansion of the preferential treatment certificate "circle of friends" and further strengthening the good atmosphere of supporting the military and providing preferential treatment.

On July 14, Hexi District held the first batch of socialized military support unit licensing and preferential treatment certificate issuance ceremony, marking another expansion of the

At the event, a total of 68 representatives of enterprises, stores, and social organizations were awarded military plaques, and preferential treatment certificates were issued to retired soldiers and other preferential treatment recipients representatives. Tianjin Guifaxiang 18th Street Mahua Food Co., Ltd., Tianjin Sanlian Taofen Bookstore and retired military representative Yang Hongzhuang made speeches respectively to witness the new achievements of Hexi dual support work.

According to reports, in order to provide more and better preferential services to military families, retired military personnel and preferential treatment recipients, Hexi District coordinated and promoted the application and issuance of preferential treatment certificates and social support for the military, extensively mobilized social support for the military, and established the first batch of A socialized military support directory covering industries such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and necessities directly provides priority preferential convenience and benefit-sharing services to military family members, retired military personnel, and preferential treatment recipients.

In the next step, Hexi District will firmly adhere to the dual support and co-construction concept of " dual support work has highlights, mutual assistance has practical measures, preferential care and resettlement has innovation", in strengthening national defense education, deepening socialized support for the army, and We will continue to make efforts in innovative military-civilian co-construction and strong military-civilian integration and other aspects, give full play to the role of "four-party co-construction", extensively mobilize social organizations and enterprises to join the social family of supporting the military, and further consolidate joint construction and joint development, and military-civilian integration A good situation for building a home.

Author: Wan Tong Wei Qun

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