In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.

2024/07/0216:16:33 military 1006

Honorable Enlistment

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

However, since the strategic purpose of our army was only to punish, after the capture of Lang Son, the Chinese army withdrew from Vietnam in an orderly manner. However, the Vietnamese authorities are still stubborn. They are unwilling to suffer such a disastrous defeat and still stubbornly increase their troops on the Sino-Vietnamese border. Against this background, the ten-year-old mountain war has begun.

The photo below named "Kiss of Death" was taken at Laoshan Battlefield . So, what happened to the female soldier Zhang Ru who kissed the dying soldier?

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

In 1965, Zhang Ru was born into a military family. Her grandfather was an old Red Army soldier. He told her stories of struggles in the revolutionary era since she was a child, which planted a longing for the military camp in Zhang Ru's heart. Zhang Ru's parents are our country's aerospace scientific researchers, and they are very patriotic. They also strongly support Zhang Ru's idea of ​​joining the army.

In this way, when Zhang Ru came of age at the age of 18, she gloriously signed her name on the form of intention to join the army.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

After the recruit training, Zhang Ru was assigned to Lanzhou Military Region to serve as a medical soldier. At this time, it was the 1980s, and the Laoshan Round Battle on the Sino-Vietnamese border was still going on. In order to improve the actual combat experience of each military region, the Central Military Commission decided to adopt a military region defense replacement policy.

In 1985, it was the turn of the Lanzhou Military Region to switch defenses to Laoshan . Zhang Ru followed the large army to Laoshan, thousands of miles away, and directly faced the cruel battlefield .

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

Since Zhang Ru is considered a knowledgeable person in the army and is also a female soldier, Zhang Ru herself does not need to be on the front line. She mainly treats the wounded in the field hospital at the rear.. After arriving on the battlefield, Zhang Rucai had a personal experience of the ruthlessness of war.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

Kiss of Death

In the field hospital, Zhang Ru receives seriously injured frontline soldiers every day. Some of them were shot several times and their bodies were bloody. Some were injured by Vietnamese army booby traps and their limbs were blown up. It was completely mutilated, even beyond recognition.

These are very severe tests for Zhang Ru, who has just joined the army. Although she was not a spoiled child at home, she had never seen such a bloody scene.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

However, Zhang Ru finally overcame the discomfort with her firm willpower. After several months of training, she has become more proficient in cleaning and bandaging the wounds of seriously injured people. At the same time, Zhang Ru has also become accustomed to the separation of life and death on the battlefield. She has gradually accepted all this. Not every seriously injured person has a chance to survive. However, on July 21, 1986, a special wounded person was delivered to Zhang Ru.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

The wounded man’s name is Zhao Weijun, and he is the deputy squad leader of a certain reconnaissance squad. What surprised Zhang Ru was that Zhao Weijun was three years younger than himself, and was only an 18-year-old child.

When Zhao Weijun was sent, he was in very bad condition: due to being injured by a Vietnamese army mine, a large amount of shrapnel penetrated Zhao Weijun's body, and his feet were also blown to pieces. His injuries were very serious. Zhang Ru hurriedly communicated with other medical staff Bing urgently cleaned Zhao Weijun's wounds.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

The field hospital is in a cat ear hole at the rear, and it is extremely hot and humid. Although Zhang Ru tried his best to take care of the seriously injured Zhao Weijun, his wounds still showed signs of ulceration. On the evening of the 23rd, Zhao Weijun's consciousness miraculously awoke. The 18-year-old boy asked the medical soldier in front of him Last wish: Sister, can you hug me? I can't stand it anymore, I'm so cold.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

Zhao Weijun's request made Zhang Ru burst into tears, who was used to farewells between life and death. Looking at this boy who was younger than himself, Zhang Ru leaned down, hugged the blood-stained Zhao Weijun, and kissed him on the forehead at the same time Checked out .

Looking for Martyrs’ Parents

Zhang Ru’s kiss was extremely sacred and pure. It was a fleeting touch of tenderness on a battlefield filled with bullets.

In this way, Zhao Weijun, who was seriously injured, died in Zhang Ru's arms with a satisfied smile. His life would always stay at the age of 18. After Zhao Weijun died, Zhang Ru continued to complete her duties with a firmer will. She persisted until the victory of the Ten-Year Laoshan Round before returning to her hometown.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

After returning to his hometown, Zhang Ru continued to serve in the army for a few years and then retired honorably. Since it was very close to the time of the Laoshan Round, and the army had strict confidentiality regulations for many things, Zhang Ru never mentioned his experience on the battlefield to others.

Until 2011, 20 years have passed since the end of the Laoshan Round. Zhang Ru finally waited for the opportunity. She wanted to visit the parents of her comrade who died in the battle one by one, and extend her high respect and condolences to them.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

Since this year, Zhang Ru has traveled to 9 provinces across the country and visited the families of 43 martyrs. One day in 2015, Zhang Ru came to Zhao Weijun's home. Only then did she know that Zhao Weijun was the only son in the family.

Recalling that scene that year, Zhang Ru couldn't help but feel sad. With such a mood, she came to the Martyrs Cemetery and placed a bouquet of flowers in front of Zhao Weijun's tombstone.

In 1979, China launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam and destroyed the Vietnamese army's northern defense line in just one month, approaching Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. - DayDayNews

Zhao Weijun’s parents also shed tears when they saw their son’s comrades coming to visit them. The old couple spent these years in mourning for their son. After seeing Zhang Ru, they finally felt a lot more relieved. Zhang Ru also assured them that he would come to visit them again in the future.

For Zhang Ru, since she survived on the battlefield and lived to the end, she has the obligation to commemorate these martyrs who sacrificed their lives. The dead have passed away, but the living will continue to work hard to move forward.

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