Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, s

2024/07/0105:17:33 military 1250

On the Ukrainian battlefield, when the Ukrainian army saw that it could not defeat the Russian army on the frontal battlefield, it directly transformed into a battlefield troublemaker, using a large number of drones from other countries to carry out sneak attacks on the Russian army's rear and homeland; this kind of The Russian army's bullshit style of play caused heavy losses. Not only were a large number of infrastructure and supplies destroyed, but many civilians were also injured or killed under the attacks of Ukrainian drones. Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, so these anti-aircraft missiles were only successful in intercepting half of them, and the remaining half of the drones caused a large number of casualties to Ukrainian civilians here.

Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, s - DayDayNews

This shit-stirring style makes the Russian army feel very sick, because the Ukrainian army's drones launch suicide attacks, and even if they fail, they will only lose some drones; and if they succeed, they will The losses caused by the Russian army will be great. The death of a large number of civilians will cause local panic, and they will even flee to the western cities controlled by Ukraine to save their lives. In this case, these areas occupied by the Russian army will become empty cities. Lost meaning. So is there any way to deal with this shit-stirring style? The performance of Russia's anti-aircraft missiles is indeed very good. It has shot down various Ukrainian fighter jets many times during the war. However, it failed to perform as expected when dealing with seemingly less lethal targets such as drones. The desired effect has allowed drones to successfully launch attacks many times.

Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, s - DayDayNews

In order to deal with these UAVs of the Ukrainian army, the Russian army has used an electromagnetic gun. This electromagnetic gun can emit electromagnetic signals by pressing the trigger, interrupting the signal of the UAV and causing it to land or crash. However, the biggest disadvantage of this weapon is that it requires soldiers to find the target before it can aim and launch it. At night, the Ukrainian army can easily take advantage of the field of view to launch an attack. By the time the soldiers discover it, it may be too late; therefore, what the Russian army needs now is a weapon that can Automated, all-weather air defense missile system. And our country happens to have several air defense systems specifically designed to deal with such targets.

Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, s - DayDayNews

Let’s first talk about the SA2 vehicle-mounted 76mm anti-aircraft gun. When this anti-aircraft gun was first born, no one was optimistic about it, because as an anti-aircraft gun, it is not as good as an anti-aircraft missile for air defense. It is used to attack ground targets. If the howitzer is used, It's not as good as those 105mm artillery shells. It seems to be inferior to other products whether it is against the air or against the ground. But now we can see our country's forward-looking attitude. At that time, perhaps no one expected that drones would develop so fast. Many drones that could not even be intercepted by anti-aircraft missiles and were very lethal had been born. To deal with these low-speed flying UAVs in medium and low-altitude areas, once those medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missiles fail to intercept, the SA2 vehicle-mounted 76mm anti-aircraft gun will fire shells to intercept them within a range of 10 kilometers; because its shells use command In the correction mode, the advanced fire control system can continuously calculate the orbit data between the artillery shell and the target, and transmit the data to the artillery shell, so that the artillery shell can achieve precise guidance as if it has eyes. And as an anti-aircraft gun system, it has strong anti-interference capabilities and can adapt to the complex electronic interference environment in modern warfare; at the same time, it also uses a truck-type chassis, which greatly improves its mobility and can not only be deployed flexibly but also Implement "hit and run" and use this method to disgust the Ukrainian army.

Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, s - DayDayNews

The other is the "Silent Hunter" laser cannon exported by our country to Saudi Arabia . Currently, the laser weapons in the world are limited by technical reasons. They are all low-power weapons and can only deal with some small targets; while the ones purchased by Saudi Arabia my country's "Silent Hunter" laser cannon is a laser weapon with a power of only 30 kilowatts. Its range is only 4,000 meters, but it can deal with a large number of drone targets at the same time. After Saudi Arabia purchased this weapon, it shot down 13 drones in one fell swoop. The record of drones is also the first actual combat record of laser weapons.Saudi Arabia has long faced drone harassment by local armed forces. Because these armed forces have no money and cannot afford fighter planes, they often buy drones to bomb Saudi oil fields. As a result, Saudi oil fields are frequently attacked, and international oil prices have risen a lot; and Saudi Arabia is also very distressed. The American Patriot missiles are not very effective against these drones. After seeing my country’s laser cannon , I thought it was interesting and bought it immediately. Moreover, the single-use cost of this weapon is extremely low. It only costs $1, which is perfect for swarming drones like this.

Especially in the attack on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant a few days ago, the Ukrainian army used multiple drones to attack the place. Although the Russian anti-aircraft missiles discovered the Ukrainian army's attempt, the drones were carried out at low altitudes. attack, s - DayDayNews

However, although the cost of laser cannons is low, it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is greatly affected by weather, and the effect is very poor in rain, snow and foggy days. Saudi Arabia can use it due to climate reasons, which is rare; but Ukraine is different. Yes, Ukraine has a lot of rain, snow and fog, and the weather is not suitable for the use of this laser cannon. In comparison, the first SA2 vehicle-mounted 76mm anti-aircraft gun is more suitable. But having said all that, it still depends on whether Russia buys it or not. If it doesn’t buy it, then it won’t matter.

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