Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of "Europe's granary". Tractors are very popular in Ukraine. There are only a few large grain growers in the country. Not only are there

2024/07/0300:55:32 military 1218

Ukraine Eastern European countries are not wealthy, but the fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of "Europe's granary".

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

There are many beautiful women and grains in Ukraine

The fertile fields are thousands of miles away and cannot be grown by manpower alone. Growing grains cannot be done without the help of tractors. Tractors are very popular in Ukraine. There are only a few large grain growers in the country. Not only are there many tractors, but they are also powerful. Only with great power can the fields be plowed deeply and widely.

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukrainian tractors feel like loaders

In the Russo-Ukrainian War, the early stage of the Russian army's mechanized force assault was indeed fierce, but daily maintenance and logistical support could not keep up, and mechanized equipment broke down under high-intensity use. In order not to affect the battle situation, the Russian army directly took the personnel and discarded the equipment and moved forward, allowing the Russian logistics troops behind to recover it.

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Throw with the front foot

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Drag with the back foot

The Ukrainian army’s tractor troops came on the field, directly denying the Russian army’s logistics troops a chance. As long as any broken down vehicle of the Russian army can be towed away, we will never be polite to the Russian army. It is our duty to not tow it away! On the other hand, Ukrainian people also dragged in equipment and sold it to the Ukrainian army, which also brought in a lot of money. The people were very enthusiastic.

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

The Tor anti-aircraft missile system is not cheap, right?

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Wheeled assault vehicles

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Russian armored command vehicles

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

How many are towed?

Looking at the Russian military equipment is old and not rich, but the Ukrainian army is even worse. It can only be said that there is no poorest, only poorer poverty. The Russian military equipment brought back by the Ukrainian army can be repaired and used, but if the logo is changed, it will be the Ukrainian army's own equipment. They are all Russian-style weapon systems and there is nothing they are not used to.

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Tractor unit logo

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

It is also a regular force

The Russian army was very angry when they found out that their equipment was towed away by the Ukrainian army. As long as they found Ukrainian tractors, they must arrange artillery shells, missiles and landmines to greet them. Let’s see if the Ukrainian army dares to drag away the Russian army’s equipment in the future. .

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Exploded tractor

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

The front half of the tractor is gone!

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Only the shell was left after being burned

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

The exploded tractor

The other country that has such a deep love for tractors is India! A country that can convert tractors into assault vehicles and airplanes tractors , and has a magical brain circuit, never plays by the rules.

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Ukraine is not rich among Eastern European countries, but its fertile black soil is an excellent place to grow food. Ukraine has the reputation of

Tractor will also be the rhythm of strategic resources in the future!

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