On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War.

2024/06/2900:43:33 military 1652

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War.

The Russian Patriotic War, also known as the Soviet-German War , broke out on the Soviet-German battlefield . It was the largest battlefield in World War II, the most intense battle, and the battlefield with the most casualties.

With the joint efforts of anti-fascist people all over the world, Berlin, the capital of Germany, which was the initiator of the war, was captured by the Soviet army on May 2, 1945.

The evil German Nazi leader and organizer Adolf Hitler also committed suicide in the Führer Bunker on April 30 of the same year.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

The international environment has been relatively peaceful and stable for decades. Just when everyone has gradually forgotten the terrifying Nazi leader, "Hitler" suddenly announced his "resurrection".

In 2015, in Argentina in South America, a 128-year-old man suddenly surrendered himself as Hitler, and he also held a lot of evidence.

What kind of person was Hitler? Had he died a long time ago? This old man didn't lie? If it was true, why did he appear in Argentina?

Road to the Head of State

On the evening of April 20, 1889, Hitler was born in a small inn in Braunau, Austria. His father was a customs clerk. Generally speaking, the family conditions were pretty good.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

The most important thing for middle-class families in raising their children is a good education. Since he was a child, Hitler has been instilled by his father with the idea of ​​studying hard and finding a stable job in the future.

Although Hitler's academic performance has always been very good, his personality is not that calm and honest.

In Europe, in addition to studying hard, studying art is also the direction chosen by many people. Hitler was very enthusiastic about singing and painting. Especially when it comes to painting, he thinks he has a very good talent.

But it was also his interest in art that led to the estrangement between father and son.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

The word "hope for your child to become a dragon" is the same for parents all over the world. He did not want his child to be just a so-called artist wandering the streets singing about freedom, painting and calligraphy, but hoped that Hitler would pursue an official career when he grew up and live a down-to-earth life. This life.

After arguing with his father to no avail, Hitler chose to use passive reading as a silent resistance to his father's family power. Without the pressure of schoolwork, Hitler began to be exposed to some new things on campus-politics and history.

Hitler, who was born into a Germanic family, was very proud of his national identity, and even fell into a state of near madness.

Under the confusion of some one-sided historical cognition, Hitler's initial pride for the Germanic people turned into hatred for other ethnic groups.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

In 1909, the 20-year-old Hitler failed to receive an education from an art college as he wished after falling out with his family, and began selling paintings on the street to survive.

He can only live together with other homeless people in a single dormitory with very poor conditions every day, and he can only rely on good Samaritans or charity from rescue stations for food. Even the paintings he is most proud of have never been able to draw. Not a piece of bread was brought to him.

The impoverished Hitler looked at the unloved paintings next to him, and then looked at the Jewish businessmen in suits and ties on the street, with their heads held high, obviously passing by him with pride.

As a fanatical supporter of the Germanic people, this strong contrast aroused intense dissatisfaction in his heart, and also planted a seed for his subsequent massacre of the Jewish people .

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

In 1914, World War broke out, and Hitler, who had been dormant for a long time, finally got an opportunity to fight for Germany.

During the battle against the British and French forces on the Western Front, Hitler repeatedly performed well with his fearless spirit. He was promoted from a new recruit to a first class soldier in a short period of time, and won two medals.

After Germany's defeat in World War I, Hitler accidentally joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, which was the predecessor of the German Nazi Party.

He found that this party pursued national socialism and anti-Semitism, which coincided with Hitler's nationalist soul that had always been engraved in his bones. Naturally, the German Workers' Party became the stage for Hitler to shine.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

I have to say that during the Great Depression after Germany's defeat, Hitler's strong ability to incite did have the potential to be a leader.

He had a very keen political sense and social insight. He took advantage of the social contradictions in Germany at the time to vigorously promote the "Jewish hatred theory" and pointed the finger of Germany's economic decline at the Jews who controlled most of the country's economy at that time.

In addition, Hitler also used the Paris Peace Conference sanctions against Germany as an excuse to vigorously accuse other countries and nations of their crimes, setting off a wave of nationalism and national socialism, and covering himself with a camouflage of patriotism and love for the people. And this attracted a large number of followers.

In July 1921, the German Workers' Party officially changed its name to the National Socialist Workers' Party, or the Nazi Party for short.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

And in just three years, he transformed from an ordinary party member to the head of the Nazi Party. He also abolished the electoral system based on his personal will and formally implemented his dictatorship within the party.

In the following two years, Hitler continued to aggressively expand the party and even wanted to unite with Bavaria to capture Berlin. Unfortunately, Hitler, who still had limited military strength, was defeated in the beer hall riot and was imprisoned until 2015. He was not released until 2015. .

After being released from prison, Hitler pretended to restrain his nature and flatter those in power, but in fact, he was undercurrent and was ready to replace him at any time.

In 1928, Hitler's party further expanded into a stormtrooper regiment with hundreds of thousands of armed forces, and all of these troops were loyal to his personal will. At this time, he already had a certain foundation to seize power.

In 1929, the further downturn of the world economy once again allowed Hitler to take advantage of the east wind.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

He once again took advantage of the current difficult situation of society to point the finger of all the people's difficulties at the local government, and he also used his powerful armed force and mass base to force the government to oust him.

In the end, he got his wish and became the head of the German Empire , starting his criminal career of dictatorship.

He was ultimately defeated in World War II and buried in a bunker

After Hitler came to power, he did not conceal his ambition to launch another war of aggression and annex other countries' territories and resources.

In 1934, Hitler began a comprehensive military expansion and made wartime adjustments to the country's production. A large number of private enterprises closed down and invested in military industry production.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

Due to the excessive consumption of and in World War I, other major European countries have always maintained a disregard for Hitler's actions, and do not believe that Germany can recover from defeat so quickly.

Facts have proved that Hitler's ability was underestimated. Under his high-pressure policy, Germany's various types of armaments were improved at a speed beyond imagination. For example, the number of military aircraft, tanks, and other equipment increased in just 5 years from 1934 to 1939. It went from a few hundred to tens of thousands.

In March 1938, Germany carried out the first step of their aggressive expansion plan under Hitler's will. Austria was filled with Nazi flags overnight.

In order to avoid being involved in the war, Britain, France, and Italy ignored Germany's violations of the Paris Peace Treaty and even privately negotiated peace with Germany in Munich and signed the notorious Munich Agreement.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

The then British Prime Minister Chamberlain was still complacent after returning from Munich, claiming to have brought "decent peace back to Downing Street from Munich." Little did they know that in the next two short years, the entire European continent would be eaten away by the Nazis.

The following year, Hitler saw that the time was ripe and directly tore up the "Munich Agreement", embezzled Czechoslovakia , and succeeded in a blitzkrieg Poland in April. The entire European people were panicked and at a loss.

In order to protect itself, the Soviet Union secretly made good friends with Germany and compromised, thus delaying the great opportunity to attack with Britain and France on both sides and strangle the German army in the cradle.

Without worries, the German fascist troops entered a state of frantic fighting, burning the flames of war to every corner of the European continent with an irresistible force.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

Until France surrendered on June 22, 1940, except for a few countries such as the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, almost all of Europe fell into Hitler's hands.

Helpless, the British and French sides were separated by the insurmountable natural barrier the English Channel . After being unable to attack for a long time, Hitler directly launched an attack on the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front in order to achieve a quick victory.

Stalin , who was still addicted to the Alliance Agreement, was caught off guard by the blitzkrieg of the German army and suffered successive defeats.

On September 30, 1941, the Soviet Union and Germany the two armies each assembled more than one million troops to start a battle in Moscow. Because the German army's front was too long and the logistical support to deal with the cold winter of the Soviet Union was insufficient, it gradually became at a disadvantage in the later stages of the battle. In the end, He was defeated and retired in April 1942.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

In July 1942, the German army launched another all-out attack on Stalingrad. The two sides fought in Stalingrad for nearly seven months, with a total casualty of more than two million, and it ended with the Soviet Union's tragic victory.

The Battle of Stalingrad was also an important turning point in the European battlefield of World War II. Hitler's army switched from offense to defense and was defeated step by step. Until April 1945, Berlin, Germany, fell, and Hitler was buried in the bunker under the Chancellery along with his family members. among.

Death of the Führer

After the Soviet army broke into Hitler's bunker, it was in a mess and beyond recognition. All the corpses had been burned and could not be identified at all, so it was impossible to accurately find Hitler's remains.

After the defeat, the German Propaganda Minister also publicly declared that Hitler was indeed dead. Later, various tests and comparisons by scientists from various countries also found a lot of evidence confirming that the remains contained parts of Hitler himself.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

However, there are still many people who do not believe that this devil who harms the world is willing to end his life, thinking that he must be hiding and waiting for opportunities.

Hitler's personal driver, who was captured by the Soviet army not long after, made shocking revelations. He admitted that several bodies in the Berlin bunker were stand-ins that Hitler had prepared long ago, and that he himself had already been in Berlin when the Soviet army invaded Berlin. He had fled after getting wind of it before.

Subsequently, the Soviet military media published several messages supporting that Hitler was not dead, but was escaping secretly. Some of them involved a small plane that escaped from Berlin on April 30, the official anniversary of Hitler's death, and disappeared without a trace.

Also, before the German military port was fully taken over by the Allies, a submarine suddenly launched an emergency and also disappeared.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

Someone even directly broke the news to local European media that he passed Hitler on the street in Spain. Just when his identity was about to be confirmed, the man fled in a hurry.

One after another, news confirming Hitler's survival in the world emerged one after another, and the whole world fell into a state of panic.

In order to quell these commotions, governments of various countries, especially the Soviet Union and the United States, have established special agent organizations, aiming to collect evidence that Hitler is dead through various means and dispel these rumors as soon as possible.

Instead of making any substantial progress, the actions of various governments have intensified public panic. Many people began to speculate on Hitler's escape destination based on Germany's diplomatic history during World War II. South America was a place that many people agreed on.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

First of all, South America, as a continent that had little sense of participation in World War II, had the least hatred against fascism, although Brazil also sent an expeditionary force to Europe to defeat the Nazis.

But more evidence shows that Brazil was secretly on good terms with Germany at that time, and also provided it with a large amount of land as an agricultural base, and also received considerable economic assistance from Germany.

As early as 1936, Germany had established a branch in Brazil, and between 1946 and 1947, many German war criminals also fled to Brazil to seek asylum.

South America is poor and weak, and is in great need of economic and scientific and technological assistance brought by talents from European and American countries. Therefore, they generally hold a supportive attitude towards Germans who have fled here.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

Especially after the German Nazis fled here, after further operations by the local government departments, they directly changed their identity and received a new identity, and continued to live comfortably in the German living area.

Although the news that Hitler is still alive has been coming out intermittently, because he has not appeared in public, most people still believe the news that he has died.

Until 70 years after Germany's defeat, a 128-year-old Argentinian suddenly caused a wave of waves in the peaceful world.

He publicly claimed that he burned his body double in the bunker when Berlin was captured, escaped from Germany with a false identity, traveled around the country, and settled secretly in South America.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

He also said that he had been hiding for more than 70 years and was now on his deathbed. He was exhausted both physically and mentally and did not want to huddle in a corner of the world. After

said that, he also showed many evidences related to the German Nazis to the media to show the reliability of his remarks, and also claimed that his secret possessions held more reliable identification. When

media compared the old man's young photos with Hitler's public photos, they discovered that there were striking similarities. Just when everyone was surprised and shouted to bring him to justice, the old man's children urgently stood up to clarify.

They took out the old man's physical examination report, which proved that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 5 years ago, which is what we call Alzheimer's disease . In addition, he liked to study the history of World War II in his early years. He explained to the media that all this was just his imagination after getting sick.

On June 24, 2020, under the auspices of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 13 countries, including Russia, held a Victory Day military parade on Red Square to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Russia’s victory in the Patriotic War. - DayDayNews

Because no conclusive evidence was found, the old man was ultimately not identified as Hitler himself.

But many people still don't pay for it. They think that the local government has long accepted bribes from the German Nazis, and they are afraid that the identity of the old man will be revealed, which will make them bear huge responsibility.

In fact, in the 1960s, when Soviet scientists compared the remains of the Berlin bunker with the teeth in Hitler's early CT photos, they came to the conclusion that the two were 100% consistent. This was also the key evidence for the official to prove that Hitler was dead.

But I believe that with Hitler's level of treachery, it would not be difficult to forge these evidences. But whether Hitler was actually dead or not, it seems less important today.

What is important is that after World War II, the world began to gradually move towards peace and development, and the lives of people around the world became increasingly rich and happy. Whether Hitler was alive or not, he could no longer change this prosperous situation.

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