On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention.

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On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall .

During the medal ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention.

Since falling ill on the battlefield in 1940, he has been bedridden and no longer participated in the war. However, in this award, he was ranked as a general and ranked second, second only to the "Uncrowned Marshal" "Su Yu.

Although he had not made any achievements in more than ten years, he overcame all the generals to become a general. Although he had been ill for many years, he was subsequently elected as a member of the Central Committee for two consecutive terms. Even when the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held, even Chairman Mao asked him many times if he was here, and Premier Zhou had to arrange a special seat for him.

The general’s name is Xu Haidong.

Chairman Mao evaluated him as "a man who made great contributions to the Chinese revolution" and "a banner of the working class."

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

A Late Invitation

In March 1969, the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was about to be held. Representatives of major major organizations came to Beijing one after another. Beijing city was more lively than ever.

But in Courtyard No. 7, Yongkang Hutong, Beijing, Xu Haidong felt melancholy because he had not received a notice to attend the meeting.

As an old revolutionary comrade, he felt that he was not worthy of the party emblem because he was unable to offer suggestions for the party.

While Xu Haidong was depressed, In a conference hall on the north side of the Great Hall of the People, Premier Zhou held an emergency meeting late at night.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Premier Zhou took the "Instructions on the Report on Xu Haidong's Participation in the Presidium of the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China" written by Chairman Mao and announced an important news to the participants - Xu Haidong will attend the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and join the presidium of the conference.

Looking at the puzzled looks of some participants, Premier Zhou solemnly said: "Chairman Mao has long said that Xu Haidong was a man who made great contributions to the Chinese revolution. I think it is inappropriate not to allow Comrade Xu Haidong to participate in the Ninth Congress

At this point, Xu Haidong was qualified to attend the Ninth National Congress, although it was only a dozen hours before the opening of the Ninth National Congress.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

For the uninformed Xu Donghai, this night was torturous.

Since he was elected as a member of the Central Committee from the Eighth National Congress, Chairman Mao would ask Comrade Haidong if he was here at every meeting.

But for such an important meeting of the Ninth National Congress, he didn't even receive notice of attendance.

After waiting all night, Xu Haidong finally received the good news at noon on April 1.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Two people from the Central Office came to Xu Haidong's bed and conveyed the meeting decision to him.

But looking at Xu Haidong who was still receiving oxygen, the person in charge asked with concern: "Can you attend today? If you can't go, you can ask for leave from the central government."

After learning that he could attend the meeting, Xu Haidong was overjoyed and said quickly: "The chairman mentioned my name. Even if my health is not good, I will crawl even if I crawl!"

Although he was extremely happy, Xu Haidong had been ill for many years and his body was really weak. He wanted to rush to the venue immediately, but he needed help from others. Just fine.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

When Xu Haidong rushed to the venue, Chairman Mao, who was already present, was also eagerly looking forward to Xu Haidong's arrival.

Because the meeting was decided too hastily, and the chairman knew that Xu Haidong was unwell, Chairman Mao was not sure whether Xu Haidong could arrive at the scene. The anxiously waiting chairman even looked for Xu Haidong in the crowd.

After discovering that he had not arrived yet, Chairman Mao came to Premier Zhou and asked why Comrade Xu Haidong hadn't come yet.

Premier Zhou replied: " A car has been sent to pick him up."

Premier Zhou's words did not reassure the chairman. After waiting for a while, he continued to ask others if Xu Haidong was here.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Xu Haidong was not found. Chairman Mao even gave a special speech to some participants.

"If the 25th Red Army led by Comrade Xu Haidong had not arrived in northern Shaanxi first and consolidated and developed the base area in northern Shaanxi, there would be no foothold for our Central Red Army ."

Finally, under the escort of a special car, carrying oxygen on his back Bag, Xu Haidong, who was sitting in a wheelchair and dragging his sick body, rushed to the venue.

With the help of the staff, Xu Haidong entered the venue.After

discovered that Xu Haidong had arrived, Premier Zhou specially changed his seat for him and arranged him to the aisle next to the rostrum to make it easier for Xu Haidong to move.

Premier Zhou also intimately explained to the staff on the side: " The trolley must be placed next to Comrade Haidong."

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

After learning that Xu Donghai had arrived, Chairman Mao also performed the music of " The East is Red " He walked towards the rostrum and waved to General Xu Haidong.

The Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held.

At this meeting, Xu Haidong continued to serve as a member of the Central Committee under Chairman Mao's personal nomination. Among the nearly 300 members and alternate members, only one-fifth has been awarded the honor of being re-elected.

Xu Haidong has been out of work for many years due to illness, but he is still so valued by the chairman. The reason is also very simple.

Because he is "a person who made great contributions to the Chinese revolution."

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

People who made great contributions to the Chinese revolution

What Chairman said before that without Xu Haidong, there would be no foothold for the Central Red Army is by no means empty talk.

In the fight against encirclement and suppression, the 25th Red Army led by Xu Haidong played the greatest role and was known as the "Legend of the Lonely Army's Long March."

During the Second Revolutionary War, the three major front armies completed the great cause of the Long March, the Red Army created a miracle as a lone army.

After losing contact with the central government, Xu Haidong led the 25th Red Army to attack more than 5,000 kilometers and fight in 5 provinces in October. Not only did he establish base areas in more than ten counties in the Henan-Shaanxi and Hubei-Shaanxi border areas, but he also became the only force to develop A strong team.

This team, which had only more than 2,900 people when it set out, including many children's regiments, had more than 3,700 people after completing the Long March, and left an armed force of more than 2,000 people in southern Shaanxi .

This unit was the smallest in the Long March, but later produced 97 founding generals.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, if a soldier is raging, a general will be raging in a nest. The leading general must be the key figure that affects the spirit of the army.

The miracle created by the Red 25th Army is inseparable from Xu Haidong.

On November 16, 1934, after receiving the order to create a new Soviet area, Xu Haidong led the troops from Luoshan County, Henan Province.

In order to express his position, Xu Haidong actually took the initiative to give up the post of commander to Comrade Cheng Zihua sent by the central government, and changed his position to deputy commander.

Faced with the incomprehension of some comrades, he responded: "As long as I can contribute to the revolution, I can do anything."

This was not the first time he demoted himself. When he was still the regiment leader, he After returning from injury, he took the initiative to be demoted to deputy regimental commander. Xu Haidong didn't care what his position was, he only cared about how to fight the battle well.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Under the command of Xu Haidong, the 25th Red Army crossed Pinghan, entered Tongbai , and went north to Funiu Mountain . Under the siege of 100,000 enemy troops, the team of less than 3,000 people successfully broke through the blockade and advanced into Shaanxi. South Yujia River.

Although Xu Haidong created a military miracle, he still walked around the gate of hell in Yujiahe.

During the fierce battle, Xu Haidong, who had always taken the lead, was shot in the head by a bullet. He was fatally injured and immediately fell unconscious.

was dragged back to the position with the desperate rescue of the soldiers.

After 4 days and 4 nights of treatment, Xu Haidong fortunately woke up, but his first words were "What time is it now? Is it time for the troops to set off?"

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

After establishing a foothold in southern Shaanxi, Xu Haidong established the Hubei-Henan-Shaanxi Soviet Area .

In January 1935, the 25th Red Army was once again encircled and suppressed. Chiang Kai-shek even promised to completely eliminate the 25th Red Army within three months.

Dragging his injured body, Xu Haidong continued to command the troops to fight.

Relying on the strategic policy of "luring the enemy deep, first getting tired and then attacking", the Red 25th Army used its weak force to continuously break through the encirclement and suppress the troops, sometimes moving eastward and sometimes westward, slipping away the Kuomintang troops like dogs, even setting a record of 4 days. A military miracle of marching 560 miles.

Relying on his extraordinary military ability, Xu Haidong not only slapped Chiang Kai-shek in the face with facts, but also took advantage of the situation to strengthen the Red Army .

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

In July of that year, after learning about the reunification of other Red Army forces, Xu Haidong immediately decided to send his troops to march west to Gansu to join the central government.

Night attack Tianshui , force the Weishui , intimidate Jingning , capture Longde ...

Xu Haidong came to the Sealand Highway with dazzling results again and again.

Faced with the enemy forces that were once again encircled, Xu Haidong led his troops across Jingshui , passed Shaoshan, and entered Yanchuan County in September, becoming the first unit to arrive in northern Shaanxi.

Although Xu Haidong's Western Expedition did not reach the Central Red Army, it attracted a large number of Kuomintang troops and provided great help to the Red Army's northward strategy.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

After arriving in northern Shaanxi, Xu Haidong relied on victory after victory to completely defeat the Kuomintang's third encirclement and suppression campaign in the Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet Area, laying the foundation for the Party Central Committee to place the revolutionary base camp in the northwest.

It can be said that it was precisely because Xu Haidong opened up and stabilized the northern Shaanxi base area that the Central Red Army had the spark to set off a prairie fire.

This is why Chairman Mao attaches great importance to Xu Haidong and calls him "a man who made great contributions to the Chinese revolution."

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

The Flag of the Working Class

General Xu Haidong is undoubtedly a soldier who has made outstanding contributions to the revolution. However, if he relies solely on military exploits, Xu Haidong does not deserve the respect of Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou.

If military merit is Xu Haidong's flag symbolizing glory, then party spirit is the backbone of Xu Haidong's standing in the world.

The praise of “a flag of the working class” cannot be fulfilled by anyone.

Xu Haidong, who was born in Kuyao, worked in the kiln factory for more than ten years.

Having tasted the sufferings of the world, not only was he not stained by society, but he had a lofty ideal to save the world from fire and water.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

In the spring of 1925, 25-year-old Xu Haidong joined the Communist Party. A year later, he participated in the vigorous Northern Expedition. He once led a platoon to defeat four enemy artillery batteries.

Xu Haidong, who was famous for his pioneering work, was called "Tiger Xu". On the eve of the failure of the Great Revolution, he was ordered to return to his hometown to form the Peasant Self-Defense Force and began to fight against the local reactionary armed forces.

During the brutal struggle, 66 members of Xu Haidong's family were killed, and his troops were dispersed many times. However, Xu Haidong still maintained his revolutionary ideals and never gave up the path of struggle.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

In 1931, the troops led by Xu Haidong were incorporated into the 4th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. After

entered and of the Fourth Red Army, the name of "Tiger Xu" became even louder.

Even General Chen Geng, who was the commander of the Fourth Red Army, said in public: "One of the most glorious things in my life is to be Xu Haidong's leader for a few days. He is the famous Xu Huhu. I took him as my leader, but he didn't bite me." But he helped me fight many tough battles."

By fighting to the death, Xu Haidong, the tiger, established the northern Shaanxi base for the central government.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Tiger also has a tender side. Xu Haidong, who is famous abroad, has a completely different look when it comes to treating revolutionary comrades.

When the Central Red Army first arrived in northern Shaanxi, Chairman Mao sent someone to borrow 2,500 yuan from Xu Haidong due to financial difficulties. Dayang .

After learning that the brothers in the Central Red Army had no warm clothes, Xu Haidong directly gave 5,000 yuan to the Central Red Army with a stroke of his pen, leaving only 2,000 yuan to maintain military expenses.

"We must tighten our belts and help the Central Red Army solve difficulties." Comrade Xin Haidong's party spirit is to help him when he is in trouble.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

In addition to money, Xu Haidong did not have any personal considerations when it came to equipment, ammunition and personnel replenishment, and spent almost all his property to support his comrades.

not only sent many soldiers to the Central Red Army, but also asked each company to take out three machine guns , a number of guns and clothing, etc. to be given to the Red 1st Army. It also put forward three requirements: "No guns with missing parts will be sent, no guns with missing parts will be sent." Send spoiled medicines, but not dirty clothes.”

With Xu Haidong’s strong support, the Red Army troops regained new vitality after the reunification.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

His outstanding military exploits and selflessness are undoubtedly the portrayal of General Xu Haidong.

However, due to multiple serious injuries and overwork, General Xu Haidong unfortunately fell ill on the anti-Japanese front line in eastern Anhui in 1940, and had to retreat to the rear to recuperate.

After the Wannan Incident, although he was seriously ill, Xu Haidong still wanted to help the country when the country was in crisis.

Such an anxious attitude even led to the further deterioration of his condition.

After learning about the incident, Chairman Mao immediately sent a telegram to Xu Haidong, warning him to "recuperate quietly and not care if the sky falls."

Seeing the chairman's guarantee, Xu Haidong, a man known as a tiger, was also moved to tears.

After that, he wrote these 8 words on the calendar card with a brush. Whenever he was anxious, he would read these words to calm his mind.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Although General Xu Haidong has always wanted to continue to relieve the country's worries, his physical condition does not allow him to go to the battlefield again.

Xu Haidong, who had fought countless battles for half his life, was injured 9 times and had 17 scars on his body. Even his head was deflowered by bullets, but he was never proud of it. He only felt that he should add more scars to serve the party. Do your best.

After learning that he was awarded the title of General in 1955, he even felt deeply uneasy. When he saw Premier Zhou who came to visit, he talked about his guilt.

"Prime Minister, I have been recovering from illness for a long time. I have done too little for the party. The rank of general was given to me is too high. I deserve it!"

Seeing such a guilty "Xu Huhu", Premier Zhou said firmly: " Comrade Haidong, the decision to award you as a general is based on your contribution to the revolution. I would say, neither high nor low, appropriate!"

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Although Xu Haidong can no longer go to the battlefield due to illness, Xu Haidong still keeps the party in his heart. Make some contribution to the party.

After his illness got better, he proposed to go to Hubei for investigation and take the lead in writing a history of the 25th Red Army.

He said clearly: "You must write about the Party, Chairman Mao, the people, and the collective. Don't highlight me or the individual. Without the party, there is no revolutionary cause. I am just a poor kiln worker."

While recovering from illness. , whenever an old comrade or subordinate went to see Xu Haidong, he would ask three questions: Did he make a political mistake? Is there financial corruption? Have you divorced your wife?

In Xu Haidong's view, no matter what his health is, he wants to make some contributions to the party and check for his comrades.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

On March 25, 1970, General Xu Haidong passed away due to illness at the age of 70.

In 2020, Hubei Daily published "Outstanding Contributions and Original Aspirations - Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Comrade Xu Haidong" to commemorate the glorious life of General Xu Haidong.

In memories, Xu Haidong's touching deeds in the past reappear in people's eyes.

Because of the revolution, Xu Haidong was forced to leave his hometown, and his eldest daughter unfortunately became a child bride. She was displaced all the way. Xu Haidong always felt ashamed of his daughter.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

After the founding of New China, the husband of the eldest daughter found Xu Haidong, hoping to get a job from his father-in-law.

General Xu Haidong refused his son-in-law's request after being silent for a long time.

He said: "We have just been liberated and the government's burden is still very heavy. How can I be special?"

Xu Haidong, who has experienced the ups and downs of human relationships, certainly knows that this is an opportunity to compensate his daughter, but he does not want to use public power to do so. Make up for your regrets.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Xu Haidong, who is so "stingy" to his family, is extremely generous to the common people.

In order to help the villagers get rid of poverty, he raised hundreds of thousands of tea trees to plant in his hometown. Later, the highway from his hometown to Wuhan was connected to Wuhan, helping the villagers build factories to make a living.

In Xu Haidong's self-report, he evaluated himself this way:

"The party trained me, an uneducated handicraft worker who had suffered the pain of the old society and knew nothing about everything, into a senior general. What makes me uneasy is serving the party and the people. I have done too little work. In the future, although I can no longer work for the party, I will be an excellent Communist Party member who is always loyal to the party, the people, and the cause of communism.”

General Xu Haidong is the best reference for what kind of image a Communist Party member is like.

On September 27, 1955, the medal ceremony of our army was held in Beijing. 10 marshals, 10 generals and 1,032 generals were awarded medals at Huairen Hall. During the investiture ceremony, a general who had been out of the military for many years attracted everyone's attention. - DayDayNews

Source of information:

Chinese Communist Party News "Tiger General Xu Haidong"

China Net "Xu Haidong: A man who made great contributions to the Chinese revolution"

People's Daily Online "The Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China How did Zhou Enlai painstakingly arrange the seats on the rostrum? 》

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