I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly: "I sent you some photos and you will receive them soon. I will be able to participate in the 60th anniversary of the National Day in my lifetime." I really di

2024/07/0102:57:33 military 1624

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

This year marks the 95th anniversary of the founding of the great Chinese People's Liberation Army. As the "August 1st" Army Day approaches, I open the photo album and miss every veteran, elder, and comrade-in-arms with whom I have studied and worked during my 20-year military career.

When I opened the photo album page by page, a particularly precious set of photos caught my eye: It was on October 1, 2009, when Zheng Yuchen, the 80-year-old old chief of the railway corps whom I respected, was riding on the "Bloody Struggle" Photo of the float participating in the 60th anniversary of the National Day military parade. I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly: "I sent you some photos and you will receive them soon. I will be able to participate in the 60th anniversary of the National Day in my lifetime." I really didn’t expect the military parade. I am extremely grateful to the organization for giving me such a high honor. There are 18 veterans who participated in the revolution before the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I am one of them!” I am so excited! The old chief worked very seriously and meticulously, and even wrote a caption behind the photo.

The left one on the float is Senior Chief Zheng Yuchen

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

According to news media reports, the phalanx of the same name where the "Bloody Struggle" float is located is the third formation in the National Day mass parade, following the national flag and national emblem honor guard phalanx. The Phalanx is a condensed and magnificent revolutionary history of the Chinese people's resistance to internal and external enemies and their struggle for national independence and people's freedom and happiness. The float also highlights the theme of "bloody struggle" through reliefs of the People's Heroes Monument, red flags and other shapes. It is also the longest float in history, with a total length of about 36 meters. The eighteen veteran soldiers riding the "Bloody Struggle" float came from the army, navy, air force and armed police force. The oldest was 85 years old and the youngest was 73 years old. The veteran soldiers had no military medals on their chests. The words told of their great military exploits for the Republic and expressed the people's respect for the revolutionary ancestors.

I met Mr. Zheng Yuchen in August 1979. That year, I was transferred from the grass-roots construction company of the Railway Corps to work in the Political Department of the Railway Corps Scientific Research Institute. I was responsible for preparing for the establishment of a family factory and served as the instructor of the family factory. At this time, Zheng Yuchen served as deputy director of the Political Department of the Research Institute, and was later promoted to director. He was my direct supervisor. He came to talk to me and said straight to the point: "With three women and one drama, it is not easy to do a good job in family work. You have to be mentally prepared, think more about the difficulties and work more carefully." I replied: "Please ask the chief Don't worry, I will try my best to do my job well."

After nearly two months of intense preparations, a group of military wives realized their wish of "we also have two hands and don't just have to eat at home" and achieved remarkable results. At that time, I was awarded the third-class merit certificate, and later was rated as "Advanced Individual in Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization" for two consecutive years, and won a commemorative medal issued by the General Political Department of the University. During this period, the old leader cared about and guided my work many times, which I will remember in my heart. The

Scientific Research Institute was a unit with a relatively concentrated concentration of senior technical personnel in the railway corps at that time. Director Zheng cared very much about scientific and technological workers and often talked to them to understand the situation and help solve practical difficulties. Technical cadres praised him: "Amiable and approachable."

In 1983, after the Railway Corps was merged into the Ministry of Railways, Director Zheng retired and settled in the Daxing Cadre Rest Center of the General Political Bureau, and served as the director of the Management Committee of the Veteran Cadres Rest Center. I was also at this time Transferred to work in a rest house. Together with all the retired cadres of the institute, he cooperates and supports the work of the cadres' rest station, organizes veteran cadres to carry out various activities, and lives and learns until he is old, and always maintains his revolutionary nature.The cadre rest center has been rated as the "Advanced Cadre Rest Center in the whole army" for many times, the party committee of the cadre rest center has been rated as the "advanced party committee in the whole army", and the retired cadre branch of the cadre rest center has been rated as the "National Advanced Party Branch for Retired Cadres" ; He himself has been repeatedly rated as "Excellent Communist Party Member" and "Advanced Retired Cadre" by the Party Committee directly under the General Political Department; he has been awarded the honorary title of "National Advanced Individual Retired Cadre" by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China!

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

The old chief lived a colorful life in his later years, and actively participated in fitness activities such as fishing and playing goalball

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

In 1988 Before I transferred to the army and left the army in October, the old leader invited me to his house for dinner on behalf of all the veteran cadres. He knew that I like to eat fish, so he went to a nearby reservoir to fish and cook braised fish to entertain me. He doesn't usually drink, so he specially drank three glasses of wine with me that day. He sincerely hoped that when I got there, I would carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the railway soldiers who endure hardships and stand hard work. , study hard, familiarize yourself with the situation as soon as possible, and complete new tasks well.

Chief Zheng Yuchen was born in Da'an, Jilin in July 1929. In October 1945, he joined the Northeast Anti-Japanese Democratic Alliance Army's road protection team, which was later reorganized into the Fourth Field Railway Corps and the People's Liberation Army Railway Corps. After returning to China, he participated in the construction of Yingxia Line, Chengdu-Kunming Line, Xiangyu Line, and Shatong Line, and devoted his life to the railway construction of the motherland. When he participated in the construction of the Yingxia Line in 1955, the project construction headquarters was located in Nanping, Fujian. His eldest son was born in the 92nd Hospital of the People's Liberation Army in Nanping, so his name was " Nanping ".

I have been in the army for 20 years, and I have been with Director Zheng for nearly half of that time. He is a respected old leader who I respect. After I changed my job to work at Xiamen , he and his wife visited our family in Xiamen twice, in January 1999 and October 2010. Unexpectedly, he left us in October 2011 despite being in good health in my mind. I was out in Guizhou at that time and could not go to Beijing to say goodbye, which left me with a lifelong regret!

On the occasion of this year's "August 1st" Army Day, I opened these precious old photos sent by the old leader more than 10 years ago, and I was filled with thoughts and missed my old leader even more! The old chief’s voice and smile will always remain in my heart!

1999-1-8 My husband and I accompanied the old chief and his wife to visit Gulangyu

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

1999-1-9 The old chief and I took pictures at the Bailuzhou "Return" Square

I remember clearly: On the morning of October 5th of that year, the old leader called me from Beijing and said excitedly:

Source: Railway Corps website

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