On July 14, Russian media published an article titled "Baku Oil, Ossetian Transportation, Too Serious." Russian media believe: "South Ossetia is unlikely to return to Georgia. On May 30, South Ossetia President Alan Gagloev suspended the decree recently issued by his predecessor

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Russian media published an article titled "Baku Oil, Ossetia Transportation, Too Serious" on July 14. Russian media believes: " South Ossetia is unlikely to return to Georgia . On May 30, South Ossetia President Alan Gagloev suspended his predecessor Anatoly Bibilov recently The decree promulgated on July 17 plans to announce a referendum on unification with Russia. The reasons for this decision were explained as the need for consultation with the Russian side.” Russian media said: “It can be seen that Russia, South Ossetia’s strategic partner, is dealing with geopolitical issues.”

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

Russian reports

Russian media said: "The referendum decision in South Ossetia was made without taking into account the opinions of the Russian side." Russia expert Sergey Markdonov recommends paying attention to the behavior of Georgia, which in the current conflict does not break with Russia and at the same time does not express support for Ukraine .

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

This oil pipeline involves the interests of many parties.

Russian media believes: "On the issue of Caucasus oil pipeline, Russia's position seems to have obvious traces of oil." The fact is that the "unification of South Ossetia with Russia" will mark Russia's final control of the 840-kilometer-long Baku-Akstafa-Tbilisi-Gori-Samtrediya- About two kilometers of the oil pipeline in the port of Supsa ( Azerbaijan -Georgia).

South Ossetia "wedges" this artery in response to the provocation of the Georgian army. In Tskhinvali . This Caucasus oil pipeline transportation is still part of South Ossetia. Obviously, under the current geopolitical situation, whether it is the integration of South Ossetia into the Russian Federation or the expansion of Russian territory to the oil pipeline section, Russia will be in a difficult situation. It will definitely lead to comprehensive intervention by the United States and NATO .

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

Georgian Army

This Caucasus oil pipeline not only affects Georgia, but also particularly affects Azerbaijani oil exports to Western countries: Azerbaijani oil enters Western countries through this pipeline. In order to control this Caucasus oil pipeline, on April 7 this year, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced that NATO would expand military and technical support to Georgia. Soon, on April 27, the U.S. State Department announced plans to send an additional $35 million worth of weapons to Georgia in the near future.

At the end of November 2021, a tanker carrying 650,000 barrels of oil from the offshore oil and gas block in the Caspian Sea was exported from the Georgian port. The oil came from Azerbaijan and was ready to be delivered to Italy. Currently, the Caucasus Baku-Supsa oil pipeline has transported more than 700 million barrels of oil. At least 100,000 barrels of oil are still being pumped through the pipeline every day, according to BP .

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

Georgian port transshipment, shipped to Europe

Russia said: "If the oil pipeline actually passes through South Ossetia, then the cost of oil transportation must also be discussed." "Therefore, the oil pipeline factor will definitely affect the possible reunification of South Ossetia with Russia." It is precisely because of Russia's complicated relations with Georgia and South Ossetia that Russia rejected the so-called "unification" and maintained the status quo in the Caucasus.

Russia did this because Georgia has not participated in supporting Ukraine at this stage, and has not engaged in "anti-Russian" sanctions with Western teams. And a fierce war of words broke out between Ukraine and Georgia. In May, Georgia summoned Ukrainian diplomats to protest Ukrainian intelligence claims that Russia was using Georgia for smuggling. Ukraine is now offending people everywhere and even "opening fire" on Georgia.

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

The "Five-Day War" put too much pressure on Georgians

After Ukrainian intelligence agencies claimed that Russian goods were imported and exported through Georgia and circumvented sanctions, the Georgian side directly summoned Ukraine's charge d'affaires in Georgia and asked what Ukraine meant? Georgia knows very well that in 2008, during the "Five-Day War", also known as the "Olympic War", Ukraine did not help Georgia at that time, and Georgia was afraid of being beaten by Russia. The Caucasus oil pipeline was "firmly locked in Russia" Under "surveillance", the "lifeline" is controlled by Russia, so Georgia is unwilling to offend Russia.

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

The former defense minister of Georgia ran to support Ukraine.

Georgia was unwilling to cooperate in dealing with Russia, so Ukraine went to the United States to complain, accusing Georgia of helping Russia "evade sanctions." The war between Georgia and Russia began in 2008 over the control of South Ossetia. After the war, South Ossetia became essentially autonomous, although not recognized by most countries, and Georgia severed diplomatic relations with Russia. When the former Minister of Defense of Georgia met with the Georgian mercenary Okrushvili, the Georgian mercenary said: "He wants to kill the treasonous South Ossetians more than killing the Russians."

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

At the headquarters of the "Caucasus Legion" in Ukraine

earlier, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed the headquarters of the "Caucasus Legion", and the Russian armed helicopter destroyed the headquarters of the "Caucasus Legion" mercenaries loyal to the Ukrainian army. The "Caucasus Legion" mercenaries include fighters from the Caucasus region , mainly Georgian citizens. On May 27, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported: "The Russian army eliminated a group of Georgian mercenaries fighting for Ukraine." These men were allegedly involved in the torture and murder of Russian prisoners of war. The "Georgian National Legion" mercenary organization includes nearly 1,000 people from more than 30 countries. It can be seen that among the people, the contradiction between Georgia and South Ossetia is still very large.

As a supporter of Russia's South Ossetia, currently, South Ossetian volunteers serve as volunteer forces and have joined the Russian coalition forces in the Ukrainian war, and have received reinforcements from T-62M tanks. Georgia's current "give in" also reflects the fate of and Lithuania's : On July 14, although they were still "swearing", Lithuania finally gave in. EU demanded that Lithuania must allow Russian goods to be delivered by rail to Kaliningrad Finally, the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "Lithuania will allow sanctioned Russian goods to transit on their way to Kaliningrad."

On July 14, Russian media published an article titled

Lithuania finally

Lithuania really "shot itself in the foot" this time. For such a small country, Lithuania dared to provoke Russia without the clear support of the EU and NATO. This is obviously "seeking death." The Lithuanian Trucking Association publicly stated that due to Lithuania's sanctions against Russia, the land access to Kaliningrad was cut off, and more than 200 related Lithuanian transportation companies are facing bankruptcy crisis. Obviously, Georgia has seen how hard Lithuania has been hit, and even when the Russian army is "taking action" at any time, Georgia does not want its fragile economy to have problems, so it still "bosses" honestly and earns oil pipeline transit fees. How "scenty".

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