The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the "lifeline" of political work to the

2024/06/2805:01:32 military 1632

The sun was blazing in the mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kelguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the "lifeline" of political work to the front line of the competition, carefully organizing , follow up throughout the process, give full play to the role of political work service guarantee, clarify the "direction mark" for field training and "Flame Blue" competition work, ignite the "endurance", install the "pressure reducing valve", and insist on where the team goes, political Wherever the work is carried out, the enthusiasm of personnel to participate in the training will be fully stimulated.

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

Prepare for a rainy day: clarify the "direction mark" of resident training political work

Field training is a favorable opportunity to improve the team's actual combat capabilities and combat effectiveness. It is also a platform to test the role of political work service guarantee and reflect specific quality and effectiveness. The detachment has held meetings to conduct research, discussion and specific arrangements on how to do political work during the field training and "Flame Blue" competition, and produced the "Field Training and "Flame Blue" Competition Order Book". The central) team clarifies the specific work, clearly defines the division of tasks, and assigns specific responsibilities to each person to ensure that the requirements of "completeness, detail, and precision" are met. In accordance with the principle of "focusing on the center and ensuring the center" and based on extensive solicitation of opinions and suggestions, we highlight the characteristics of the wild environment, take strengthening determination, raising spirits, and inspiring morale as the main purpose of carrying out activities, carefully revise, improve, and update political work plans in real time, We should truly regard resident training as an important way to sharpen our blood and temper our will and an effective platform to test the "vitality" of political work, and constantly temper and test the service guarantee effectiveness of "eight to the front line".

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

Strong atmosphere: igniting the "continuity" of political work in training

After the detachment entered the competition site, based on the topography of the camping area, slogans and banners to inspire fighting spirit were hung in prominent positions, and organized in small time intervals such as between competitions and before and after meals. The personnel carried out activities such as reviewing the oath of joining the party , telling red stories, singing the "Four Sentence Policy" song group, launching small battlefield radio broadcasts, and organizing battlefield movie viewings to enrich the spare time life of the trainees, so that slogans that inspire fighting spirit can be seen everywhere , the morale-boosting melody lingered continuously, shrouding the entire training camp area in a strong fighting atmosphere. In light of the nervousness and training aversion of individual personnel, random education is carried out according to local conditions and every opportunity is used. Cadres and ideological and psychological backbones are provided with psychological counseling in a timely manner, closely following the actual tasks, making full use of heart-to-heart talks, walking into the tent, opening the door of their hearts, and providing psychological counseling for the trainees. Guidance, through group psychological games, individual heart-to-heart talks and other methods, is used to release and alleviate the problem, constantly gathering will power, and effectively generating combat effectiveness.

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

Integration and penetration: Installing a "pressure reducing valve" for political work in training

This detachment truly places political work in an environment close to actual combat for thinking and training, so that the political work will reach the stage when the training competition enters; Wherever people enter, political work will begin. In accordance with the principle of "squeezing time, concentrating on content, and adapting to form", convenient, flexible, diverse, timely and effective ideological agitation is penetrated into every stage and link of the task. In accordance with the requirements of "short, small, practical and fast", the entire training process runs through "small mobilization, small publicity, small comments, small incentives" and other contents, do a good job in publicity and agitation, publicize the good people and good deeds during the training competition, learn from the veterans Listen to the heroic feats of a generation of revolutionary martyrs spilling blood on the battlefield, and listen to the typical deeds of "The Good Look Around Us", so that all personnel can appreciate the connotation of the training competition, realize the value of hard work in the struggle, and constantly encourage the trainees to show their full enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm, high morale, and strong fighting spirit were invested in the competition, which effectively brought into play the overall role of political work, making political work during the training period the "glue" that unites the personnel's ideological understanding and the "catalyst" that strengthens execution capabilities. , the "lubricant" that relieves physical and mental stress.

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

By solidly grasping the "eight to the front line" of political work, the detachment has effectively integrated political work into the entire process of training, realized randomization of ideological work, timely educational incentives, and made political work a light source in field training and competitions. , shining brightly.

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

The sun was blazing in the mountains of southern Xinjiang in July. At the outdoor training ground in Kerguti Township, Hejing County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, the Bazhou Forest Fire Fighting Detachment extended the

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