Hello fellow comrades, if you get the veteran's preferential treatment certificate, what do you want to do the most? If you don't get it now, you can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out.

2024/07/0221:35:32 military 1288

Hello fellow comrades, if you get the veteran's preferential treatment certificate, what do you want to do the most? If you don't get it now, you can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out. - DayDayNews

Hello comrades, if you get the retired military preferential treatment certificate , what do you want to do the most? If you haven't gotten it now, everyone can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out.

First, the vast majority of them have applied for preferential treatment certificates.

Judging from the current situation of applications for veterans’ preferential treatment certificates in various places, it should be basically launched. Shandong and Shanghai will start later in June and July respectively. Most of our comrades received the notice and applied for preferential treatment certificates in time.

Hello fellow comrades, if you get the veteran's preferential treatment certificate, what do you want to do the most? If you don't get it now, you can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out. - DayDayNews Second, there are still only a few people who have obtained the certificate.

The procedure for applying for the preferential treatment certificate for veterans is relatively complicated, especially in the end, the preferential treatment certificate needs to be produced through a bank, so it takes three or four times from the time when a comrade in arms applies for the preferential treatment certificate to getting the preferential treatment certificate. months time.

At present, due to the relatively long application time, there are still only a few comrades who have received preferential treatment certificates. The earlier comrades received preferential treatment certificates in early March this year, mainly in Shanxi and a small number of comrades in Jilin. Later, comrades in various places also received preferential treatment certificates one after another.

Various places are also working hard to apply for and issue the preferential treatment certificates. They have organized and organized collective issuance and launching ceremonies for veterans’ preferential treatment certificates in a timely manner, which reflects the great importance attached to the work of preferential treatment certificates.

Hello fellow comrades, if you get the veteran's preferential treatment certificate, what do you want to do the most? If you don't get it now, you can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out. - DayDayNews Third, expectations do not need to be too high.

So comrades should not have too high expectations about how much preferential treatment they can enjoy after receiving the preferential treatment certificate for retired military personnel. After all, I just got the preferential treatment certificate this year. It’s hard to say how much preferential treatment you can enjoy during the specific use.

What benefits can you enjoy with the preferential treatment card? In fact, we need support from the Department of Veterans Affairs and how many projects each province and each enterprise can provide.

At present, these preferential treatment projects are only coming out one after another. Although each province has its own detailed list of preferential treatment projects for veterans’ preferential treatment certificates, it feels that there are relatively many false things, and some practical things need to be strengthened.

Hello fellow comrades, if you get the veteran's preferential treatment certificate, what do you want to do the most? If you don't get it now, you can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out. - DayDayNews Fourth, there should be more preferential treatment projects in the next few years.

But we should also see that currently, all aspects still attach great importance to the work of preferential treatment certificates for retired military personnel, and there will be more preferential treatment projects provided to retired military personnel .

Looking at this year alone, the Department of Veterans Affairs has actually signed a number of military cooperation agreements to support preferential treatment projects for retired military personnel. Some large companies have also joined in to provide preferential treatment project support for retired military personnel.

Therefore, we have reason to believe that there will be more preferential treatment programs for retired military personnel in the future and they will be more practical. We hope that comrades will continue to pay attention to this matter and can also discuss it in the comment area.

Hello fellow comrades, if you get the veteran's preferential treatment certificate, what do you want to do the most? If you don't get it now, you can only think about it. It's better to wait until you get the preferential treatment certificate and use it to find out. - DayDayNews Note: The pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us and delete them.

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