The same is true for "Windtalkers", which is based on a true story on the Pacific battlefield of World War II. In order to prevent U.S. intelligence from being deciphered by the Japanese army, the U.S. military recruited a group of Native Americans to use their language as intell

2024/07/0213:13:33 military 1369

During the confrontation between the two armies, in addition to the fierce fighting on the battlefield, the exchange of intelligence in the dark is also very important. "Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: "Know yourself and the enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger." This is the truth. Since we are talking about intelligence exchange, the personnel who deliver and protect the intelligence are very important.

The same is true for

During World War II , the German submarine U110 failed to destroy the Enigma (a cipher machine used by the Germans to translate their own intelligence) before being captured by the Allies, resulting in radio communications between German submarines. It was cracked by the Allies without any hindrance.

The same is true for "Wind Whisperers", which is based on a true story on the Pacific battlefield of World War II. In order to prevent U.S. intelligence from being deciphered by the Japanese army, the U.S. military recruited a group of Native Americans and used their language as intelligence language. Only native Americans Only people can understand it. Neither Japanese nor Americans can decipher this language. In order to ensure that the intelligence can be transmitted safely, each native has a marine to protect him. If these natives were captured by the Japanese army, they would immediately kill the people they protected to prevent the leakage of intelligence.

The same is true for

Similar combat tactics were used during the operations of the People's Liberation Army. In the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam , many Vietnamese spies infiltrated into our country. They basically look the same as ordinary Chinese people, and they all speak Chinese.

Most of them entered our country together with ordinary Vietnamese farmers from the China-Vietnam Railway and the China-Vietnam Free Trade Zone. However, they are not ordinary. Many of them are spies who have been educated by the Soviet KGB system. And since most Vietnamese officers have received systematic training in our country, they know the intelligence language of our army very well.

The same is true for

How far had the enemy penetrated our country at that time? Even the enemy knew the itinerary of General Xu Shiyou, who was about to command a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. This shows that our army is very passive in its early combat deployment operations.

While the whole army was worrying about the transmission of intelligence, a commander discovered that two soldiers from Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province were talking in Wenzhou dialect . This gave him an idea. Due to the huge gap between Wenzhou dialect and Mandarin , it has been rated as one of the most difficult dialects in China. On average, outsiders can only guess 10% of the dialects. Why not use this special language to convey information?

The same is true for

He conveyed his idea to his superiors and replaced all the soldiers in the intelligence platoon with Wenzhou citizens. From now on, all intelligence exchanges will be in Wenzhou dialect, as will the translation of intelligence. The superior also agreed to his request. In this way, the Vietnamese were dumbfounded when faced with this "intelligence language" that they had never heard of. Due to the long distance between Vietnam and Wenzhou, it was impossible for them to capture a Wenzhou native to help them decipher it. In this way, without the intelligence advantage, Vietnam cannot understand the military deployment in our territory, and our army's combat operations are successful.

During the subsequent ten-year battle between the two mountains, Wenzhou soldiers relied on their unique communication methods to make contributions to intelligence work. After the battle, the Wenzhou Military Division also held a commendation meeting to praise this special group of intelligence workers.

The same is true for

With the development of the times and the popularization of education, Mandarin has gradually become popular among the younger generation. There are even many people born after 2000 and those born after 10 who can no longer speak the local dialect. On the one hand, Mandarin weakens the barriers between regions and speeds up the exchange of information. This makes life more convenient for people who are studying and looking for jobs across provinces and regions.

On the other hand, this is also a major blow to the local dialect, a cultural heritage with local characteristics. In particular, local dialects like Wenzhou dialect that are very different from Mandarin have been severely impacted.Now, Wenzhou's cultural protection department has set up a special effort to protect Wenzhou dialect, hoping that this unique and charming language can be spread in China for a long time.

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