In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years.

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In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years.

When this farmer adopted this Japanese soldier, the Anti-Japanese War had just ended. Faced with the Japanese army who had national hatred and family feud, why did the farmer insist on adopting him?

What is the story behind all this? How did this Japanese soldier spend 47 years in a Chinese village.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese soldier Toshiro Ishida

saved the Japanese soldier

In the autumn of 1946, Sun Bangjun, a rural villager in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, pulled a cart of fresh vegetables and hawked them in the vegetable market.

Not long after, Sun Bangjun saw a group of people gathered in front of the vegetable market. Sun Bangjun walked up curiously to see what was going on.

I saw a man curled up on the ground. This man was dressed in tatters and exuded a stench. The villagers watching the excitement were throwing vegetable leaves and eggs at the beggar.

There were several people communicating next to him: "This person has been here for more than half a year. He doesn't have enough to eat every day, and he is still injured. He probably won't live long."

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Internet picture

Sun Bangjun doesn't understand why everyone is here Bullying a poor beggar, the kind-hearted Sun Bangjun took out his lunch of Wotou from his arms and handed it to the beggar.

Seeing Sun Bangjun's actions, an insider yelled at Sun Bangjun: "What are you doing? He is a Japanese devil. He asked for it if he starved to death. Do you like to meddle in other people's business so much?"

Hearing the news, the crowd of onlookers was in an uproar. Sun Bangjun also stopped handing over the bread and looked carefully. Although the beggar crawling on the ground had tattered clothes, if you look closely, you can still see that he was wearing exactly Japanese military uniform.

The onlookers next to me found out that this man was a Japanese devil. They didn’t know who started it, so they started beating the Japanese devil. You punched, I kicked, and vented all their hatred for the Japanese on this Japanese. On the beggar.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese Army

After being beaten, the Japanese soldier huddled up with his head in his hands and babbled without knowing what he was saying. After a while, he was beaten until he was covered in blood, and the Japanese soldier kept wailing in pain.

Sun Bangjun, an honest man, couldn't bear it when he saw the scarred Japanese soldiers. He went up to pull away the group of people who were beating the Japanese soldiers. The people who were pulled away also stopped when they saw the Japanese soldiers who were already covered with wounds, and they were all busy. Go about your own business.

Sun Bangjun couldn't bear it, so he gave the cornbread to the Japanese soldier, and then turned around to leave. Surprisingly, the Japanese soldier hugged Sun Bangjun's thigh and refused to let go, still yelling. What, it seems that he wants Sun Bangjun to help him.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese Army

After all, this is a Japanese soldier. The damage caused by Japan to China is immeasurable. Sun Bangjun's hometown was once harmed by Japanese soldiers, and many villagers and fellow villagers were killed by Japanese soldiers.

Sun Bangjun was unwilling to take care of the Japanese soldier and tried hard to break away, but the Japanese soldier seemed to know that Sun Bangjun was his last hope and held on tightly and would not let go.

Looking at the beaten and dying Japanese, the kind-hearted Sun Bangjun moved with compassion. The Chinese nation is naturally simple and kind, and it is difficult for Sun Bangjun to die without saving him.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese Army

After an inner struggle, Sun Bangjun decided to take the Japanese soldier home to take care of him. After the Japanese soldier recovered from his injuries, he would be handed over to the government for disposal, so Sun Bangjun helped the Japanese soldier up. , put him on his vegetable cart, and prepared to push the Japanese soldier home.

The people around him were very curious when they saw Sun Bangjun's behavior, and someone asked Sun Bangjun: "Hey, uncle, why did you put this Japanese devil in the car?"

Sun Bangjun replied: "I took him with me." Go home and take care of it."

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese Army

This news caused a huge sensation like a bomb, and the surrounding crowd immediately started talking, "Old man, are you stupid? He is a Japanese devil! Why did you save him? Haven't the Japanese done us enough harm? Sun Bangjun replied helplessly:

"Although he is hateful, he is still a human being. We can't watch him freeze to death." Sun Bangjun's answer made the crowd even more angry.

"If you freeze to death, you will freeze to death. Didn't the Japanese devils do enough harm back then? Have you never been harmed by them?" " the crowd around said again, and at the same time, some people wanted to drag the Japanese soldier out of the car.

Fortunately, Sun Bangjun stopped him and kept explaining that he really couldn't bear to watch a person freeze to death. When he has the opportunity in the future, Go to the government for help and send him back.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

After hearing what Sun Bangjun said, the crowd was still dissatisfied, but they did not stop him. So Sun Bangjun took the Japanese soldier home.

The villagers strongly opposed it.

When Sun Bangjun returned to the village, the villagers buying vegetables at the market had already spread the news that Sun Bangjun had saved the Japanese. Villagers who heard about this also gathered around and saw that Sun Bangjun had indeed saved the Japanese soldiers. Brought back.

The villagers were indignant at Sun Bangjun's actions, and they all came to accuse Sun Bangjun of being stupid. What if the Japanese would harm the villagers one day? The crowd was excited and insisted that they did not agree with Sun Bangjun bringing the Japanese soldiers back to the village. Taishan Temple Town had been tortured by the Japanese army. The villagers hated the Japanese and naturally did not want Japanese devils to live in their villages.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Episodes. Municipal

Sun Bangjun looked at the angry villagers in front of him and tried to persuade him again: "The Japanese have surrendered. He is no longer a Japanese soldier. It is better not to let a living person freeze to death." "

Sun Bangjun persuaded the villagers with earnest words and promised that he would watch the Japanese soldier carefully and not let him cause trouble to everyone, so the villagers reluctantly agreed.

Although the villagers reluctantly agreed, Sun Bangjun's wife was not Sun Bangjun would agree so easily, but Sun Bangjun's wife had a big quarrel with him and threw all the pots and pans in the house. Sun Bangjun, who knew he was in the wrong, did not dare to say anything. He could only wait for his wife to calm down and persuade him. She.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese Army

Seeing her husband's resolute attitude, Sun Bangjiu's wife knew that her husband was kind-hearted, so she had no choice but to agree to her husband's opinion.

Sun Bangjun boiled a large pot of hot water and took out his own. Give the Japanese soldier a good cleansing of his clothes. The Japanese soldier who hadn’t taken a shower for a long time was barely clean until he used three pots of water. After cleaning the Japanese soldier, Sun Bangjun took out the only food left in the house and gave it to the Japanese soldier. The soldier had a full meal. After eating and drinking, the Japanese soldier fell asleep happily. He didn't wake up until noon the next day.

When he saw the Japanese soldier waking up, Sun Bangjun originally wanted to have a chat with him. However, the Japanese soldier could only scream and point at the back of his left ear. After Sun Bangjun checked, he discovered that there was a bullet hole behind the left ear of the Japanese soldier. It may have been caused by an injury to the brain.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews


In order to treat this Japanese soldier, Sun Bangjun brought all his family savings and sold the only pig in the family. However, even this was still not enough for medical expenses. In the end, Sun Bangjun had no choice but to pay the villagers After borrowing money, he could barely make up for the medical expenses.

After receiving treatment, the Japanese soldier's condition improved significantly, and he could already have some simple conversations and communication with others. Although the Japanese soldier was getting better day by day, Sun Bangjun The conditions at home are getting worse day by day.

In order to raise money for the hospital, Sun Bangjun not only sold all the valuable things in his home, but also owed a foreign debt of 300 yuan, which lasted for 5 years for Sun Bangjun's family. Money saved.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews


The neighbors all knew about the embarrassment of Sun Bangjun's family and advised him to drive away the Japanese soldier. However, this honest and kind farmer was still unwilling to drive a living person out of the house.

But as the neighbors said, the Sun family already had a large population and life was already very difficult. To support a Japanese soldier would make things even worse.

Sun Bangjun wanted to take this Japanese soldier to help with some farm work, but no matter how hard he was taught, this Japanese soldier could not cultivate the land. When he was asked to do weeding, he actually pulled out the vegetables that had just sprouted.

asked him to find fodder for feeding, but he only looked for a kind of grass pointed out by Sun Bangjun, but he couldn't find it for a whole day.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

The Japanese army

Sun Bangjun had no choice but to let the Japanese soldier stay at home, and the Japanese soldier lived a life of putting on his clothes and reaching for food and opening his mouth.

Sun Bangjun can only work harder and harder. He is not willing to rest at all on weekdays. During the slack time, he would find some odd jobs to supplement his family's income.

Even though life was so difficult, the kind-hearted Sun Bangjun did not abandon the Japanese soldier. Under the care of Sun Bangjun's family, the Japanese soldier gradually became normal.

A normal Japanese soldier is very polite to others and has a very kind personality. Not only will he help Sun Bangjun's family with work, but he will also take the initiative to help the villagers when they see them in need. The villagers also slowly accepted the Japanese soldier.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Japanese Army

Japanese Soldier Living in China

The town government went to the countryside to register a household registration. They directly regarded the Japanese soldier as a member of the Sun family, and allocated him several acres of land according to the standards.

The village chief asked the Japanese soldier what his name was, but the Japanese soldier could not speak Chinese and could only sign. The village chief had no choice but to pick up a small branch and give it to the Japanese soldier and asked him to write his name on the ground. .

The Japanese soldier couldn't write Chinese characters, so he could only scribble on the ground. The village chief saw that what he wrote looked like "李", so he named him "Li Tong"

The people in the village called the Japanese soldier. "Old Li", of course, some people continue to call him "Old Ri", but no matter what the name is, it means that the people in the village have accepted this Japanese soldier.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews


After taking in Li Tong, Sun Bangjun also understood that Li Tong would eventually go home, so he kept thinking about sending him back to his hometown, but after searching many times, there was no news.

Until 1955 , the new Chinese government began to deport Japanese immigrants. After hearing the news, Sun Bangjun immediately brought Li Tong to the town. However, Li Tong was injured in the head and still could not explain his situation clearly. The helpless government only Let him go home.

In 1962, Sun Bangjun fell seriously ill. Before his death, he still wanted to send Li Tong back to his country.

Unconsciously, more than 40 years have passed, and China and Japan have resumed diplomatic relations. Sun Baojie has never forgotten his father's instructions before his death. He announced Li Tong's identity to the outside world in various places where information can be released, hoping that someone can recognize him. he.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

Mission to China

Until 1992, A Japanese delegation to China was about to arrive in Henan. Sun Baojie was very happy and went to Zhengzhou to find the relevant departments to inform him about the Japanese soldiers at home. After the relevant departments learned about this matter, they attached great importance to it and followed up. After communicating with the visiting group, they unexpectedly discovered that there were actually comrades of Li Tong in this visiting group.

In order to further confirm his identity and help him find his family, the relevant Chinese departments contacted the relevant Japanese departments to compare and search Li Tong's DNA, and finally found his family.

Li Tong's original name was Toshiro Ishida, a native of Akita Prefecture, Japan. He received a good education since childhood and was successfully admitted to the Tokyo Agricultural College. If it were not for the war, Li Tong might have become an outstanding agricultural expert.

The brainwashing of Japanese militarism is too terrifying. They are inciting people to join the army every moment. They actually believe that this war is not an invasion, but only using their power to help China.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews


When Toshiro Ishida joined the war, he thought he was doing something good and thought it was a just war.

With the Japanese invasion, wars were everywhere in China. The people were in dire straits and could not return to their homes. All this made Toshiro Ishida fall into doubt, causing him to be injured on the battlefield and become disabled.

Later Japan surrendered . In order to reduce the burden, Japan actually abandoned these injured soldiers, regardless of their life and death.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

The Japanese Army

The disheartened Toshiro Ishida could only drag his injured body around to beg for money, and came to Henan aimlessly. On the way, he was discovered by the people on the road that even the Japanese could not run away. He was beaten and kicked, and finally he was on the verge of death. Toshiro Ishida saved his life when he met the kind-hearted Sun Bangjun.

In 1993 , after Toushiro Ishida returned to Japan with his younger brother, his brother immediately began to find a doctor for him to treat his dementia. Toushiro Ishida told people around him how he had been influenced by the Sun family in China over the past few decades. Many local Japanese people donated voluntarily to express their gratitude and admiration for the Sun family. raised 5 million yen and gave it to Sun Baojie.

But faced with this huge sum of money, Sun Baojie did not hesitate at all and refused directly, because the original intention of his family to rescue the Japanese soldier was not to repay him at all.

In 1946, a farmer in Heishizhai, Nanzhao County, Henan Province, insisted on taking a Japanese soldier home, despite the villagers' accusations. The Japanese soldier stayed in the village for 47 years. - DayDayNews

China and Japan established diplomatic relations

Under Toshiro Ishida's repeated pleas, Sun Baojie could only accept the money. In the end, he donated the money to the government to build a botanical garden for his hometown.

In 1998, the Japanese government once again donated and built a China-Japan Friendship Primary School to the local area to thank the Sun family for their help to Toshiro Ishida.

The Chinese people are simple and kind. Even if one day China becomes the most powerful country in the world, it will not launch war or force intervention against any country or weaker country or people. Peaceful coexistence is our policy and common development , is everyone’s way.

The crimes committed by the Japanese during the war cannot be erased, and the pain suffered by the country will not be forgotten. Many people have different evaluations of Sun Bangjun's hosting of the Japanese. Do you think Sun Bangjun did the right thing?

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