After returning to his hometown for more than ten years, Liu Ligang has always maintained the fine traditions of the military and served the people wholeheartedly. He said: "I will always be a soldier of the people."

2024/06/2910:46:33 military 1689

After returning to his hometown for more than ten years, Liu Ligang has always maintained the fine traditions of the military and served the people wholeheartedly. He said: "I will always be a soldier of the people."

The story begins with the melting pot of the army. In December 1995, Liu Ligang honorably joined the army. Although he was not yet 20 years old, under the influence of squad leader Feng Feng, he realized the sense of honor of a soldier helping others. He remembered the first time the squad leader led them to clean up the yard at the home of Uncle Liu, a resident near the station: the two old men repeatedly said, "Thank you, good boy, take a rest and drink some hot water." "I'm getting older and have some work to do. Don't move, you are all doing well." Liu Ligang secretly determined, "I will help them more when I have time." In the following years, whether he was a veteran or a squad leader, he would go to Uncle Liu's house to perform voluntary labor when he had time.

html Liu Ligang joined the army for 110 years, and he was loyal to his duties. At the same time, his belief in helping local people became stronger. In 1998, the troops went to Tianjin, Zhenlai County, to carry out flood fighting tasks. During the 21 days of intense work, Liu Ligang also tried his best to save the bread and mineral water rationed by the troops and gave them to the local disaster-stricken people.

After returning to his hometown for more than ten years, Liu Ligang has always maintained the fine traditions of the military and served the people wholeheartedly. He said:

After changing his job, Liu Ligang was assigned to Jilin Power Supply Company. After taking off his military uniform and putting on his work clothes, he did not change his original intention and his true character. While doing his job well, he silently dedicated his hot love. He carried an injured colleague on his back and walked 5 kilometers on a rugged mountain road back to the station; sent a sick colleague to seek medical treatment and pay bills... He would take the initiative to help any colleague who had a big or small matter at home. "Helping others make themselves happy" became his mantra and was widely known in the workplace.

In 2016, he accidentally learned that there were 22 elderly people with "three noes" in Hetong Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Jilin City. His mood could not be calm for a long time. His pure nature and the passion of a retired soldier allowed him to turn his heart into action. First, he reported to the organization, and after obtaining the consent of the leader, he took the initiative to contact the senior care center and coordinated with multiple parties to facilitate the formation of a support pair between Jilin Power Supply Company and Jilin Hetong Rehabilitation and Senior Care Center, regularly sending rice, flour, oil, etc. The condolence items allow these "three-no" elderly people to feel the care of society. Then, he used his own money to voluntarily support and help five of the elderly, sending food and clothing, helping them organize daily necessities, cut nails, and take baths... He became a caring person that the elderly longed for.

After returning to his hometown for more than ten years, Liu Ligang has always maintained the fine traditions of the military and served the people wholeheartedly. He said:

Six years have passed in a flash. Liu Ligang kept the birthdays of these five old people in mind. He knew their likes and dislikes very well, and his relationship with the five old people grew day by day. Old man Liu Yongtai likes to eat dumplings. Sometimes he calls to chat a few words. He calculates the days and knows that it is time to deliver dumplings. Old man Miao Yulin occasionally has a little temper, but no one can persuade him. He has to take action. Sometimes he gets a job When the staff called to complain, he knew that the old man missed him; Liu Baofeng and Liu Shilong had a good relationship, and they would praise Liu Ligang when they met, half happy and half showing off, "We are not old people with nothing, we have a filial boss." Son - Li Gang. "

At the end of 2020, he proposed to the organization to establish the Jilin Power Supply Company's New Era Civilized Practice Volunteer Service Team and served as the deputy captain. On January 28, 2021, he led the Civilized Practice Volunteer Service Team to send "New Year's goods" to the elderly. Due to the need for epidemic prevention and control, everyone exchanged greetings from a distance of several meters, and many elderly people shed tears of excitement. The affectionate eyes of the old people looking at Liu Ligang moved all the volunteers present. It was not only trust and gratitude, but also concern and care.

After returning to his hometown for more than ten years, Liu Ligang has always maintained the fine traditions of the military and served the people wholeheartedly. He said:

Liu Ligang is even more happy. He knows that there will be more and more like-minded partners on the road of volunteer service. In the same year, he was named "Jilin Good Person Model".

Author: Jilin Daily All-Media Reporter Wang Wenhui

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