According to a report on the situation of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on July 12, Russia is tracking and naming foreign mercenaries participating in combat in Ukraine, and their actual number is far lower than the 20,000 claimed by Ukr

2024/07/0121:30:33 military 1088

According to a report on the situation of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on July 12, Russia is tracking and naming foreign mercenaries participating in combat in Ukraine, and their actual number is far lower than the 20,000 claimed by Ukr - DayDayNews

Battlefield information identification is not difficult for a somewhat modernized military. military satellites, , drones, anti-artillery radars, etc. can provide targeted enemy military dynamics and destroy them with firepower. If is to identify and track a group of mercenaries, it first needs basic personal information support, such as key identity information, biometric information and exclusive electromagnetic information.

Secondly, these basic information must be screened and tracked by a "carrier", and then transmitted to the receiving terminal.

Only by mastering these three types of basic information and having "carriers" identified and tracked can the "target person" be immediately targeted, just like the Iranian general who was killed in a "fixed-point" attack by a drone a few years ago. Soleimani .

According to a report on the situation of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on July 12, Russia is tracking and naming foreign mercenaries participating in combat in Ukraine, and their actual number is far lower than the 20,000 claimed by Ukr - DayDayNews

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that these mercenaries come from European countries such as Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy, American countries such as the United States and Canada, Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan, and many African countries. The largest number of mercenaries came from Poland , with a total of 1,835 mercenaries, of whom 544 were killed, 347 fled Ukraine, and 944 survived.

The data is so accurate that it even accurately grasps the 347 people who fled Ukraine. So, do these precise data come from the ubiquitous "reconnaissance satellites" or spies? The editor believes that the high probability comes from the latter.

There are no more than three categories of people in Ukraine who can master this data, namely, grassroots registration units and high-level personnel who can share it, as well as organizations that pay salaries to mercenaries.

According to a report on the situation of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on July 12, Russia is tracking and naming foreign mercenaries participating in combat in Ukraine, and their actual number is far lower than the 20,000 claimed by Ukr - DayDayNews

"Original registration unit" and "payroll agency", one has an "entry form" and the other has a "salary schedule". Both departments can master the basic information of mercenaries, such as the "original registration unit". Not only do they have specific personnel data, and also knows the whereabouts of the mercenaries. In order to integrate resources during wartime, the registration and distribution of mercenaries will basically be integrated into one department. The Ukrainian army seems to be defeated, but the administrative system is not broken. Where there are people, how can there be no spies?

If it is ruled out that "shareable senior officials" leaked secrets to Russia, then there is no doubt that there are Russian spies in Ukraine's "original registration unit" and "payroll agency" for mercenaries. The Russian Ministry of Defense has released information and data on foreign mercenaries fighting in Ukraine. Isn’t it worried that its spies will be discovered by Ukraine?

According to a report on the situation of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on July 12, Russia is tracking and naming foreign mercenaries participating in combat in Ukraine, and their actual number is far lower than the 20,000 claimed by Ukr - DayDayNews

If the data is inaccurate and the discrepancy is large, the Uzbek side will simply ignore it. Isn't this just trying to "kill someone with a borrowed knife", which is nothing to worry about. The problem is, if the data gap is limited to a single-digit deviation, then we have to guard against "insiders", and finding "insiders" is not easy, so what should we do? The best way is to clean up. "It is better to kill by mistake than to miss something."

Previously, a senior official in charge of local security in Ukraine was "removed". It was said that he was not doing his job well. It is unknown whether there were other unspeakable "mistakes". This time, the Russian Ministry of Defense has "released" mercenary data in a serious manner. If a certain level of Ukrainian officials have been arrested or killed recently, it is probably the mercenary "data" that has aroused the vigilance of actors and drivers. The mercenary information can be obtained. If his information is leaked, wouldn't the Russian side be able to carry out a "fixed beheading" at any time?

Perhaps this is also a way for the cunning polar bear to create civil strife in Ukraine?

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