After World War II, since the United States won the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it suppresses any country it sees developing, or treats this co

2024/07/0221:33:32 military 1181

After World War II, since the United States won the US-Soviet struggle for hegemony and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it will suppress whichever country it sees developing, or Regarding this country as its biggest rival, in short, in order to maintain its hegemony, the United States cannot tolerate the rise of any country that poses a potential threat.

After World War II, since the United States won the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it suppresses any country it sees developing, or treats this co - DayDayNews

In recent years, Russia has emerged from a sluggish economy. However, the United States has been pursuing it fiercely and has never given up. Leading a group of NATO boys to impose various sanctions on Russia, including the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States is indispensable. It continues to lead NATO, European and other countries to impose sanctions on Russia while providing a large number of weapons to Ukraine , with the purpose of weakening Russia's strength. After all, apart from the large economic gap between the United States and Russia, their military power is about the same.

After World War II, since the United States won the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it suppresses any country it sees developing, or treats this co - DayDayNews

In addition to Russia, China has made great progress in the economic and military fields in the past few decades. Seeing this, the United States has begun to act like a monster again. In order to suppress our development, all kinds of means are used, and all kinds of tricks are used. No matter what, China always adheres to the principles of peace and development. It is not interested in the internal affairs of the United States, nor is it interested in the hegemony of the United States. Therefore, on the road to US hegemony, Russia is now unable to become its opponent due to war restrictions. Who is the real opponent of the United States today? It is Japan.

After World War II, since the United States won the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it suppresses any country it sees developing, or treats this co - DayDayNews

On the surface, Japan and the United States are good brothers and allies, but in fact they are a pair of plastic brothers. Rather than being an alliance, it is better to say that Japan is a pawn of the United States. After World War II, Japan's economy was severely affected by the war and it was difficult to develop. The United States came out and signed relevant treaties with Japan in the name of supervising and assisting Japan. Japan agreed to withdraw its military and let the United States military Japan established a military base and has developed to this day. There are more than 100,000 US troops in Japan, which is quite large.

After World War II, since the United States won the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it suppresses any country it sees developing, or treats this co - DayDayNews

The main purpose of the United States establishing military bases in Japan is to draw Japan in East Asia as its ally, in order to contain the development of East Asia. It is a wishful thinking. So when Japan established its Self-Defense Forces and improved its military strength, the United States turned a blind eye. As everyone knows, Japan actually wants to get rid of the control of the United States. After all, Japan has always been a country with huge ambitions.

After World War II, since the United States won the hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union and achieved world hegemony, it has also tried its best to maintain its position. It can almost be said that it suppresses any country it sees developing, or treats this co - DayDayNews

Although Japan’s Self-Defense Forces are not as powerful as the United States today, Japan’s military strength cannot be ignored. It has 250,000 troops, 4 helicopter carriers , and multiple US military F-35 fighter jets. It is equipped with multiple advanced amphibious assault ships, missiles and conventionally powered submarines. Japan has mature nuclear technology and a large amount of nuclear raw materials, which are enough to build thousands of nuclear bombs. No one knows how powerful Japan is. The hidden strength is very terrifying. This is the real opponent of the United States.

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