In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce

2024/06/2907:20:33 military 1116

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

A certain unit of the Army in the Western Theater Command

Speaking of land battlefields and border disputes, The Western Theater Command is definitely the theater with the most "voice" and action capabilities among the five theaters. You know, the jurisdiction of the Western Theater Command directly borders India, Afghanistan , Pakistan and other countries, and has long land borders. It must not only guard against traditional external military threats, but also guard against non-traditional security risks such as external terrorism and intra-regional separatist forces. In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered certain casualties during the counterattack.

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

The People's Liberation Army in the Sino-Indian border conflict

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

The confrontation between the Chinese and Indian armies

The Indian army, which has repeatedly suffered defeats, not only failed to reflect on itself, but also intensified its deployment of troops on the Sino-Indian border. The generals were dispatched and a large number of weapons and equipment were deployed. As a result, many military fans are most concerned about the strength of the Army in the Western Theater Command, which troops it has, and whether it can withstand India's provocation. topic!

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

A certain unit of the Xinjiang Military Region

At present, the strength and scale of the Army in the Western Theater Command are among the best among the five theaters (the Western Theater Command's headquarters is in Chengdu , and the Army's headquarters is in Lanzhou). Of course, some people may not understand this sentence: the Western Theater Army has only two armies, while the Eastern Theater Army, the Central Theater Army, and the Northern Theater Army have three armies. How can it still be among the best? Military fans who hold this idea must have forgotten that the Western Theater Command also includes a large number of troops from the Tibet Military Region and the Xinjiang Military Region.

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

A mountain brigade in the Tibet Military Region

After the military reform, in accordance with the general principle of "the Military Commission is in charge, the theater is in charge of fighting, and the military services are in charge of construction", the Xinjiang Military Region and the Tibet Military Region were directly assigned to the Army's construction management, and militarily obeyed the command of the Western Theater Command, level At the deputy theater level, a considerable number of field troops will continue to be retained. Moreover, the size and combat effectiveness of the field forces of the Xinjiang Military Region and Tibet Military Region are no worse than any group army. In other words, the Xinjiang Military Region and the Tibet Military Region can each rival a group army. As a result, the Western Theater Army actually has the strength and equipment of at least four armies.

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

The Army Aviation Brigade of the Xinjiang Military Region

In addition to the Tibet Military Region and the Xinjiang Military Region, the 76th Group Army and the 77th Group Army of the Army in the Western Theater Command are also powerful teams. Among them, the 76th Group Army is based in Xining, Qinghai Province. It is the one with the westernmost station, the highest altitude, and the heaviest defense task among the 13 army groups of the Army. It is especially good at plateau and mountain operations. As for the 77th Group Army, its military headquarters is located in Chengdu, Sichuan. It is also good at modern operations under complex terrain conditions. It is known throughout the army as the "Iron-blooded Army, Mountain Iron Fist". I believe that with such strong land forces, the Western Theater Command will be able to defend the western border of the motherland!

In recent years, many large-scale conflicts have broken out between China and India over conflicts such as territorial sovereignty and border lines. Although the Army Forces of the Western Theater Command They frequently won and repelled the Indian army, but they also suffered ce - DayDayNews

77 Group Army

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