Toutiao's self-media account "You Ke Lai Bao" recently released a video in which Taiwanese media person Lin Zhengguo talked about a topic: If mainland China regains Taiwan by force, will Western countries confiscate mainland China's overseas assets like they sanctioned Russia?

2024/06/2903:57:32 military 1862

Toutiao's self-media account

Today's Toutiao self-media account "You Ke Lai Bao" recently released a video. Taiwanese media person Lin Zhengguo talked about a topic. If China regains Taiwan by force, will Western countries confiscate mainland China's overseas assets like they sanctioned Russia? ?

Lin Zhengguo did some calculations and came to the conclusion: Western countries dare not confiscate mainland China’s overseas assets.


Let’s take a look at how he settled the account.

He said that if there is a war in the Taiwan Strait in the future, some people say that mainland China will be under great pressure and will never dare to face economic sanctions .

China will go bankrupt and dare not attack Taiwan.

Lin Zhengguo said that they made a mistake. Let me do the math. He said that if Western countries confiscate mainland China's overseas assets, it would be a great deal for mainland China.

How many assets of China can the United States sanction? About 3.4 trillion U.S. dollars (that is, 3.4 trillion U.S. dollars). China has 3.4 trillion U.S. dollars overseas, which are assets sanctioned by Europe and the United States.

So, how many assets do Europe and the United States have in China? 5.8 trillion US dollars.

If mainland China responds to sanctions, US$5.8 trillion in assets in Europe and the United States will be confiscated by China.

So, when China looks at it, you sanctioned me for 3.4 trillion and I sanctioned you for 5.8 trillion, which is a profit.

If Taiwan does not want to use political methods to solve cross-strait issues and insists on going to war, it will be in the embarrassing situation of Ukraine today. Taiwan does not even have the capital of an agricultural country, and it will be even worse. Therefore, everyone must think carefully.

Author's comment:

Mr. Lin Zhengguo's logic is very clear. The reason why Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party authorities dare to challenge the bottom line of the mainland and not hesitate to break out a war across the Taiwan Strait is that in addition to believing that the United States will intervene, there is another main reason, which is that the United States and Spain The country will sanction China just like it sanctioned Russia, such as confiscating China's overseas assets. This is what gives the DPP authorities "the confidence".

However, if the DPP authorities think about it carefully, is mainland China afraid of being sanctioned by the United States and Western countries? After such calculation, the conclusion is that mainland China is not afraid at all.

Mainland China’s overseas assets are US$3.4 trillion, while the assets of the United States and Western countries in mainland China are US$5.8 trillion. If China adopts corresponding sanctions, then China will earn US$2.4 trillion instead. Isn’t it clear who loses and who wins in this business?

We know that although the United States and Western countries have provided Ukraine with a large amount of weapons and financial support, the United States and Western countries can confiscate Russia's overseas assets to make up for their losses. In other words, the United States and Western countries actually used the money from sanctions against Russia to support Ukraine, and they did not suffer any loss.

However, if there is a war between the two sides, the United States and Western countries will still adopt this method to support the Taiwan authorities. It is a loss-making business. What will the United States and Western countries do?

The United States, which always puts national interests first, will never do this business.

So , the Democratic Progressive Party authorities should give up their illusions. Don’t expect the United States and Western countries to sanction China. By then, it will end up like Ukraine now. I am afraid that it will not even have any capital, and it will be even worse.

Taiwan’s correct approach is to return to the 1992 Consensus and the right path of peaceful reunification. Don’t try to challenge the mainland’s bottom line and don’t hope that the Ukrainian model will be copied in the Taiwan Strait .

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