Detailed explanation of the post-fitness nutrition window period popular in the fitness industry

2021/10/1416:07:02 lose 1798

Many people say that there is a golden time to supplement nutrition after fitness.

Some say within 30 minutes, some say 15 to 60 minutes, which is the so-called nutritional window period or anabolic window period.

During the window period, you must eat enough protein and carbohydrates so that muscles can begin to synthesize.

If you don’t eat or miss it at this time, the muscles are still being broken down. This time, it’s about white training.

Detailed explanation of the post-fitness nutrition window period popular in the fitness industry - DayDayNews

Many muscle friends are a bit embarrassed. After I have taken a bath in the gym, it takes more than half an hour to get home. At this time, I missed the window period when I was eating. , Am I equal to white practice? Or sometimes I have finished training at high intensity, I have no appetite to eat, and I don't want to drink protein powder, then I am not practicing for nothing?

The nutrition window period is a very popular practice in the fitness industry. After you see the hottest girls, they immediately raise their shakers and drink them. This is no problem. It replenishes glycogen reserves, helps protein synthesis, and helps the body recover.

The question is, is it okay to eat later?


Detailed explanation of the post-fitness nutrition window period popular in the fitness industry - DayDayNews

There is a premise for the research results that support the nutritional window period, and the research is on fasting fitness people. After fasting fitness, the earlier the carbohydrate and protein supplementation, the longer the muscle growth effect The better, this is proven.

If you want to work out on an empty stomach in the morning, you must keep in mind that eating immediately after training is more important than going to work. If you eat late, it is better not to practice.

Most people work out during the day, and there are two situations.

One is to go to fitness three to four hours after eating a meal, and the other is to go to fitness one to two hours after eating a meal.

Office workers are generally the former, student party or fitness industry are generally the latter. A meal can cause amino acid levels to rise, which can be maintained for about three hours, so within this time frame, don't worry too much about the problem of losing muscle after training.

So after eating a meal, go to the gym within one to two hours, so you don’t have to worry too much about the window period. You just have to eat after you practice, and it's not a big problem to be a little late.

Detailed explanation of the post-fitness nutrition window period popular in the fitness industry - DayDayNews

As for office worker fitness, it is three to four hours or more after the last meal, so timely nutrition is necessary after exercise. The minimum requirement is to replenish 25 grams of protein as soon as possible, which is the amount of a scoop of protein powder, and it is best to have another regular meal. It is not easy for office workers to insist on fitness, so I have considered one more layer for you. I often get fit, I am not sure what time I can eat, work overtime, socialize, or have a meeting. As long as you add 20 grams of protein powder or six grams of EAA essential amino acids or any protein snacks before exercising, you can solve the problem perfectly, and you don’t have to worry about losing your muscles after training.


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