After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the relationship between the EU and Russia became very tense. Because the EU continues to impose sanctions on Russia following the United States, the EU itself is in crisis. If Russia and the EU do not improve relations, it

2024/07/0101:18:33 international 1537

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the relationship between the EU and Russia became very tense. Because the EU continues to impose sanctions on Russia following the United States, the EU itself is in crisis. If Russia and the EU do not improve relations, it is likely to further increase the crisis in the EU.

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the relationship between the EU and Russia became very tense. Because the EU continues to impose sanctions on Russia following the United States, the EU itself is in crisis. If Russia and the EU do not improve relations, it - DayDayNews

In order to ease tense relations, the EU and Lithuania decided to make concessions to Russia. Recently, the European Union and Lithuania allowed Russia to transport goods to its enclave of Kaliningrad Oblast.

Previously, Lithuania insisted on its position and was nervous about Russia transporting materials to the enclave through its own railways, which once caused dissatisfaction in Russia. Russia warned that if Lithuania does not restore transit channels, it will bear the consequences.

Lithuania relied on the support of NATO and the European Union, and completely ignored the Russian warning. This made the Russian senior officials very angry.

Officials from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad State made suggestions to top Russian officials, hoping to use tough measures to open a channel. Once Russia uses force, Lithuania is likely to become the next and Ukraine . At the same time, both the EU and NATO had to react.

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the relationship between the EU and Russia became very tense. Because the EU continues to impose sanctions on Russia following the United States, the EU itself is in crisis. If Russia and the EU do not improve relations, it - DayDayNews

This time, the European Commission unanimously agreed that Russia can transfer supplies to the exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast through Lithuania, mainly to avoid triggering a war.

You must know that once Russia uses force, it will inevitably cause serious damage to Lithuania and the EU region. Today, the EU is deeply involved in the epidemic and energy crisis. At this time, having bad relations with Russia will only increase its own burden and will not be conducive to its own development.

Of course, the EU and Russia are "cooperating" under the nose of the United States, which at least illustrates several changes:

1. The EU intends to keep a distance from the United States and is unwilling to follow the United States into darkness for a long time.

Although the United States has very strong control over the EU, and many EU countries are influenced by the United States and stand on the side of the United States, EU countries are still clear-headed when it comes to issues involving the EU's interests. Especially irritating Russia is very likely to trigger a war. The EU weighed the pros and cons and of course chose to make concessions.

2, there is still the possibility of cooperation between Russia and Europe.

The Russian exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast does not border the Russian mainland and is sandwiched between Polandand Lithuania. Lithuania operates the only railway project connecting the Russian exclave and the Russian mainland. In June this year, Lithuania banned Russian supplies from being transported to the enclave by rail on the grounds of implementing EU sanctions. The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Lithuania's decision "violated international obligations."

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the relationship between the EU and Russia became very tense. Because the EU continues to impose sanctions on Russia following the United States, the EU itself is in crisis. If Russia and the EU do not improve relations, it - DayDayNews

Although Lithuania is a member of the European Union, it dares to challenge Russia only because it has the support of the United States.. If the United States continues to exert pressure on Lithuania, the Russian enclave will be isolated and blocked. At that time, Russia must take effective measures to safeguard its territorial security. And Lithuania will become a geopolitical victim of the United States and Russia.

The EU is a group organization with France and Germany as its core. The EU certainly does not want any member states to join the conflict between the United States and Russia. In fact, EU countries want to maintain development, but they are forced to "bow down" by the hegemony of the United States. When Merkel was the German Prime Minister, Russia and Europe cooperated to build the Nord Stream 2 project. Today, it is still possible for Russia and Europe to cooperate in under the eyes of the United States.

3, the United States cannot dominate the world with one hand, and the United States alone does not have the final say in the world.

The United States uses the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to control the European Union, weaken Russia, and bring crisis to the world. As a superpower, the United States always puts its hegemonic interests first. Countries that try to rise will basically be suppressed by the United States.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine was essentially caused by the US-led NATO eastward expansion. Russia took a preemptive approach to try to curb NATO's eastward expansion, but Russia would not have thought that the United States would once again consolidate its hegemony and firmly control Europe with the help of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It's in your own hands.

After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the relationship between the EU and Russia became very tense. Because the EU continues to impose sanctions on Russia following the United States, the EU itself is in crisis. If Russia and the EU do not improve relations, it - DayDayNews

Russia is a big country that borders the European Union. If you want to maintain development, you must of course have a good relationship with Russia. Because only by eliminating conflicts and contradictions, Russian oil and natural gas can continue to enter the EU, and both parties can benefit from each other.

The world has become multi-polar. Today, the United States is trying every means to rebuild its strike doctrine. However, the mutual constraints of the United States, Russia and Europe and other forces make it impossible for the United States to cover the sky with one hand. As long as Russia and Europe persist in cooperation and find strategic consensus, then they will Promote the development of Europe and the world!

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