Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, from July 13 to 15, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized the National People's Congress deputies based in Yulin, the autonomous region People's Congress deputies elected

2024/07/0221:57:32 international 1830
Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, from July 13 to 15, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized the National People's Congress deputies based in Yulin, the autonomous region People's Congress deputies elected - DayDayNews

was entrusted by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region. From July 13 to 15, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized the National People's Congress deputies stationed in Yulin, the autonomous region People's Congress deputies elected by Yulin City, and some municipal People's Congress deputies. A mid-year special survey was launched with the theme of "helping stabilize the economic market and promote high-quality development of Guangxi province". Liu Youming, deputy to the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region, participated in the investigation, and Mo Hua, deputy to the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Yulin Municipal Party Committee, also conducted the investigation. Mayor Bai Songtao reported on the city's work and made a statement at the feedback meeting.

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, from July 13 to 15, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized the National People's Congress deputies based in Yulin, the autonomous region People's Congress deputies elected - DayDayNewshtml From July 13th to 15th, representatives of the National People's Congress, the autonomous region and Yulin City three-level people's congresses conducted a mid-year special survey in Yulin. The picture shows the representatives visiting Yulin Fuda Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Park. During the

survey, the representatives focused on the research theme and visited Yulin Fuda Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Park, Yuchai Industrial Park Light Industry Park, Guangxi Jiangyi Century Furniture Co., Ltd., Rongxian Huayao Toy Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Rongxian County Wanhong Printing and Packaging Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, Guangxi Ruijie Jinfu Technology Co., Ltd., Yulin New Century Education City, Bobai County Baiping Industrial Park, Bobai County Bobai Town Daliang Village, Luchuan Henghe Textile Technology Co., Ltd., Guangxi Penggang New Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. and other relevant parks, enterprises and project sites intuitively understood the economic development of our city, conducted group discussions, and also participated in special research feedback meetings and put forward relevant opinions and suggestions.

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, from July 13 to 15, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized the National People's Congress deputies based in Yulin, the autonomous region People's Congress deputies elected - DayDayNews

The scene of the mid-year special research and reporting meeting of the three-level people's congress deputies at the national, autonomous region and Yulin City levels.

Liu Youming pointed out that since the beginning of this year, Yulin has taken effective measures to stabilize the economic market and promote economic development, and the work has achieved remarkable results. Facing unfavorable factors such as the increasing downward pressure on the economy and the overlapping impact of the epidemic, Yulin must firmly focus on the main line of industrial transformation and upgrading, focus on large, small, and new industries, accelerate the conversion of old and new driving forces, increase scientific and technological innovation, and promote High-quality economic development; it is necessary to give full play to the unique advantages of the professional market for Chinese medicinal materials and spices, help the market become bigger and stronger, and promote the accelerated development of the commercial circulation industry; it is necessary to increase investment attraction efforts, carry out targeted investment promotion, promote the "return of jade merchants", and continue to optimize business environment and promote investment promotion to achieve great breakthroughs and development.

National People's Congress representatives Xu Yanni, Liu Ruyuan, Chen Weixiong, director of the Legal Affairs Committee and deputy director of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, Yang Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, Yulin City leaders Li Weizhang, Qiu Dekui, Zhu Futing, Luo Huazhong, Zhao Xiang and others participated in the above activities respectively.

Written by | Yulin Daily All-Media Reporter Liang Hua/Wen Chendong/Pictures

Editor | Li Mei

Proofreading | Liao Hai

Review | Song Jianzhou

Producer | Zhong Rixin

Produced | Lin daily New media matrix Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, from July 13 to 15, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress organized the National People's Congress deputies based in Yulin, the autonomous region People's Congress deputies elected - DayDayNews

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