On July 13, Duan Chunhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress, went to Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, to preach and interpret the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and to investigate and understand the grassroots people's congre

2024/07/0221:22:33 international 1611

On July 13, Duan Chunhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress, went to Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, to preach and interpret the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and to investigate and understand the grassroots people’s congresses’ work in promoting the whole process of people’s democracy practice. Jia Fengshan, Secretary-General of the Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee, Li Qing, Secretary of the Xiqing District Committee, and Wang Zhiping, Director of the District People’s Congress Standing Committee, participated in the investigation.

On July 13, Duan Chunhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress, went to Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, to preach and interpret the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and to investigate and understand the grassroots people's congre - DayDayNews

Duan Chunhua came to the People’s Congress Representative Liaison Station of Liubu Village, Xinkou Town, and carefully inquired about contacting and serving the masses, organizing learning, and carrying out activities. At the home of Xinkou Town People's Congress deputies, they learned in detail about the implementation of the 2022 people's livelihood practical projects voted by the town's People's Congress, as well as the effectiveness of strengthening the construction of duty performance platforms and actively practicing the whole-process people's democracy. At the symposium, we listened to the work reports of the responsible comrades of the People's Congress of Xiqing District and Xinkou Town, and had interactive exchanges with the National People's Congress representatives.

On July 13, Duan Chunhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress, went to Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, to preach and interpret the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and to investigate and understand the grassroots people's congre - DayDayNews

Duan Chunhua said during the investigation that whole-process people's democracy is the only way to realize that the people are the masters of the country. The 12th Municipal Party Congress made arrangements for deepening the practice of whole-process people's democracy. The Municipal Party Committee made arrangements at the seventh session of the 17th Municipal People's Congress. New requirements have been put forward for people's congresses and deputies to people's congresses at all levels. We must fully understand that the development of people's democracy in the whole process is a distinctive feature of socialist democratic politics, firmly grasp the leadership of the party as the fundamental political guarantee for the development of people's democracy in the whole process, and firmly grasp the main democratic channel of the People's Congress, Implement the requirements for developing the whole process of people's democracy into the work of the people's congresses at all levels in our city. First, we must continuously improve systems and mechanisms, enrich platforms and carriers for the expression of democratic public opinion, continuously expand people's orderly political participation, and ensure that people enjoy the right to know, participate, express, and supervise in accordance with the law. Second, we must keep close contact with the people, respect the people, rely on the people, serve the people, understand the people's thoughts and expectations, promote the solution of the people's urgent, difficult and anxious problems, be more grounded, observe the people's sentiments, gather the people's wisdom, and benefit the people's livelihood. Third, we must give full play to the role of representatives, faithfully represent the interests and will of the people, actively accept people's supervision, and make the performance of representative duties in accordance with the law a vivid practice of people's democracy throughout the process.

On July 13, Duan Chunhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress, went to Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, to preach and interpret the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and to investigate and understand the grassroots people's congre - DayDayNews

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On July 13, Duan Chunhua, director of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal People's Congress, went to Xinkou Town, Xiqing District, to preach and interpret the spirit of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, and to investigate and understand the grassroots people's congre - DayDayNews

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