In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the attack against Iran and Unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He participat

2024/07/0202:36:32 international 1755

On July 13, U.S. President Biden began his Middle East trip. He first arrived in Israel. As soon as he arrived in the Middle East, Biden made harsh words, saying that if Iran did not "take it after seeing it" "If we continue to oppose the United States, we will not rule out the use of force as the last resort to deal with Iran.

In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the retaliation against Iran. Attack, unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He was involved in planning wars during the Obama era, and he provoked the Russia-Ukraine conflict not long after he came to power.

In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the attack against Iran and Unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He participat - DayDayNews

Biden believes that Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement is a very wrong decision. He will infinitely increase the possibility of Iran possessing nuclear weapons . Biden believes that even if the United States takes action against Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps It is still possible to negotiate or even reach an agreement with Iran to reduce its nuclear program.

This time Biden also stated that the United States will still keep Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on its “ terrorist organization list,” even if Iran refuses to re-sign the Iran nuclear agreement. Since April 2021, the United States has been conducting negotiations with Iran. After many negotiations, just this year, the two sides were about to reach an agreement, but the US government's refusal to remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from its "terrorist" list was a major obstacle that prevented the two sides from re-signing the agreement.

In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the attack against Iran and Unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He participat - DayDayNews

Does Biden want to open up a new battlefield in the Middle East? Now that the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, the United States may want to launch another war in the Middle East to divert attention, or even pay for the severe economic recession, inflation, and national debt that have occurred in its own country.

In response, Iranian President Raisi said that Biden's visit to the Middle East this time did not bring a "security", but threatened regional stability. The United States should learn from the lessons of the past and not always use "maximum pressure" on Iran. This failed policy, at the same time, Leahy emphasized that he would never give in to the United States.

In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the attack against Iran and Unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He participat - DayDayNews

Some people believe that the possibility of the United States using military means is very small. First, the US military bases in the Gulf are basically within the range of Iran missiles , and the US Navy in the Persian Gulf basically has no maneuver. The second is that the countries along the Persian Gulf will basically not allow the US military to use their own bases to attack Iran. The only possibility is to encourage Israel to attack Iran, because Iran cannot fight at long distances directly across Iraq .

On the first stop of his trip to the Middle East, Biden spoke harsh words against Iran. In addition to wanting to win over Israel, he also wanted to Saudi Arabia , because Saudi Arabia is an important part of Biden's trip to the Middle East. , so this time Biden wants to repair relations with Saudi Arabia, thereby pushing the Gulf countries to increase oil production, and using Iran to make trouble is also using military threats to warn "allies" not to act rashly.

In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the attack against Iran and Unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He participat - DayDayNews

After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, international oil prices surged sharply. The United States and European countries have suffered the negative impact of the shortage of oil and gas resources. The United States is also suffering from the most severe inflation in forty years and the impact of unprecedented high oil prices. This has also led to the continued decline in Biden's approval rating and increased pressure on his democratic party in the mid-term elections. Therefore, Biden has another important task this time: to get Middle Eastern countries to increase oil production to prevent international oil prices from continuing to rise.

Just before Biden arrived in the Middle East, there was news from the United States that the Iranian government was preparing to provide Russia with hundreds of drones, including fighter jets . This news was proposed by U.S. Security Assistant Sullivan , and the EU also echoed the sentiment, saying that if Iran provides drones to Russia, the situation in Russia and Ukraine will become more dangerous, but what is ridiculous is that both the EU and the United States are constantly sending drones to Ukraine Providing military assistance is what they did that led to the current situation.

In 2020, after Iran shot down a US military drone, the US generals asked Trump to retaliate against Iran. However, when the US military was about to carry out a military mission, Trump suddenly stopped the attack against Iran and Unlike Trump, Biden is a war maniac. He participat - DayDayNews

So it is not ruled out that Biden is "talking" this time. After all, a large-scale ground war requires a lot of military expenditures. The Taliban in Afghanistan can't even be defeated. Biden pretended to scare Iran before going to Saudi Arabia. , to win the favor of the Saudi Crown Prince. If the US military takes action, international oil prices are likely to soar, and the domestic difficulties faced by the United States will be even greater.

The more the United States shows its desire for war, the less confident it is to take action. Biden's "intimidation" this time against Israel and Saudi Arabia's "old enemy" Iran seems to have no effect.

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