This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account "Han and Tang Glory". It has a lot of exciting content, welcome to pay attention. On the afternoon of July 14, the Italian Senate passed a vote of confidence in the Draghi government.

2024/07/0121:24:33 international 1352

[Editor's note] This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account " Han and Tang Glory". There is a lot of exciting content, welcome to pay attention.

html On the afternoon of July 14, the Italian Senate passed a vote of confidence in the Draghi government. However, Draghi subsequently announced his resignation.

This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account

After the Senate vote, Draghi submitted his resignation to President Mattarella , but Mattarella refused to accept Draghi's resignation. Draghi said that although the government he led passed the vote of confidence, the basis of the trust contract on which the government relied on its governance had been destroyed.

Since the resignation of the Petkov government in Bulgaria in June, government leaders of NATO countries have continuously overturned: British Prime Minister Johnson resigned, quasi- NATO country Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated, Estonia Prime Minister Kayaka Los resigned, Italian Prime Minister Draghi resigned, and German Prime Minister Scholkan was involved in a drug scandal...

The United States, the leader of NATO, is not stopping either! The Republican Party of Texas, USA, directly announced that it does not recognize Biden as the President of the United States! The latest polls show that Americans are dissatisfied with Biden's leadership, with only 33% satisfied with his job. Biden's support for re-election fell to a new low, with only 18% of respondents supporting re-election. For a leader of a major country to do this, Biden can be said to be unique.

NATO has a total of 32 member states. Leaders of five countries have resigned or may resign. Isn’t this considered embarrassing?

For many years, influenced by the strong propaganda and brainwashing of the United States and Europe, most people in the world subconsciously believe that the United States and Europe are developed countries, powerful, and represent advanced civilization and leading productivity. The United States and Europe join forces to defend the hegemony of the Western world, giving the world the feeling that it is invincible and cannot be challenged!

Therefore, in an article a few days ago, Han and Tang pointed out that NATO would collapse before a war. Many people do not agree with this view. What are the facts about


This time NATO's northward expansion, after absorbing Sweden and Finland , has as many as 32 member countries.

However, we need to see that national competition and camp confrontation are not based on the number of countries, but on their overall strength. To put it into perspective, there are only a handful of truly big and powerful countries in NATO: the United States and Canada are considered large countries in terms of land area. If evaluated based on population, only the United States is considered a large country in terms of population! France, Germany, and the United Kingdom are considered powerful countries, but their area and population are only comparable to one province in China. In addition to the above-mentioned countries, the comprehensive strength of Italy, Spain, Turkey , Sweden, the Netherlands , Denmark , Portugal, and other countries can only be regarded as a medium power. Portugal is not even a medium power! Poland , Hungary , Czech , Slovakia , Romania , Bulgaria and other Central and Eastern European countries can be said to be representatives of both weakness and poverty.

Belgium , Luxembourg , Iceland , Estonia, Latvia , Lithuania , Slovenia , Croatia , Albania , Montenegro , North Macedonia , these eleven small countries, in NATO is basically a soy sauce player.

This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account

Western European are bundled together. Facing the former Soviet Union and the Russia that is now showing its fangs, there is no resistance. They have always been frightened, so stay together to keep warm!

Russia is fully aware of the conspiracy of the United States and Europe to drag Russia into a proxy war, yet Russia resolutely steps into the Ukraine trap. The key is to have confidence and confidence in its own strength.

After the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, Russia was subjected to six rounds of sanctions by the United States and Europe, but it has remained unwavering so far. Politicians from countries who are enemies of Russia have fallen one by one like dominoes.

Facts have proved that NATO’s strategy of relying on China and Russia as enemies to achieve unity is not successful. Since the end of 2019, the COVID-19 epidemic has been raging around the world. People around the world are looking forward to peaceful development and coping with the difficulties. However, NATO is going the opposite direction, constantly expanding, creating wars and conflicts around the world, and is destined to be unpopular!

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union , NATO became accustomed to bullying small and weak countries as a group, and enjoyed the pleasure of this kind of power bullying. But now NATO directly regards China and Russia as its future goals, which not only angers the people of China and Russia, but even NATO How many people in this country are willing and dare to be enemies of China and Russia?

In fact, the United States, the European Union , and NATO countries are all facing great internal pressure. The pressure comes from the economic stagnation caused by the new crown epidemic and the high inflation caused by the over-issuance of the US dollar and the Russia-Ukraine war.

This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account

The United States and Europe do not concentrate on solving internal problems, but are also obsessed with external provocation and expansion, which will of course lead to intensification of internal conflicts!

Italian Prime Minister Draghi is a typical victim of NATO’s expansion strategy!

The Draghi government was formed in February 2021. Compared with the former wealthy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Draghi is a professional politician. He is 74 years old. He has served as the Minister of Finance of Italy, the President of the Central Bank , and the President of the European Central Bank from 2011 to 2019.

After the Russo-Ukrainian war broke out, the Italian government completely ignored Russia’s assistance in the COVID-19 epidemic, not to mention the reality that oil and natural gas were highly dependent on Russia, and participated in a series of sanctions against Russia in a very high-profile manner.

But facts have proven that after the five-month war, Russia has earned three times more foreign exchange than the same period last year, while the economies of many NATO countries are sluggish and inflation has led to difficulties in domestic people's livelihood.

According to the International Monetary Fund forecast, the Italian economy is likely to experience negative growth in 2022. The latest data shows that 5.6 million people in Italy are in absolute poverty out of a total population of 60 million.

Due to the embargo on Russian oil and natural gas, Italian energy prices have soared. Former Prime Minister Conte said: "I am very worried that many families may be stuck in the dilemma of paying electricity bills or buying food in September."

At present, Italian inflation is as high as 8%, second only to the United Kingdom and the United States in the G7 ! Johnson has stepped down, and Draghi cannot stay any longer. Biden is not only Alzheimer's disease , but will also become a lame president after the mid-term elections.

This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account

Since entering the 21st century, debt crises have occurred in many NATO countries. GreeceItaly and Spain have long had problems with their economic conditions, and they are simply unable to continue to support a high-welfare society!

The COVID-19 epidemic has worsened the economic situation of various countries. Sanctions on Russia have led to energy shortages and soaring prices. Generally speaking, the EU has suffered a much greater blow than the United States and Russia.

From a realistic point of view, the Russia-Ukraine war is simply the last straw that breaks the back of NATO countries!

However, who is to blame? If it weren’t for NATO’s endless eastward expansion and NATO’s blatant instigation of Ukraine and Russia as enemies, the Russia-Ukraine war would never have broken out! It is impossible for two brothers, Big Mao and Er Mao, to meet each other in war!

originally wanted to harm others, but ended up tricking himself first. This is the consequence of NATO countries playing dangerous games!

What is ridiculous is that American and European politicians are incapable of resolving internal crises. In order to appease the people and resolve the intensifying internal conflicts, they deliberately shift the public's attention to Russia and China.

As the internal crises in the United States and Europe deepen, the risk of war is constantly brewing.But at the same time, the possibility of street movements or color revolutions breaking out within the United States, Europe, and NATO countries continues to increase!

More than a hundred years ago, the October Revolution overthrew Tsarist Russia! Today, the fire of revolution in Europe is being nurtured, and the raging fire will surely ignite!

This article was authorized by the author Xu Jijun and reprinted from the public account

Of course we Chinese should give moral support and solidarity to the legitimate demands of the people of the United States, Europe, and NATO countries!

hopes that the oppressed people of the United States, Europe, and NATO countries will unite and fight to the end against the exploitative regime controlled by the decadent capital alliance!

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