Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British "magic" couple was arrested and imprisoned, which also revealed another side of this warm and harmonious family. They violated three biological daughters, trapped and killed 12 women, and buried piles of corpses under the flo

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Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

text | September

editor | September

In 1994, a British "fairy" couple was arrested and imprisoned, which also revealed another side of this warm and harmonious family.

He violated three biological daughters, trapped and killed 12 women, and buried piles of corpses under the floor of his home...

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

Fred and his wife

These heinous incidents happened in a village in the UK. In the villa area.

A couple and their eight children live in Villa 25, Colonwell Street, Gloucestershire, England.

In the eyes of neighbors, this big family was once their role model. Her husband, Fred West, was a construction worker. To the outside world, he was a funny and humorous man who often told some cold jokes. .

’s wife Rosemary West seems to outsiders to be very kind-hearted, and she always greets her neighbors with a smile on weekdays.

Moreover, she often takes out the vacant rooms in her home and rents them to homeless homeless people at very cheap prices, without showing any disdain for them.

Because of this, the British government personally awarded the couple a public welfare medal, and the neighbors were sincerely happy for them.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

Fred and his wife

But what no one expected was that the true face of this couple was far from the charity ambassadors in their hearts. They could even be described as demons.

However, what this couple did also aroused everyone’s thinking to a certain extent.

In 1941, Fred West was born in Herefordshire, England. His parents raised eight children, of which Fred was the second oldest.

Fred's childhood has always been lived in the shadow of darkness, which may have a lot to do with what he did later.

Fred's father had extremely abnormal physiological needs. In his life, his father often brought various women home to spend the night in front of his mother.

and would also assault his sisters in front of Fred. When Fred tried to stop him, his father told him very seriously that his behavior was very normal and allowed by society.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


From Fred's father's words and actions, it seems that he has seen Fred's evil behavior when he grows up.

Fred's father never went out to work, and all the burdens of the family's life fell on his mother.

Because the mother has lived under severe pressure and her husband's unethical behavior for a long time, her psychology has gradually changed.

As long as Fred could remember, his mother had always been very gentle and kind, but as time went by, his mother's personality gradually became irritable and irritable.

not only punished Fred corporally for no reason from time to time, but also forced Fred to grow from an immature boy to a man when he was 12 years old.

Although Fred encountered family misfortune at this time, his psychology was still normal. However, Fred lived in such a family environment, and his psychology would inevitably undergo some changes, and this change was reflected in 1958. .

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


Fred was only 17 years old at that time, but at this time he had dropped out of school and started farming at home. At this time, Fred owned the first motorcycle in his life.

Unfortunately, Fred was involved in a serious car accident while riding his bike home because he was driving too fast.

In this car accident, Fred's head was severely injured, and due to the posture of the fall, his face was also seriously injured. Even though the doctors tried their best to treat him, he still could not escape the disfigurement. fate.

Perhaps due to low self-esteem or deliberate avoidance by his peers, Fred's personality changed drastically after he recovered. Not only was he irritable like his mother, but he also developed a pathological obsession with women.

In the days that followed, Fred often harassed the women around him and laughed loudly during the harassment.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


Although Fred was arrested by the local police more than once, he was able to escape legal sanctions on the grounds that he had suffered severe head injuries and that his body was not under his control.

In 1962, Fred, who was working as a porter on a construction site, met his first wife Lina. At that time, Lina was still engaged in the profession of "selling meat". However, when Fred met her, Lina She is already pregnant with other people's flesh and blood.

But Fred didn't care about this. After the two fell in love for a while, they entered the palace of marriage together, and after their marriage, they had a child of love.

Everything seems to be back on track. As long as Fred takes heart, he can live peacefully with his wife and children, and will have a happy life.

But Fred, who was already twisted deep in his heart, did not cherish everything in front of him.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


In 1968, Fred, a husband and father, met the love of his life - Rosemary West.

Not long after they got acquainted, they discovered that there was an inexplicable connection between them, and they regarded each other as soul mates.

A large part of the reason why the two of them were able to get together was that they had similar childhood experiences.

Rosemary was born in a family full of violence. Her father had an extremely violent personality. Rosemary often saw her father abusing her mother when she was a child.

Even during the mother's pregnancy, Rosemary's mother suffered from very severe depression when she was pregnant, and she even received electric shock therapy in front of Rosemary.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


The painful look of her mother left an indelible hurt in the heart of young Rosemary, which once made the little girl fall into confusion.

When Rosemary was 13 years old, her mother finally couldn't bear the torture from her father and chose to leave without saying goodbye.

The death of her mother left an indelible shadow on Rosemary's psychology, but what is even more tragic is that her father's claws also reached out to her.

After her mother passed away, Rosemary became the target of abuse and violence by her father, and this life lasted for more than ten years.

Until she met Fred, Fred in her heart was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the dark clouds, bringing a touch of warmth and light to her dim life.

Since the two met and fell in love, they were eager to become each other's significant other, but at this time there was a huge obstacle between them, that is Fred's wife Lina and her two daughters.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

Fred's two daughters

But what is puzzling is that a year after the two fell in love, Reina and her two daughters disappeared mysteriously, and there has been no news since.

In 1970, Fred and Rosemary got married and moved into the villa mentioned at the beginning.

In the following years, the two gave birth to eight children one after another. In the eyes of others, they were a very happy family.

But this was just an illusion they deliberately created. In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, Fred decorated the spare rooms in his home and rented them to homeless people who had nowhere to go.

Fred not only provided some contraband to these residents, but also instigated his wife Rosemary to deliberately provide free services to these people. And Fred cut a hole in the wall to peek.

However, Fred's crazy behavior was not rejected by Rosemary. Instead, she happily followed Fred's command.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

Fred, his wife and their children

Fred was enjoying it at first, but as time passed, Fred's peeping behavior could no longer satisfy his perverted psychology.

So, after discussing with his wife, Fred went to a nearby train station to find the target. The two of them specifically targeted young women who were inexperienced in the world.

They disguised their appearance very well, but after abducting the woman into their home, the ugly fangs in their mouths were revealed.

After they brought the young woman home, they illegally imprisoned and violated her, and then tortured and killed her after playing with her.

In 1973, this devilish couple went out looking for "prey" again. They lured a 19-year-old girl home on the pretext of hitching a ride.

During this process, his wife Rosemary tied the girl with a silk scarf from behind while she was not paying attention, and threatened her with a knife.

After returning home, their devilish smiling faces appeared again in the cold basement. In the girl's eyes full of fear, Fred and his wife violated her together.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


During this period, Rosemary also hurt the girl's body many times. Her heart-rending cries echoed in the basement, but all she received in response was devilish laughter.

Ever since the Freds enjoyed the benefits of this method, they began to frequently use hitchhiking to abduct girls.

According to incomplete statistics, the Freds deceived at least 12 young women in this way from 1968 to 1987.

In order not to be discovered, the Freds brutally decomposed the bodies of the murdered women, poured cement on them, and buried them under the floor of their home.

But the most craziest thing about this couple is that they not only extended their claws to strange girls and homeless vagrants, but also to their own biological daughters.

Their eldest daughter Heather Weissert is one of the victims. Not only has she lived under the abuse of her father, Fred, since she can remember, but she was also tortured to death by her biological parents in 1987. And was buried under the patio not far from the villa.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British


After that, Fred often used Heather's things to scare other children, and said that if anyone disobeyed, he would lie in the patio like Heather.

However, no matter how secretive they are, paper can't cover up the fire after all, and this evil couple will eventually receive the punishment they deserve.

In 1993, the little daughter Anne , who had been abused by her parents for a long time, attracted the attention of the school. In order to provide the child with a healthy psychology, the school contacted volunteers to provide psychological counseling for her.

During this period, Anne revealed the secret hidden in her heart: "Heather is not missing. She is dead and buried in the patio."

Anne's words shocked many people at that time. Heather was killed. The facts gradually spread and soon reached the ears of the police.

In February 1994, the police carried various equipment to search the Fred couple's residence and found the remains of Heather's body in the patio, which had been missing for nearly seven years. They also dug up an entire body in the back garden. 7 female corpses.

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

The real shocker was that the police dug up Fred's first wife Lina and her two daughters from Fred's former residence.

At this point, the truth about Raina's unexplained disappearance was revealed. The mother and daughter did not disappear back then, but Fred brutally murdered the three of them in order to be with Rosemary.

In June 1994, Fred and his wife were arrested by the police. When Fred faced the charges, he frankly confessed all his crimes and said that he had done them all by himself and had nothing to do with his wife.

But Rosemary was different from her husband. After she was arrested, she did not admit her crime at all. Instead, she put all the blame on Fred.

Rosemary told the judge with an indifferent expression: "I was controlled by Fred. I was so young and I was completely deceived by his lies."

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

Fred and Rosemary

On the other side, Fred in prison After Red learned of his wife's betrayal, he felt deeply lonely. The relationship between the soul mates also fell apart in Rosemary's words, and Fred chose to hang himself.

On October 25, 1995, this extremely abominable serial murder case went to trial. At this time, Rosemary still refused to admit her crime, but an audio tape left by Fred during his lifetime became the last straw that overwhelmed her. A straw.

In the recording, Fred clearly explained the entire process of murdering a person, but at this time his tone still showed no remorse, and even said that he killed them because of love.

However, at the end of the recording, Fred suddenly became irritable and shouted in a heartbreaking voice: "Even if you use common sense in life, you will know that it is difficult to do this in such a closed environment. "

On November 21, 1995, Rosemary was found guilty of 10 murders and sentenced to 10 life sentences. After the sentencing, the judge said: "I hope you will never. "

Text | September Editor | September In 1994, a British

Some of the victims

The serial murder case was ended with the judge's decision, and the villa where Fred and his wife lived was also razed to the ground. The surviving children received psychological counseling. , was also sent to different host families, and stood under the sun again.

Although both murderers received the punishment they deserved, what they did left an indelible shadow in people's hearts, especially the families of the victims, who will always live with the pain of losing their loved ones. .

From an objective point of view, both Fred and Rosemary are unfortunate. It was their original family that shaped them, and their parents personally created such a murderous maniac. However, the sins they committed themselves are also unforgivable. .

It can be seen from this that parents have a profound influence on their children. The family is the first teacher of children and will also be an important factor in determining their lifelong achievements.

However, the children of Fred and his wife are innocent. It is their misfortune to live in such a family. I hope that healthy psychological treatment can leave a seed of hope in their dim psychology, so that they can let go of the shadow, Live again.

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