In recent years, Zhouqu County has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions that “education and training work must be thoroughly studied and prepared to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of training.” In accordance with the

2024/06/2905:56:33 international 1653
In recent years, Zhouqu County has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions that “education and training work must be thoroughly studied and prepared to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of training.” In accordance with the - DayDayNews

In recent years, Zhouqu County has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions that “education and training work must be thoroughly studied and prepared to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of training.” In accordance with the spirit of “high-quality education and training of cadres, high-level "Serve the development of the cause of the party and the country", strengthen political responsibility, base on one's own reality, comprehensively implement policies and advance, and strive to create a new situation in cadre education and training in the new era.

focuses on one main thread, strengthening political guidance to provide good "ideological and political courses." General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To grow up, cadres must be armed with Marxist theory." Zhouqu County has always regarded strengthening theoretical arming as the main line of cadre education and training, and has always regarded the party's 19th National Congress and all the 19th Plenary Sessions Spirit, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Party’s Innovation Theory are required courses for the main classes. At least 2 special training courses are held at the county level every year, and centralized rotation training is conducted for leading cadres at the department level and above in Zhouqu County to continuously improve their application The party's innovative theory promotes work and the ability and level of problem-solving. Since the beginning of this year, rotation training classes for studying and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and rotation training classes for county-level agencies to study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee have been held, training more than 800 leading cadres at the department level and above in Zhouqu County More than 600 party members and cadres from government agencies and units directly under the county government have completed centralized rotation training. Each township and unit has organized more than 80 theoretical lectures and concentrated learning sessions, with more than 3,000 people participating in the study, continuously promoting in-depth ideological and political learning and theoretical policy learning. Go in truth, go in your heart.

seizes an opportunity and makes good use of assistance resources to play a "concerto". seizes the great opportunity of ’s targeted assistance from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, the counterpart assistance from Tianjin City, and the strong support from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, to solidly carry out special training actions for party and government cadres on rural revitalization, and fully promote the “going out” strategy of cadre education and training. Organize county and rural cadres at the third level to go to Tianjin, Chengdu, Yan'an and other places for comparative study, broaden their thinking, and infiltrate their shortcomings, make good use of high-quality education and training resources for cadres in developed areas outside the province, and improve the level of cadres in Zhouqu County to get started. pattern and the professional level to promote implementation. In the past three years, 10 training courses at all levels have been held overseas to improve the comprehensive capabilities of leading cadres, full-time training for village "two committees", and special training on rural revitalization, with a total of 476 cadres trained. Since the beginning of this year, there have been a total of 15 classes and 16 overseas training courses for cadre education, with an estimated 820 people trained.

focuses on a key point and digs deep into local resources to sing " local drama " well. continues to strengthen the construction of training positions, and established the Gansu Provincial Cadre Party Education Base at the Gansu Zhouqu Extraordinary Flash Flood and Debris Flow Rescue Memorial Hall . It has successively established the Zhouqu County New Era Grassroots Talent Training Service Center, Zhouqu County Party Education Base and other counties. Training institutions have established diversified on-site teaching sites such as "Healthy Town·Hometown of Grapes", "Ecological Farm·Colorful Stone City", "Pastoral City Horse·Hometown of Heroes", forming a party education base with the County Party Committee Party School as the main position. , the "1+3" cadre education and training position model of coordinated operation of teaching institutions and on-site teaching points in the county has effectively improved the coverage and effectiveness of training. Continue to strengthen the construction of the teaching staff, select the best from cadres at all levels and from all walks of life, establish a basic teacher database, a special teacher database, a high-end teacher database, reserve 32 full-time and part-time teachers, and vigorously promote leading cadres, business officers, Advanced models and professionals come to the podium and let those who have done it talk about what they have done, which effectively enhances the attractiveness and appeal of teaching.

highlights a key point, focusing on the effectiveness of training to forge "real skills". adheres to the goal of improving the comprehensive ability and quality of party members and cadres, is oriented to meet actual needs, highlights reality, practicality and effectiveness, and carries out training in different categories. In terms of training objects, a cadre training account should be established and updated in a timely manner to prevent repeated training of multiple cadres, and accurately select and dispatch cadre training personnel at the central, provincial and state levels. In terms of training content, we conduct training needs research by holding symposiums and issuing questionnaires. According to the principle of "learn what you do and make up for what you lack", we set up reasonable courses to ensure that the training content is closely linked to the specific work and accurately drip-fed. .In terms of teaching methods, we pay attention to the effectiveness of training. In various special training classes, according to the differences of training objects, we flexibly use teaching methods such as lecture, seminar, case and simulation to fully mobilize students to actively participate in interactive teaching. Really let the participating cadres understand, learn and use it. In terms of training management, the seriousness of the system is strengthened. In each training class, a temporary party branch is established, a class committee is established, and military training is carried out. The trainees are included in organizational management and military management, and the rules and politics are followed to implement the entire training process. Implement a full-process record-keeping system for training and attendance, and establish a "cadre training information ledger" to track and record the main content of cadre training, such as the theme, duration, research topics, training results, training assessment, etc., as an important reference for the year-end assessment, selection, and promotion of cadres Based on this, an effective transformation from "I want to learn" to "I want to learn" has been achieved. (Xue Hubo)

(Source: Zhouqu County People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper to reply within 24 hours. ]

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