[Source: Jiujiang Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau_County District] In order to further increase the protection of drinking water sources, fight in-depth battles to protect drinking water sources, effectively eliminate environmental problems around water sources, and achie

2024/07/0105:47:33 international 1442

[Source: Jiujiang Ecological Environment Bureau_County District]

In order to further increase the protection of drinking water sources, fight in-depth battles to protect drinking water sources, effectively eliminate environmental problems around water sources, and realize the sustainable development of the water ecological environment in the basin. A good goal is to let the people drink clean water and feel safe. Recently, the Chaisang Ecological Environment Bureau conducted special inspections on multiple drinking water source protection areas within its jurisdiction.

[Source: Jiujiang Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau_County District] In order to further increase the protection of drinking water sources, fight in-depth battles to protect drinking water sources, effectively eliminate environmental problems around water sources, and achie - DayDayNews

The inspection team compared the key environmental inspection points of centralized drinking water sources in Chaisang District, Jiujiang City, went deep into the site, and conducted detailed inspections on the three aspects of "zoning, establishment, and management" of drinking water sources, and gained a detailed understanding of local drinking water sources. Whether the protected area is demarcated as required, whether signs and isolation protection are established in accordance with the law, and whether there are environmental violations in the protected area, etc. In response to various problems discovered during the on-site inspection, the inspection team carefully recorded them one by one, compiled a list of problems, provided targeted rectification measures, and required relevant local departments to strictly implement rectifications.

[Source: Jiujiang Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau_County District] In order to further increase the protection of drinking water sources, fight in-depth battles to protect drinking water sources, effectively eliminate environmental problems around water sources, and achie - DayDayNews

Drinking water safety is a major livelihood issue related to the health of the broad masses of the people. In the next step, the bureau will further consolidate the regular inspection working mechanism of drinking water sources, make full use of scientific methods combined with manual inspection methods, strive to eliminate environmental hazards, and ensure the ecological environment safety of drinking water sources in the basin. At the same time, we actively carry out water source protection publicity work, seriously investigate and deal with environmental violations, and strengthen daily supervision of drinking water source water quality based on the investigation of the water quality of drinking water sources, increase the frequency of monitoring, and effectively prevent drinking water source pollution. the occurrence of events.

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