Kangting, Zhu Wenjuan, Wang Xiaogang, and Sun Jinyi Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, a large number of party members and cadres in our city have reported to the community quickly with a courageous and responsible work style, and have been quickly incorporated into th

2024/07/0221:20:33 international 1972

Kangting, Zhu Wenjuan, Wang Xiaogang, and Sun Jinyi Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, a large number of party members and cadres in our city have reported to the community quickly with a courageous and responsible work style, and have been quickly incorporated into th - DayDayNews


Kangting, Zhu Wenjuan, Wang Xiaogang, and Sun Jinyi Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, a large number of party members and cadres in our city have reported to the community quickly with a courageous and responsible work style, and have been quickly incorporated into th - DayDayNews

Zhu Wenjuan

Kangting, Zhu Wenjuan, Wang Xiaogang, and Sun Jinyi Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, a large number of party members and cadres in our city have reported to the community quickly with a courageous and responsible work style, and have been quickly incorporated into th - DayDayNews

Wang Xiaogang

Kangting, Zhu Wenjuan, Wang Xiaogang, and Sun Jinyi Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, a large number of party members and cadres in our city have reported to the community quickly with a courageous and responsible work style, and have been quickly incorporated into th - DayDayNews

Sun Jinyi

Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, a large number of party members and cadres in our city have quickly reported to the community with a courageous and responsible work style, and have been quickly incorporated into the community prevention and control team, working closely with community staff stands shoulder to shoulder, connects heart to heart with the people in the jurisdiction, actively participates in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, carries out personnel platooning, nucleic acid testing , community control and other tasks, uses practical actions to show the style of the Communist Party members of the times, and protects the safety of people's lives Line of defense.

Zhu Wenjuan:

holds up a "protective umbrella" for groups with special difficulties

delivers anti-epidemic materials to lonely elderly people and helps left-behind children with tutoring... Since the outbreak, the " three-community linkage " in Guanghua Street Community, Dunhuang Road Street, Qilihe District, Lanzhou City Zhu Wenjuan, the person in charge of the project site, has always been on the front line of prevention and control, protecting groups in special need and holding up a "protective umbrella" for them. Not long ago, Zhu Wenjuan was honorably named the "Lanzhou Good Person" in the second quarter of 2022. She was a little shy when facing the camera, but when talking about community epidemic prevention work, she confidently and firmly introduced: "During the epidemic, our community comprehensively investigated and found out the elderly living alone, empty-nest elderly, lonely elderly people, left-behind children and people in need. and other special groups, register the situation of relevant special groups, and establish an account of the service needs of key groups, so that the bottom line is clear and no one is left behind."

Wang Xiaogang:

Fight against the epidemic, first. Time to report to the community

At the intersection of Hezheng Road Middle Street in Chengguan District, Wang Xiaogang has been working for a long time. Wang Xiaogang is a party member and cadre of Lanzhou Daily. After the outbreak of this round of epidemic, he immediately reported to Hejiazhuang Community, Railway East Village Street. He goes to the alley on time every morning to be on duty, advising residents who go out to wear masks and scan codes to pass, and kindly reminds people passing by to protect themselves and minimize going out. Wang Xiaogang was not afraid of the situation where there were many old buildings and courtyards, dense personnel, and difficult epidemic prevention and control work at the duty points. He firmly told reporters: "I believe that with the concerted cooperation with other comrades, the epidemic in Lanzhou will be eliminated as soon as possible." End!"


Going against the trend, women show their responsibility in fighting the epidemic.

Working side by side with Wang Xiaogang is Kang Ting, a staff member of the Yellow River Scenic Area. When reporters arrived at the scene, she was patiently explaining the current epidemic prevention measures to the food delivery staff. Policies and procedures required to deliver orders. Her neat short hair fluttered in the breeze, and her thin figure shuttled between the inspection point and the community. As the leader of the working group for the Hejiazhuang community where the cadres of the municipal government are stationed, Kang Ting feels he has a heavy responsibility. "During the epidemic, community workers and stationed cadres worked together to carry out information screening, body temperature measurement, nucleic acid testing and other tasks in an efficient and orderly manner, building an unbreakable life safety defense line for the people." She firmly believes that the strong support of the Party Central Committee Under the scientific guidance of the leadership, the national supervision team, and the leadership of the municipal party committee and government, Lanzhou will definitely be able to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible.

Sun Jinyi:

Be a good "gatekeeper" for community prevention and control

Whether it is the normal management of epidemic prevention and control or the current anti-epidemic moment, he has always been on the front line of epidemic prevention in Luotuotan community, Gaoxin Street, Lanzhou High-tech Zone as a stationed cadre . He is Sun Jinyi, a fourth-level researcher in the Cooperation and Exchange Office of Lanzhou Municipal Government. Door-to-door inspections, guarding community gates, maintaining order at the nucleic acid testing site, and preaching epidemic prevention policies... Sun Jinyi has been stationed in Luotuotan Community since October last year. 58-year-old Sun Jinyi is not afraid of the epidemic. He chooses to rush in front of the masses without hesitation, sticks to the front line of community epidemic prevention, and actively chooses to be the "gatekeeper" of community prevention and control. "Protecting the lives and safety of the people is the mission and responsibility of our party members and cadres, and I should be at the forefront." Sun Jinyi said.

Lanzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Chen Mengyuan Ma Li Wang Yinghao Text/Photo

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