On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos.

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On July 14, 2022, the 73-year-old Trump ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, "America's former first daughter" Ivanka was suddenly released I took a lot of precious photos of myself and my mother.

"Only mothers are good in the world, and a mother's child is like a treasure." Ivanka's mother who was the best to her suddenly passed away, which made her extremely sad. It is said that a person dies three times. The first time is when the heart stops beating; the second time is when someone pays tribute to her at the funeral; and the third time is when the last person who remembers her dies.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

As for Ivana , her three children will remember and miss her deeply, especially her daughter Ivanka.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

These group photos record the most beautiful moments of Ivana and the happiest moments of Ivanka when she was young. Every child's childhood becomes beautiful because of his mother's company.

In one of the photos, Ivanka rested her head on her mother's shoulder and smiled mischievously at the camera, and her mother also showed a bright smile. At that time, Ivanka was innocent and cute, and Ivana was young and beautiful.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

There is also a photo of Ivanka when she was 3 years old. She was dressed as a beautiful doll, wearing a white princess dress, standing on the bed, pouting, supporting her waist, and taking the initiative to give her mother a lovely kiss.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Ivanka was so cute at that time, with her pink face and her hands on her waist. Seeing such a cute daughter, Ivana was all smiles. This scene was actually very touching, and the deep love between mother and daughter was fully revealed.

There is also a photo of mother Ivana when she was young. In this photo, she is wearing a golden ski suit , combing her hair into her favorite "golden lion head", standing in the ice and snow.

At that time, in addition to being a famous model, Ivana was also a beautiful "skier". once had a brief marriage with a skier.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Ivana was also a beauty when she was young and beautiful. Of course, even the 73-year-old Ivana still wore exquisite makeup and fashionable clothes.

Moreover, Ivanka wrote this sentence very sadly, saying that she was very heartbroken because of the death of her mother, because her mother was always so charming, energetic and brave. Finally, Ivanka also said that herself I will always miss the lasting memories with .

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Although Ivana is a very strong woman and is Trump’s best helper in his career, she has not neglected to take care of her three children, especially her eldest daughter Ivanka, who has paid a lot. Ivana is a good mother. Let's walk into Ivanka's memories together and feel the affection between their mother and daughter!

During her childhood, Ivana suddenly had a whim and wanted to put on a beautiful "mother-daughter outfit" for her beautiful daughter. gave her daughter a black bow dress.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

The mother also braided her daughter's hair by herself. The young Ivanka seemed not to want the braids. She pouted at the camera with a look of helplessness, but she couldn't resist her mother.

On Thanksgiving Day when the winter snow was falling, Ivana took her daughter to cook a turkey dinner together. Ivana even demonstrated to her daughter with her own hands, teaching her how to make a turkey dinner.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

However, Ivanka didn’t seem to listen carefully. She was holding a basin of sesame oil and waiting for her mother to pour the sesame oil on the big turkey. It looked like a very fragrant Thanksgiving, filled with warm fragrance.

When Ivanka was a child, she was not as confident and generous as she is now. She was just a very ordinary girl. She was also very young and shy to appear in various situations. In order to encourage Ivanka, her smart mother made her become more Confident, specially brought her to attend the event.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

At that time, Ivanka wore braces and always looked timid and didn't like to smile in front of the camera.

And Ivana deliberately squatted down at the event and exposed her shiny, white teeth to the camera, letting little Ivanka see that girls with braces can also be beautiful, just so that they can be like her when they grow up. Grow beautiful teeth! It can be seen that many small details in Ivana's life show the fact that she is a good mother.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Ivanka grew up with her mother, and she also inherited her mother’s good clothes. She once wore the same clothes as her mother, a golden fringed dress with a hint of dreamy luster. When they wore it like this, they looked elegant. They are all somewhat similar.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

In 1989, Trump’s lover Marla appeared in front of Ivana and said in a high-profile manner that she was Trump’s lover. The confident Ivana didn't want to endure Trump's philandering anymore, so she first separated, then fought a 13-month lawsuit, and finally the two divorced.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

In 1992, Ivana and Trump officially divorced and divided half of his family property. Ivanka was only 10 years old at this time, but she was already very sensible at this time. She knew how to please her father Trump. She has also become Trump’s favorite daughter. I have to say that Ivana also has credit here. After all, pleasing Trump is quite beneficial to Ivanka.

In 1993, when Trump and his second wife Marla got married, they held a very grand wedding. At the wedding, Marla wore a white V-neck wedding dress with a bright veil, and she smiled very beautifully. , Trump also looked high-spirited, but Ivanka did not show up at the wedding, but stayed at home with her mother.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

When Trump attended the event with his second wife and Ivanka, the young Ivanka looked very decent. She did not shy away from being in the same frame as her stepmother Marla, and worked hard to create a happy family for her father. The harmonious scene is her consciousness as the daughter of a famous lady. Some emotions cannot be exposed. The superficial family harmony is the most important.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

However, if you look closely at this picture, you will find that all kinds of body language of Ivanka express the estrangement and alienation towards Mara. She clings closely to her father and looks at the camera. , never looked at Mara or interacted with Mara. Later, after Trump and Mara turned their heads, she rolled her eyes at the camera again.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

When I attended various occasions with my biological mother before, Ivanka's mood seemed to be much better. She could stand very happily with her mother, hugging each other, and they looked intimate at first sight.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

It can be seen that in Ivanka’s heart, she is still very concerned about Mara destroying her family. Even in front of Mara, Ivanka will deliberately say that she hates third parties, and one more thing, Ivanka She is so good at pleasing Trump that Tiffany, born to Marla, has always been like a little transparent and will never be as favored as her sister Ivanka.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

In 1998, Trump divorced his second wife. Their marriage only lasted 5 years. And because Marla was photographed walking on the beach with her bodyguard, Marla became the woman Trump was least willing to mention.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

In 2005, Trump married his third wife, Melania . It seems that Trump’s aesthetics have not changed, and he only likes supermodels.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

And Ivanka is also more sensible, because there is no direct competition between Melania and her mother, and she is not the lover who caused the dissolution of her mother's marriage, so Ivanka's attitude towards Melania is better than Melania's. La is stronger, but Ivanka still can't help but "compare" with her stepmother Melania.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Later, a source inside the White House revealed that although the relationship between Ivanka and Melania is close, there is also a certain degree of jealousy. The two are also secretly competing for favor in front of Trump. .

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Even during one visit, Ivanka specially changed three sets of clothes in order to win over Melania. She stole the show and made Melania a little sulky.

In short, Ivanka used practical actions to interpret the most beautiful appearance of a daughter: not surprised, not angry, not embarrassed, helping her mother save face, making up for her missing family vacancy, so that she would always be "the mother is more important than the daughter" and be able to live in her own life. Write a proud chapter in your life.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

For Ivanka, Ivana is the only mother in her heart; for Ivana, daughter is also the masterpiece of her life that she is proud of.

On July 14, 2022, 73-year-old Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump passed away. In order to commemorate her mother, “America’s former richest daughter” Ivanka suddenly posted a lot of photos of herself and her mother. Rare photos. - DayDayNews

Regarding the death of his ex-wife Ivana, Trump also posted a message in memory of her. Ivana was Trump’s first wife, who gave birth to three children for him, and was also his best helper in his career. The two are divorcing. Afterwards, the relationship was still very harmonious.

I have to say that Ivana is very competent both as a mother and as a wife, and her 73-year-old life is also very exciting. It can be said that she has no regrets in life.

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