On July 14, Saga Town held a "Welcome to the 20th National Congress" risk prevention, security and stability work deployment meeting. Members of the party and government leadership team, all agency cadres, branch secretaries, first secretaries, and village work teams attended the

2024/06/2910:35:32 international 1773

On July 14, Saga Town held a "Welcoming the 20th National Congress" risk prevention, security and stability work deployment meeting. Members of the party and government leadership team, all agency cadres, branch secretaries, first secretaries, and village work teams attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Wang Gang, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor.

On July 14, Saga Town held a

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the county party committee and county government’s "Welcome to the 20th National Congress" risk prevention, safety and stability work meeting, and arranged and deployed the town’s current and future safety and stability work. At the meeting, leaders in charge discussed safety in related fields Stability maintenance work has been arranged and deployed.

The meeting pointed out that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held, and doing a good job in security and stability is not only an important current political task, but also a big test facing the town. The whole town should take it as a major political responsibility to prevent risks, protect safety and stability in "Welcoming the 20th National Congress", clearly understand the severe situation of the current security and stability work, effectively enhance the sense of urgency, responsibility and mission, and always adhere to the people's supremacy, We must strictly implement all security and stability tasks and make every effort to maintain harmony and stability in the overall development of society.

On July 14, Saga Town held a

The meeting required that the whole town should focus on the focus of work and make every effort to promote safety and stability work. Keep your mind tight at all times. We must fully protect the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the overriding central task this year, and fully implement all measures to maintain security and stability.

Strengthen social security prevention and control. Strengthen the management and control of special groups, comprehensively investigate various risks and hidden dangers, make every effort to resolve various conflicts and disputes, resolutely implement petitions to maintain stability, and create a safe and stable political and social environment.

On July 14, Saga Town held a

Consolidate work responsibilities, increase efforts to investigate and resolve potential public safety hazards, backlog of petitions and conflicts and disputes, and create a safe and stable social atmosphere. We should strive to be "responsible for defending the territory, be responsible for defending the territory, and be responsible for defending the territory" and make every effort to create a safe and stable social environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. (Zhang Peng)

Editor: Zhu Gang

Editor: Reina

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