On the afternoon of July 15, Xingping Court held a "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and One Hundred Days to Attack Tough Times" deployment meeting to prevent risks and ensure stability. The meeting was presided over by Wang Jianhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean

2024/07/0221:24:32 international 1932

On the afternoon of July 15, Xingping Court held a

html On the afternoon of July 15, Xingping Court held a "Welcome to the 20th National Congress and 100 Days to Attack Tough Times" deployment meeting to prevent risks and ensure stability. The meeting was presided over by Wang Jianhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean, and attended by middle-level police officers and above and judges on post.

At the meeting, we conveyed and learned the spirit of the Arrange and deploy stability operations. The

meeting requested that we strengthen our ideological understanding and resolutely regard the implementation of the "Welcome the 20th National Congress and Attack the 100 Days" action to prevent risks and maintain stability as the primary political task. We should pay close attention to it and build a solid iron wall to prevent risks and maintain stability. To improve management measures, team members must lead by example, set an example, establish an organizational structure, formulate work plans, clarify responsibility goals, consolidate and tighten the work at all levels, and carry out various tasks in a comprehensive, orderly and pragmatic manner to ensure higher standards and stricter requirements. Eliminate hidden dangers and ensure stability. Maintain harmony and stability, comprehensively sort out the hidden dangers of petitions involving lawsuits, carry out educational influence and stability control work on individuals, timely grasp the ideological trends of petitioners, strictly implement stability control measures, and eliminate hidden dangers in the bud. Strengthen public opinion guidance, actively integrate traditional media and new media resources, deepen publicity and public opinion guidance, strive to tell good stories about the rule of law, promote positive social energy, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. (Li Military Commission)

Editor: Zhao Jiaxin

Editor in charge: Zheng Lipo

Chief editor: Yao Qiming

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