Cleaning up Zhejiang to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress is an important political task at present and in the future. The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will effectively enhance the sense of politi

2024/07/0221:55:32 international 1401

Incorruptible Zhejiang

Cleaning up Zhejiang to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress is an important political task at present and in the future. The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will effectively enhance the sense of politi - DayDayNewsCleaning up Zhejiang to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress is an important political task at present and in the future. The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will effectively enhance the sense of politi - DayDayNews

Studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress is an important political task at present and in the future. The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will effectively enhance the sense of political responsibility and mission of "two firsts" and focus on the main responsibilities The main business is to strengthen discipline supervision and continue to promote the high-quality development of discipline inspection and supervision work with the "Salt" brand.

focuses on the "big ones in the country" and strengthens political guarantees with "salt and solid" supervision. To administer the party strictly in an all-round way, we must first look at it politically. It is necessary to firmly grasp the fundamental task of strengthening political supervision in the new era, focus on "small incisions, big guarantees", improve the closed loop of "finding problems - analyzing problems - putting forward opinions - promoting rectification", and resolutely investigate and deal with changes that are out of shape, hot at the top and cold at the bottom. Issues such as delayed and slow shooting have effectively promoted party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres to implement political responsibilities and disciplines to ensure economic stability, abundant warehouses, and people's prosperity. It is necessary to always regard the "top leaders" and the leadership team as the focus of supervision, focus on clarifying responsibilities, performing responsibilities, supervising responsibilities, and holding accountable, improve and improve the "four responsibilities coordination" mechanism to promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and actively explore and implement "cloud collaboration" , promote the list, concreteness, normalization and informatization of responsibility implementation, and continuously strengthen the collaborative atmosphere of "taking the lead and dare to supervise, and consciously accept supervision".

Cleaning up Zhejiang to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress is an important political task at present and in the future. The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will effectively enhance the sense of politi - DayDayNews

The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has explored the construction of a "four-responsibility coordination" mechanism in towns and villages to open up the main responsibilities of the party organizations at the town, street and village levels, the primary responsibility of the secretary, " one post with dual responsibilities" for team members, and the supervision of the discipline inspection and supervision organization The obstruction between responsibilities creates a joint force of supervision. This year, the Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has piloted the "Cloud Four Responsibilities Collaboration" in Haiyan Economic Development Zone (Xitangqiao Street) and Baibu Economic Development Zone (Baibu Town) to provide grassroots supervision with " Cloud Wings”. The picture shows the start-up and operation ceremony of the "Four Responsibilities Collaboration on the Cloud" digital project. Haiyan Economic Development Zone (Xitangqiao Street) Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Office Photo by Gu Yan

Focus on upright anti-corruption and strengthen grassroots governance with the effect of "salt governance". Improving the ability and level of integrated promotion of party members who dare not, cannot, and do not want to be corrupt is an important part of deepening the comprehensive and strict governance of the party. It is necessary to maintain the vigilance and intensity of zero tolerance, coordinate the promotion of anti-corruption struggles in all fields, and resolutely contain the increase and eliminate the existing ones. It is necessary to insist on treating both the symptoms and the root cause, focus on the "second half of the article" in investigating and handling cases, strengthen case analysis through "four must interviews for one case", and promote post-case rectification through "three reports for one case". For outstanding problems and complex situations, special supervision will be organized and systematic rectification will be carried out to promote reform and treatment through cases. We must adhere to the supremacy of people's interests, carry out in-depth special treatment of indifference and infringement of the interests of the masses, increase supervision and accountability, strive to promote the formation of a number of institutional results that regulate the operation of power, and exchange the actual results of the anti-corruption campaign for the people's sense of gain and happiness. and a sense of security.

Cleaning up Zhejiang to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress is an important political task at present and in the future. The Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will effectively enhance the sense of politi - DayDayNews

In recent years, the Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has relied on the village-level supervision work liaison station to listen to the voices of the people, collect public opinions, visit people's sentiments, actively play the role of "probe" and "outpost", and carefully supervise the implementation of policies to benefit the people in each village (community) environment, protect the vital interests of the people, and make the villagers full of happiness. The picture shows Fan Jianchun investigating the construction and operation of the village-level supervision work liaison station in Yongqing Village, Shendang Town. Haiyan County Commission for Discipline Inspection Photo by Lu Yiting

Focus on the culture of integrity and strengthen the heart-nourishing education with the sweetness of "salt". Strengthening the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era is an important measure to enhance the ability of party members and cadres to resist corruption and prevent degeneration. It is necessary to do a good job in general education on discipline, use "people around us and things around us" to carry out discipline education, constantly enhance the pertinence and timeliness of warning education, and further play the role of investigating and handling one case, alerting one party, and regulating one party. Actively explore "order-based" discipline and law propaganda to help party members and cadres resolve their doubts. It is necessary to tell the story of integrity well, based on the thousand-year-old county, to explore the elements of integrity in local cultural characteristics and historical allusions, to use local cultural stories such as "Qian's Family Instructions" as the focus of education, to strengthen the construction of family tradition of party members and leading cadres, and to continue to promote new Times family tutoring and family style construction project.It is necessary to make good use of the anti-corruption position, coordinate existing resources, integrate new things, and combine the construction of the position with local culture, agency culture, and industry culture to form an anti-corruption education package that integrates anti-corruption lines, anti-corruption museums, anti-corruption poems, and anti-corruption paintings. Better play the role of educating and educating people.

focuses on the cadre team and uses the power of "salt value" to strengthen their responsibilities. closely follows the "two-state" construction of the new organizational form and the good state of cadres, and tempers the cadres' ideological style, ability and quality. We must have the courage to fight, deepen our understanding of the laws governing the party and the fight against corruption, and actively carry out the "young and honest seedlings" training and "evergreen trees" teaching activities to inspire young cadres to shoulder heavy responsibilities and overcome difficulties. Work motivation and stimulate the experience and advantages of veteran cadres in handling conflicts and solving problems. We must be good at innovation, deeply grasp the requirements for the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, learn deeply and thoroughly understand the spirit of digital reform, use the big data supervision application of public power in development zones as the starting point, build a scientific and efficient digital supervision system that connects top and bottom, connects left and right, and continuously improves supervision. efficacy. We must be strict with ourselves, improve the internal control mechanism, strictly standardize internal management, actively accept supervision from all aspects within the party and society, and continue to prevent "blackness under the light"

with the awareness to face up to the problem and the courage to turn the blade inward.

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