Since the beginning of this year, Longquan Town, Jingyu County, has regarded optimizing the business environment as an important way to promote the accelerated development of the town's economy. It has made early plans and deployments, continued to make precise efforts, and conti

2024/07/0221:56:33 international 1175

Since the beginning of this year, Longquan Town, Jingyu County, has regarded optimizing the business environment as an important way to promote the accelerated development of the town's economy. It has planned and deployed in advance, continued to make precise efforts, and continuously optimized the construction of the business environment.

  Strengthen organizational leadership and suppress the implementation of responsibilities. established a leading group for optimizing the business environment, clarified work responsibilities, assigned responsibilities to people, specific times, and specific matters, and channeled pressure at all levels to provide a strong organizational guarantee for optimizing the business environment.

Focus on sanitation and improvement to improve the living environment. adheres to the "Six Domains" party building, leads the creation of the "Seven Cities", and continues to improve the rural living environment. Focusing on the environmental optimization goals of towns and villages, we organized all stations (offices, offices), village cadres and rural party members in the town to go deep into the main and secondary roads, in front of and behind the houses to carry out garbage removal, firewood removal, dung pile removal, yard cleaning, and house cleaning. We will carry out "six cleaning" activities such as ditch cleaning and road cleaning, while strengthening the cleaning of white garbage, debris and wild advertisements in key areas, severely cracking down on illegal activities such as occupying the main roads in the town, piling and piling indiscriminately, and creating a clean and tidy people. living environment and help optimize the business environment.

Since the beginning of this year, Longquan Town, Jingyu County, has regarded optimizing the business environment as an important way to promote the accelerated development of the town's economy. It has made early plans and deployments, continued to make precise efforts, and conti - DayDayNews

  strengthens discipline inspection and supervision and promotes the implementation of measures. pays close attention to key links such as project establishment, administrative review and approval, and bidding and bidding, and puts an end to disciplinary violations such as arbitrariness, inaction, and random behavior by party members and cadres. Strictly investigate and deal with problems such as ineffective work and shirk of responsibility in the promotion of key projects and key projects. We must adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards violations of laws and disciplines and resolutely investigate and deal with them whenever they are discovered. At the same time, the reporting hotline will be announced in each village, the channels for reporting will be smoothed, and the masses will be encouraged to report on behaviors that may damage the business environment, so as to give full play to the role of social supervision.

changes work style and improves service efficiency. continues to strengthen the construction of cadres' style of work, persists in correcting the "four styles of ", provides ideological education to party members and cadres, enhances the awareness of the purpose and rules of " serves the people", improves service efficiency through real style changes, and comprehensively Optimize the business environment in an all-round way.

author Chen Jixiang reporter Guo Xiaoyu

chief editor Meng Fanjie Shi Wei Han Tieying

editor Chi Ruibing

international Category Latest News