Overseas Network, July 27 (Xinhua) Real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that as of about 6:30 on July 27, Beijing time, there were 16,380,401 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, and 651,198 deaths, with more than 10,000 confirmed cases in 79 countries. .

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Source: Overseas Network

Overseas Network, July 27 (Xinhua) Real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that as of about 6:30 on July 27, Beijing time, there were 16,380,401 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally, and 651,198 deaths, with more than 10,000 confirmed cases in 79 countries. . - DayDayNews


Overseas Network, July 27. Real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that as of about 6:30 on July 27, Beijing time, a total of 16,380,401 cases of new coronary pneumonia have been diagnosed worldwide, and a total of 651,198 deaths have been reported. 79 countries have more than 10,000 confirmed cases.

The global epidemic continues to spread. More than 150 American medical experts in the United States recently issued an open letter, calling on U.S. policymakers to prioritize and immediately stop restarting the economy. The epidemic in Brazil is severe, and the Rio Beach New Year's Eve event has been cancelled. The epidemic situation in many European countries has shown red lights again. Spain may be experiencing a second wave of the epidemic; in Africa, South Africa's Minister of Trade tested positive for the new coronavirus , Zimbabwe announced that it will continue to strengthen epidemic prevention measures, Guinea-Bissau extended the national emergency for 30 days again; in Asia, India has been in the country for 11 consecutive days The number of new cases in a single day remained above 30,000, and the number of confirmed cases in 18 states or regions exceeded 10,000; the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Japan exceeded 30,000.

Americas: American medical experts issued an open letter calling for the suspension of reopening. Rio, Brazil, announced the cancellation of New Year’s Eve celebrations.

The United States

According to Worldometer real-time statistics, as of about 6:30 on July 27, Beijing time, the United States had a total of 4,365,410 confirmed cases of COVID-19. , a total of 149,772 deaths. Compared with the data at 6:30 the previous day, there were 49,701 new confirmed cases and 374 new deaths in the United States.

More than 150 American medical experts recently issued an open letter, calling on U.S. policymakers to prioritize, immediately stop restarting the economy, and tell the public the truth about the new coronavirus until the epidemic is controlled to a certain level and there is sufficient capacity for effective testing and close contact tracing. Only then can we try to gradually open up. The

open letter pointed out that when the American people implemented the "stay-at-home order" in March, the U.S. government failed to seize the opportunity to control the development of the epidemic in time, and then restarted the economy too quickly. The open letter calls on U.S. policymakers to prioritize and listen to expert opinions, noting that "the best thing for the United States is not to restart the economy as quickly as possible, but to save as many lives as possible."

Experts call for the suspension of non-essential business operations and restaurants only providing takeout; people should stay at home as much as possible except when buying food and seeking medical treatment; masks should be mandatory in all indoor and outdoor public places where they interact with others. "If these measures are not taken, the consequences will be larger-scale infections and deaths."


According to the latest data released by the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the evening of July 26, local time, the country had 24,578 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in a single day. , a total of 2,419,091 confirmed cases; 555 new deaths, and a total of 87,004 deaths. Currently, Brazil still ranks second in the world in confirmed cases and deaths, second only to the United States.

Rio de Janeiro Mayor Marcelo Criveira announced on the 25th that in view of the continuous spread of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Brazil and the fact that an effective vaccine is not yet available, the city has decided to cancel the 2021 New Year celebrations. In the past, the city would hold celebrations at the famous Copacabana Beach at midnight of the New Year. The New Year's Eve event on the last day of 2019 attracted 2.9 million people. At the same time, the city also decided to postpone the 2021 Carnival event from February next year to September. São Paulo Mayor Bruno Covas announced on the 24th that the city’s New Year’s Eve celebrations originally scheduled to be held on Paulista Street on December 31 this year will be canceled and the 2021 Carnival will be postponed to the end of May or next year. Held in early July.

Europe: The epidemic situation in many European countries has turned red again. Spain may be experiencing a second wave of the epidemic.

As of around 6:30 on July 27, Beijing time, real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that 48 countries in Europe have reported confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia. There were 2,777,768 cases and 201,434 deaths. Data shows that the three countries with the highest cumulative number of confirmed cases in Europe are Russia, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Moscow, the capital of Russia, is the "epicenter" of the Russian epidemic. There were 683 new confirmed cases in the past day and night, bringing the total to 237,947. The Russian Health Minister said that the number of newly confirmed cases in Moscow is declining and herd immunity is forming.At the same time, 306 people were discharged from hospitals in Moscow in the past day and night, bringing the number of discharged patients in Moscow to 174,721, and 9 new deaths, for a total of 4,398.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted that the British government did not know enough about the new coronavirus in the "early weeks and months" of the outbreak in the country, and said that 30 million British people will be vaccinated against influenza this year. To reduce the pressure on the NHS when coronavirus infections surge in autumn and winter. Testing and tracing will also be stepped up, and more personal protective equipment will be purchased. In addition, starting from the 26th, all travelers from Spain to the UK must self-isolate for 14 days.

According to French media reports on the 26th local time, French Economy Minister Le Maire said in an interview with local media that the government plans to allocate 30 billion euros to promote ecological transformation and achieve economic decarbonization. This allocation is part of the French government's economic recovery plan totaling 100 billion euros. Le Maire said that the economic recovery plan will be a "green plan" that will help promote the construction of a new economic growth model based on decarbonization, energy conservation and green innovation. It is understood that the plan will be submitted to the cabinet ministers meeting for review on August 24.

The spread of the new coronavirus in Germany has also intensified again. Health authorities reported 815 new infections to the Robert Koch Institute on Thursday. Excluding the cluster of infections at the Tönnies meat factory, this is the highest single-day increase since mid-May.

The resurgence of the epidemic in France has surged, with a total of 3,589 new confirmed cases in the past week, an increase of 27% from the previous week. President Macron held an epidemic prevention meeting, and Prime Minister Jean Castet subsequently announced during an inspection of Charles de Gaulle Airport that passengers from 16 high-risk countries including the United States must present a negative virus test certificate within 72 hours when entering the country, or undergo on-site compulsory virus testing. .

The new crown epidemic is still very serious in Spain, and the number of infections has been increasing in recent days. According to data from the Ministry of Health, the number of confirmed cases in Spain has tripled in the past seven days. Catalonia and Aragon are currently experiencing the worst cases of new infections. Primary health care centers in some autonomous regions have begun to reach saturation. If a solution is not found, Spain may enter a recession by the middle of this summer. A "perfect storm". Maria José Serra, regional director of the Health Alert and Emergency Center of the Spanish Ministry of Health, said on the 23rd: "We may be experiencing a second wave of the epidemic."

Africa: South Africa's Trade Minister tested positive for the new coronavirus and Guinea-Bissau extended the extension again National Emergency 30 Days

As of around 6:30 on July 27, Beijing time, real-time statistics from the Worldometer website show that 57 countries in Africa have reported 848,226 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 17,790 deaths. Currently, 11 countries in Africa have reported more than 10,000 confirmed cases. Countries with severe epidemics include South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, etc.

The Ministry of Health of South Africa confirmed that there were 12,204 new cases of COVID-19 in South Africa on the 25th, bringing the total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 to 434,200, and 312 new deaths from COVID-19, bringing the total number of deaths to 6,655. 46,324 people were tested that day, a total of 2,730,812 people have been tested, and a total of 263,054 people have recovered. South Africa's Minister of Trade and Industry, Barthel, tested positive for the new coronavirus and is the fourth ministerial figure in the country to be infected with the epidemic.

The Zimbabwean government clarified the curfew rules and penalties during the "city closure" period on the 25th, stipulating that during the curfew period from 18:00 to 6:00 the next day, all commercial institutions except hospitals and pharmacies are not allowed to operate. During the curfew, people are in principle prohibited from going out except to buy medicine, seek medical treatment or deal with emergency matters. Those who fail to comply face fines or jail time.

Guinea-Bissau announced on the 25th that it would extend the national state of emergency for another 30 days. President Embalo called on the public to continue to strictly abide by various epidemic prevention measures to prevent infection.

Congo (Brazzaville) government held a cabinet meeting on the 24th and decided to extend the national public health emergency for another 20 days starting from the 30th.

The Gambian government announced the promulgation of the "Epidemic Prevention Management Regulations" on the 24th, which stipulates that the country's health minister can declare the entire territory or part of the area as an epidemic area and restrict the movement of people and vehicles in the epidemic area.The country will implement measures such as quarantine, ban on gatherings, and closure of public places in affected areas.

Asia: The number of confirmed cases in 18 states or regions in India has exceeded 10,000. The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Japan has exceeded 30,000.


The latest data released by the official website of the Indian Ministry of Health shows that as of the morning of July 26, local time, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India has exceeded 30,000. The number of confirmed cases rose to 1,385,522. In the past 24 hours, India had 48,661 new confirmed cases, 705 new deaths, and a total of 32,063 deaths.

Among various administrative regions, a total of 18 states or regions currently have more than 10,000 confirmed cases. The number of confirmed cases in Maharashtra, the most severely affected state, has reached 366,368; followed by Tamil Nadu, with a total of 366,368 confirmed cases. There are 206,737 cases; the capital New Delhi ranks third, with a total of 129,531 confirmed cases. In addition, the number of confirmed cases in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh has increased rapidly recently, reaching 90,942 and 88,761 respectively. According to data released by the Indian Council of Medical Research, as of July 25, India had conducted more than 16.29 million virus sample tests, and a total of more than 440,000 tests were conducted on the 25th.


Epidemic data released by the Ministry of National Health Services, Management and Coordination of Pakistan on the 26th showed that the country had 1,226 new confirmed cases on the 25th, 35 new deaths, 838 new cured and discharged cases, and 23,254 nucleic acid tests completed. people. As of the 25th, Pakistan has a total of 273,113 confirmed cases, a total of 5,822 deaths, a total of 237,434 cured and discharged cases, and a total of 1,868,180 nucleic acid tests have been completed.

On the 24th local time, 10 Chinese engineers and workers were sent to the hospital for treatment after testing positive for the new coronavirus. The above persons were working in a power project in Bahawalpur district of Punjab. The person in charge of local epidemic prevention and treatment work said that they are currently in stable condition and are being hospitalized for observation.


According to statistics from Japan Broadcasting Association TV, as of 21:00 on the 26th (20:00 Beijing time), Japan had 825 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 that day, with the total number of confirmed cases exceeding 30,000, reaching 30,656, and a total of 998 deaths.

According to statistics, there were 239 new confirmed cases in Tokyo on the 26th, with more than 200 new cases in a single day for 6 consecutive days, and the total number of cases has reached 11,214. In addition, there were 141 new confirmed cases in Osaka Prefecture, 90 new cases in Fukuoka Prefecture, and 80 new cases in Aichi Prefecture.

According to statistics from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on the 26th, 21,762 of the confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Japan have been discharged from the hospital or ended isolation, and the total number of people tested through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is about 715,000.

Confirmed cases in other countries

In Asian countries, except India; Singapore confirmed 50,369 cases; Israel confirmed 61,956 cases; South Korea confirmed 14,150 cases; Japan confirmed 30,657 cases...

Among Oceania countries, Australia confirmed 20,472 cases; New Zealand 1,556 confirmed cases of ...

In American countries, in addition to the United States and Brazil, 379,884 cases were diagnosed in Peru, and 345,790 confirmed cases of in Chile... (Overseas Network Aiza Da Liuqiang)

(Source: Worldmeter data, Indian Ministry of Health Official website, Saudi Ministry of Health official website, Pakistan Ministry of Health official website, Xinhua News Agency , People's Daily , CCTV, etc.)

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