On January 12, 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron publicly stated that if he wins the next election, he will adjust the existing network surveillance methods in the United Kingdom. The situation that the security department cannot monitor the content transmitted by encryp

2024/07/0121:18:33 hotcomm 1745
On January 12, 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron publicly stated that if he wins the next election, he will adjust the existing network surveillance methods in the United Kingdom. The situation that the security department cannot monitor the content transmitted by encryp - DayDayNews

On January 12, 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron publicly stated that if he wins the next election, he will adjust the existing network surveillance methods in the United Kingdom. The situation that the security department cannot monitor the content transmitted by encrypted communication software will be changed. If WhatsApp, iMessage, Messaging apps such as FaceTime will be blocked in the UK if they don't cooperate with the government.

After the attack on the French satirical cartoon magazine Charlie Hebdo, British Prime Minister David Cameron participated in the Paris march against terrorism and later announced that he would restart the British Communications Data Act (also known as the "Snooper's Medal") agenda , ensuring that regulatory authorities can manage and monitor network communications.

Since many instant messaging software use encryption technology, regulatory authorities cannot read the communication content between users. WhatsApp, iMessage, FacebTime and other software have encryption functions and information security technologies. The UK does not rule out imposing restrictions on instant messaging software that has encrypted information. A lockdown order was issued. The

user privacy protection organization opposes restrictions on the use of communication software on the grounds of security. Many users who use encrypted information transmission are victims of terrorism and oppressed people.

  • WhatsApp and iMessage could be banned under new surveillance plans

Further reading:

  • Google donates 250,000 euros to Charlie Hebdo
  • Mark Zuckerberg talks about the weekly massacre: We should not be afraid of extremists and have the courage to defend freedom of speech

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