Not long ago, just before Apple's WWDC 2016 conference, there were rumors that the iMessage service on iOS would be officially announced on the Android platform at this conference. However, the real situation is: bang bang bang!

2024/07/0121:13:33 hotcomm 1983

Not long ago, just before Apple’s WWDC 2016 conference, there were rumors that the iMessage service on iOS would be officially announced on the Android platform at this conference. However, the real situation is: bang bang bang! This time Apple only made a major upgrade to its iMessage service and did not mention the Android platform at all. However, some reporters still found Apple executives to find out.

Not long ago, just before Apple's WWDC 2016 conference, there were rumors that the iMessage service on iOS would be officially announced on the Android platform at this conference. However, the real situation is: bang bang bang! - DayDayNews

Foreign media technology reporters contacted an Apple executive and learned the following two reasons from his mouth: 1. Apple believes that the number of active iOS devices has reached 1 billion, which can provide a large enough scale for the artificial intelligence learning being studied. amount of data. 2. Information services that are exclusive to Apple iOS devices and have excellent user experience can help increase the sales of Apple devices.

Judging from the words released by an Apple executive, Apple seems to be making efforts in artificial intelligence and machine learning, and relies on its huge user base to master sufficient basic data. However, there are several more devices on the Android platform than iOS. Billion, wouldn’t it be able to increase the number of users and data volume even more? However, the second answer illustrates a typical Apple strategy of being closed off and refusing to share.

It can be seen from this that Apple is quite confident in its own iOS platform and does not care about the billions of Andorid platform devices. Therefore, it seems impossible for iMessage to appear on the Android platform in the short term.

[The pictures in this article are from the Internet]

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