Recently, many Apple users have complained that spam text messages on iMessage have become increasingly out of control in recent months. These spam text messages can now bypass the interception of blocking software, and the separate classification of location contacts in settings

2024/07/0121:12:32 hotcomm 1622

Recently, many Apple users have complained that spam text messages on iMessage have become increasingly out of control in recent months. These spam text messages can now bypass the interception of blocking software, and the separate classification of location contacts in the settings has become invalid, and some spam text messages have begun to be sent through iMessage groups. No wonder some netizens said, "If you haven't received a few messages from Macau casinos, you would be embarrassed to say that you are an Apple user."

Recently, many Apple users have complained that spam text messages on iMessage have become increasingly out of control in recent months. These spam text messages can now bypass the interception of blocking software, and the separate classification of location contacts in settings - DayDayNews

Some relevant people said after investigation that there is a mature industry behind the proliferation of iMessage spam messages. chain. Not only do some merchants sell iMessage group sending equipment and send iMessage spam messages with clearly marked prices, but the fundamental source of all this is the problem of Apple users' Apple IDs being leaked and sold.

It is precisely because criminals or unscrupulous merchants have stolen Apple users’ personal information and sold it on the black market that someone will send this information in batches to Apple users through iMessage. And because Apple has no right on the server side and never reads users. The content of the information sent cannot be monitored.

Recently, many Apple users have complained that spam text messages on iMessage have become increasingly out of control in recent months. These spam text messages can now bypass the interception of blocking software, and the separate classification of location contacts in settings - DayDayNews

So all Apple users really have nothing to do when faced with these spam text messages? In fact, no, we still have several ways to block these spam text messages.

The first method is because most spam text messages are received through AppleID, and most people’s AppleID is their own email account. All users of can open the "Message" option in "Settings", remove the AppleID email address in "Send and Receive", and only receive text messages through their mobile phone number. This will reduce a lot of spam text messages.

Recently, many Apple users have complained that spam text messages on iMessage have become increasingly out of control in recent months. These spam text messages can now bypass the interception of blocking software, and the separate classification of location contacts in settings - DayDayNews

The second method is to install a third-party interception software for spam text messages, but this method is still risky, because the installation of the software, including the software in the process of filtering text messages, also needs to read some of the user's information, so in terms of privacy Still not particularly safe.

The third method is to turn off the iMessage function. This is also the most direct and effective method. Because almost everyone is now using WeChat for daily social interaction, but few people are still using text messages to communicate, so even if the iMessage function is turned off, it will not have much impact on some people.

Recently, many Apple users have complained that spam text messages on iMessage have become increasingly out of control in recent months. These spam text messages can now bypass the interception of blocking software, and the separate classification of location contacts in settings - DayDayNews

would also like to remind all users not to believe the content in any spam text messages. We also hope that Apple can launch a more complete corresponding response mechanism as soon as possible.

Editor of this article: Wang Chen

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