From "Sailor Moon", you can get fashionable outfits. "Sailor Moon" is one of the classic IPs of Japanese comics. Many girls like this anime very much.

2024/07/0117:54:32 hotcomm 1103

Abstract: With the development of two-dimensional animation, more and more people like to watch animation. In the eyes of many animation fans, animation can bring us a lot of joy, and watching anime is a good way of entertainment. But in fact, animation not only plays an entertainment role in our lives, but many times we can learn some very practical skills from animation.


For example, friends who like Japanese cartoons will understand some Japanese to some extent, which means they have learned some Japanese skills subtly; and some popular science cartoons can "edutain and entertain", making children's learning more Have fun. In addition to these specialized popular science programs, there are actually many animations that allow fans to get more practical skills. Let’s take a look.

You can get fashionable outfits from " Sailor Moon "


"Sailor Moon" is one of the classic IPs of Japanese comics. Many girls like this anime very much. This animation, which became popular all over the country more than 20 years ago, is still a rare "trend blockbuster" now. The characters in "Sailor Moon" can be said to be the anime characters with the most costumes. The beautiful girls appear in different outfits in almost every episode.


Judging from today’s aesthetics, the costumes in “Sailor Moon” are still very fashionable. Many fashion bloggers have begun to imitate the outfits of "Sailor Moon", such as imitating the costumes of the protagonist moon hare. This fashionable young lady looks very cute in a pink top and purple skirt; she looks very youthful and beautiful in a plaid shirt and orange shorts.


I have to say that "Sailor Moon" is a girl's manga. The pink color appears very frequently in anime. Many characters in anime appear in pink outfits. Tsukino Usagi can be said to be the originator of pink. The pink combination looks very girly. Fans who like pink combinations may wish to try Tsukino Usagi's dressing style.


"Sailor Moon" not only puts a lot of thought into the outfits of the female characters, but also pays great attention to the outfits of the male characters. A handsome guy from Thailand imitated the male character's outfit. The effect is very pleasing to the eye and looks full of retro style. The most important thing is that this kind of outfit can make you look like you have long legs in minutes, so "Sailor Moon" is almost an encyclopedia of outfits anime.

"JOJO" can make you a photo expert


To learn about fashion, you can watch "Sailor Moon", so how to become a photo expert? You might as well take a look at "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure ". The creative background of "JOJO" was in the era when Japanese pop culture was prevalent. The costumes in the animation referenced many well-known brand fashion shows, which made many people think it was "fancy clothes", but in fact this is a true expression of art. Including the character's signature move, which fans call "JOJO Li", it also comes from the model's POSE at the fashion show.


"JOJO Li" still maintains a very noble and elegant style. Many JO chefs have more or less imitated JOJO's movements. For example, a JO chef lady imitated the "JOJO stand" very well. This young lady can not only restore the classic moves in "JOJO" smoothly and easily, but she is also very fashionable in her choice of clothing. Clothing and these stylish "JOJO stands" can make it easy for you to take enviable photos.


So when you don’t know what pose to choose when taking a photo, you might as well think about the actions in "JOJO" and pose in a JOJO pose like this JO Chef lady. Maybe the next photo master will be you.

" The Little Master of China " teaches you how to cook in minutes


"The Little Master of China", as the originator of the gourmet show, has a position in the gourmet show that no anime can shake. Although it is a Japanese comic, "The Little Master of China" is about authentic Chinese food. Because of this, many fans regarded "The Little Master of China" as a Chinese comic when they were children.The most successful part of "The Little Master of China" is that it studies Chinese cuisine very thoroughly and explains how to make the food. You can learn an authentic Chinese dish in almost every episode.


Many fans are skeptical about the food recipes in "The Little Master of China", but some fans can indeed make the food in the anime after testing. For example, a master personally tested dishes such as "Lobster Trio" and "Golden Smile", and the results confirmed that you can indeed learn cooking knowledge by watching "The Little Master of China".

Top students love " Stone Age ", which allows you to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry


"Stone Age" can be said to be a refreshing stream in JUMP animation as a popular science program. "The Stone Age" is very qualified as a popular science show. The various difficult physical formulas and various obscure chemical equations make many scumbags confused when watching this show. But for top academics, it seems like they have discovered a new world. For top academics, this is a good show to check for deficiencies and fill in the gaps. Many fans said that after watching "The Stone Age", they became very interested in mathematics, physics and chemistry, and are working hard to transform from a scumbag to a top student.


Conclusion: Many excellent animations bring not only joy to fans, but also some philosophy of life. Not only that, we can also get many practical skills from excellent animations. This may be the biggest advantage of the second dimension. Charm.

Dear friends, do you know any anime where you can get skills? Welcome to leave a message and share in the comment area. Friends who support the author, don’t forget to follow the author.

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