The Year of the Rat is about to pass. This is the year that many people have lived in which they feel most powerless and have tried their best, most want to forget but also the most difficult to forget! The years are peaceful, but this year, a new coronavirus epidemic swept the w

2024/07/0114:29:33 hotcomm 1536

The Year of the Rat is about to pass. This is the year that many people have lived in which they feel most powerless and have tried their best, most want to forget but also the most difficult to forget! The years are peaceful, but this year, a new coronavirus epidemic swept the w - DayDayNews

The Year of the Rat is about to pass. This is the year that many people feel most powerless and try their best, most want to forget but also the most difficult to forget!

The years were peaceful, but this year, a new coronavirus epidemic swept the world and became a black nightmare that continues to this day.

Thousands of people encountered another form of war and chaos, parting and dying. Thousands of people grow old overnight, and thousands of people grow up overnight. Thousands of people care about strangers, and shed tears of sympathy for strangers' joys and sorrows...

Fish swim in the water, but they forget that there is water; birds fly on the wind, but they don't know that there is wind.

In this world, not everything that is reasonable and beautiful can exist or be realized according to one's own wishes. The epidemic has made people understand the ruthlessness of nature and the insignificance of human beings. The epidemic has made many people understand the impermanence of life and the unforeseen events of the world. The epidemic has caused countless people in infinite distances to be related to me. The epidemic has unprecedentedly closely linked the fate of individuals with the fate of the country and even the fate of the world. The echoes of family and country sentiments have become a bonfire that lights up the hope for each other. Beijing has once again become your, me, and our Noah's Ark.

Anxiety, vulnerability, panic, rumors, gossip...

Everything is possible, nothing is certain.

It is the human heart that creates boundless darkness, and it is also the human heart that releases infinite light. The catastrophe has once again become a touchstone of human nature. It has ruthlessly faded away the bubble of civilization and torn off the fig leaf of human nature. But more broadly, it has demonstrated the unyieldingness of the world, the tenacity of China, and a beacon in the waves.

Feuerbach once said: "The truth will never come to this world wearing a crown. It will never come with the sound of gongs and drums, flowers and applause. It will always come in a remote corner, in a remote corner. Born out of cries and sighs...". This once-in-a-century epidemic has made people lose a lot and at the same time understand a lot.

The world is not perfect, and it will never be perfect. Where there is day, there is night, where there is light, there is darkness, where there is beauty, there is ugliness, where there is peace, there is disaster... The world will never be perfect, but we need this imperfection world.

Learning from the past and looking at the present, a good farmer will not plow because of floods and droughts, a good businessman will not do business if he is not doing business, and a gentleman will not neglect the Tao because of poverty. Rabindranath Tagore said: The suffering you suffer today, the losses you suffer, the responsibilities you bear, the sins you bear, and the pain you endure will all turn into light in the end and illuminate your way.

Get out of the ego and transcend the present. There is also an invisible law of conservation of energy in life and human civilization: What you think you will always have will often be lost in various ways; and what you think you will lose forever will be lost in another form. Return. who I am? Where do I come from? Where do I go? We are often hijacked by our desires, and what we need for happiness is often far less than we imagine.

Retrograde, rush to help, responsibility, angel... Mutual aid, watch, mountains and rivers in foreign lands, wind and moon in the same sky...

When it rains, you will know who will give you an umbrella in the rain; when it snows, you will find out who will help you in times of trouble; in times of trouble Only then will you see who will stand up for you. Kissinger said in "On China": "I think China's greatest luck is the people living on this land. China has always been well protected by their bravest people."

China does have the best people in the world. In the face of disaster, the party and the government once again brought together the brave people and the kind people, which enabled the raging epidemic to be controlled first in the world. An old soldier who narrowly escaped death said: Only when you dare to stand in front of the common people when facing a gun, you are a real soldier.

When the epidemic was at its peak, how many ordinary Chinese civilians did not hesitate to go to the front line and stood in front of the common people. They became soldiers who did not wear military uniforms. They were not born brave, but chose to be firm and fearless. There is a saying that has been widely circulated: There are no heroes who fall from the sky in the world, only mortals who stand up! The bravery and kindness of ordinary people once made us feel grateful and bring tears to our eyes, and those tears are not meaningless. They make humanity brighter and the world more glorious.

Kindness conveys kindness, bravery inspires bravery, and love is the source of all power.

City closures, masks, code scanning, quarantine, check-in...

After a short period of panic in the early stages of the epidemic, China, a huge country, gradually recovered from being caught off guard, and the whole country invested in an epic and tragic anti-epidemic effort.

Various strict prevention and control policies have been introduced intensively, and various strict prevention and control measures have been implemented quickly. The whole people have responded comprehensively, and the whole country has been uniform. Even the vast rural areas, which were once thought to be the most difficult to organize the shortest rules, have also demonstrated a high degree of consciousness and discipline. nature, China has once again demonstrated its strong mobilization and organizational capabilities to the world.

We give up for us, we are strong for us, and we are moved by us: one person is a team, and a national team is like one person. In the "foolproof, foolproof" message, some prevention and control measures have been exaggerated and exaggerated, causing all kinds of inconveniences to our daily necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and arousing endless criticism and censure.

But looking back overall, it was the constraints at that time that distinguished society from anarchy; it was the strict control at that time that determined the current freedom. The American poet Ginsburg once said: "Freedom only exists in bondage. Without embankments, how can there be a river?" Today, while many countries around the world are still fighting a painful battle against the new coronavirus, China has effectively controlled it. epidemic. I am reminded of Bacon’s inspiring words: the safety of the people is the highest law.

Discussion, questioning, criticism, reflection...

Marquez once said: "What is really important in life is not what you encounter, but what you remember and how you remember it." Our eyes cannot just look up at the stars, and we cannot just recite winter as the beginning of spring. Because some people have been buried in winter, and some people have stayed in the Year of the Rat forever.

Under each tombstone is a novel.

Writer Shi Tiesheng once wrote: "I believe that every person who has ever lived can add a glimmer of light to the path of future generations. Maybe it is a superstar, maybe a torch, maybe just a tearful torch. Candle……".

Death is not the end, being forgotten is. A society is not only a contractual relationship between the living, but also between the living, the dead and future generations. If the sacrifice is still the same after the sacrifice, there must be a lack of painful experience behind the sacrifice; if the lesson is still the same after the lesson, there must be insensitivity behind the lesson; if the price is still the same after the price, there must be a lack of deep reflection behind the price! Media person Xu Zhiyuan believes that the courage of a country is not reflected in when he falls, he immediately gets up and pats his chest and says I am okay. Instead, he would think about why I fell and how to avoid falling due to the same problem next time.

Resumption of work and production, street stall economy, flood fighting and disaster relief, positive economic growth...

The epidemic has not yet been completely eliminated, and severe floods have occurred in the south. In this Year of the Rat, the country and its people have struggled to survive one insurmountable natural chasm after another. How many people have said in "The Great Gatsby": "We rowed hard and struggled against the waves, but in the end, we were washed back to our past." However, whether a person is strong does not depend on his ability to conquer What, it depends on what he can bear.

To a certain extent, growth is not a process of becoming more and more confident, but a process of becoming more and more accepting of vulnerability, because human life itself is a kind of vulnerability. People are like this, families are like this, and countries are like this. The theme song of the movie " I am not the god of medicine " sings: Without the aura of God, you and I are born ordinary.

The tenacity and determination of China and its people enabled the country to quickly become the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth in 2020 after the disaster was effectively controlled. Although, under the grand narrative, countless little people's struggle stories are always easy to disappear with ups and downs and tears, they are always alive and continuing. Their ups and downs in life have proven time and time again: life cannot be as good or as bad as you imagine, and people are both more fragile and stronger than you imagine.

has a saying: The most unforgettable things are often related to one person, and the most unforgettable people are often related to many things. Looking back, this most unforgettable year is about to pass. In the ups and downs of people, there is always a ray of light to guide you, there is always a lamp to light up for you, there is always a tree to protect you from the wind, there is always a bunch of flowers blooming for you. There is a sentence that makes you grow up in an instant, there is always a road that makes you run with tears, there is always one thing that makes you read thousands of mountains, there is always someone who makes you stop smiling...

In this Year of the Rat, every step we go through This journey, every person we pass, and everything we read, have changed our knowledge, deepened our thoughts, shaped our structure, and grown into our bones and our flesh. This Year of the Rat teaches us kindness and forgiveness, love and cherishment, and enlightenment and growth.


At the end of the movie " Party A and Party B ", Ge You left a classic line: 1997 has passed, and I miss it very much. When looking back at this extremely unusual Year of the Rat, many people sighed with emotion: 2020 has passed, and I will never forget it.

The sea of ​​stars flows across the sea, and the years become monuments. We should not forget each other in the past, but we should always remember those who have sacrificed their lives for us and the many people and things. Looking back on this stormy Year of the Rat, Haruki Murakami’s words have never been so touching: You must remember the person who held an umbrella for you in the heavy rain, the person who helped you block foreign objects, and the person who silently hugged you in the dark. People who make you laugh, people who chat with you all night, people who come to see you in the car, people who cry with you, people who stay with you in the hospital, people who always think of you as the most important thing...

Reborn from the ashes The Year of the Rat is about to pass, and the scenery before you and me is almost the same as before but with a little more weight. Perhaps, the Year of the Ox, which is full of expectations, will not go as each of us wishes. All the good things will come as expected. In the new year, there will be magnificence and simplicity, there will be climaxes but more of them will be dull. We will still have places we cannot reach, people we cannot approach, things we cannot accomplish, flaws that cannot be repaired, regrets that cannot be undone, and frustrations that cannot be avoided... However, incompleteness is the true meaning of both art and life! Instead of looking forward to a tree blooming, it is better to live every day now, even if the cold wind is biting and the frost and snow blow on your face, it should be regarded as an experience of life.

In this Year of the Ox, I hope that after recognizing the truth of life, you and I will still be enthusiastic about life, have stars in our eyes, a spring breeze in our lips, a universe in our hearts, respect every ordinary day, and cherish everyone around us... ...

This article comes from the original author of Kaidi Community: Yin Jianqiang . The opinions in this article are for reference only and do not represent the opinions of this platform. The pictures are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact the backend for processing.

[About the author: Yin Jianqiang, a native of Qianxian County, Shaanxi Province, graduated from the Department of Economics of Northwest University, and has widely spread poems such as "The Life of Grass and Trees" and "Snowy Sky"]

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