As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" is popular all over the world. In this comic, Araki has designed many dazzling substitute abilities, coupled with his unique "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" The "standing" posture and tough painting sty

2024/07/0117:49:33 hotcomm 1627

As a masterpiece among witty comics, "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure " is popular all over the world. In this comic, Araki has designed many dazzling stand-in abilities, coupled with his unique The "JOJO standing" posture and tough painting style have attracted the attention of thousands of fans. Although Araki, in order to reverse the plot, will occasionally appear to "eat books" and " speak nonsense ", it does not affect the brilliance of this masterpiece at all.. Today, the editor will take stock of 4 amazing wit-fighting plots of from the perspective of "magic operations". In this regard, the editor can only sigh that Araki's imagination is truly amazing and admirable.

As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics,

1. Kakyoin threw gold coins into the sky to help Bobo successfully revenge the Hanged Man.

It was in the third part of "Stardust Fighters" that everyone's favorite Jotaro Kujo made his debut. He relied on his invincibility The " platinum star " beat the enemy to pieces. Compared to the fish seller, the editor prefers Noriaki Kakyoin, who has delicate emotions, because he contributed the most exciting operation in this movie, which is to team up with Polnareff to defeat the hanging man J. Kyle. As we all know, the Hanged Man's avatar can move in any reflective object and is an extremely difficult enemy . However, at the critical moment, Kakyoin threw the gold coins in his hand into the air, attracting the attention of all the beggars present, leaving his opponent with nowhere to escape.. Finally, the desperate Hanged Man was given a heart-wrenching blow by Polnareff's " Silver Chariot ". In this way, Kakyoin helped his friend achieve revenge.

As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics,

2. Killing with a borrowed knife, Josuke seduces Kira Yoshikage and blows up his own father

In the fourth part "Diamond is Forever", Araki did not use the map-brushing narration method of the third part. The stories in this part all happened. In a small town called "Morio Town". Although the map is small, the editor believes that "Diamond of Immortality" is the work that Araki has read the least about . protagonist Higashikata Josuke has also contributed several famous scenes to everyone. Among them, the most exciting one is his battle with the villain Kira Yoshikage . Here, Higashikata Josuke, who was in danger, first picked up Kira Yoshikage's mobile phone, and then, , he used the mobile phone to lead his opponent's stand-in to Yoshihiro who turned into a photo. Yoshikage Kira fell into the trap and eventually killed his own father .

As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics,

3. "The Strongest Child" Kawajiri Hayato called Higashikata Josuke and forced Kira Yoshikage into a desperate situation

Also in the fourth part, the 11-year-old Kawajiri Hayato also brought the audience a wonderful Performance. This kid obviously has no stand-in ability, but he repeatedly forces Kira Yoshikage into desperate situations. Yoshikage Kira could only rely on the villain's aura to save the day. In desperation, his stand-in " killer queen " also evolved into "the loser eats the dust" . According to the settings, "Loser Eats Dust" has the special ability to reset time. However, Kawajiri Hayato cracked "Loser Eats Dust"'s ultimate move by calling Higashikata Josuke and asked him to wake up early. He also relied on This operation, like to mention the title of "strongest child" .

As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics,

4. Using his stand-in ability skillfully, Bucciarati dismantled his body to avoid Bessie's fishhook attack.

In the fifth part of "Golden Wind", Araki returned to the narrative mode of "road movies" that he is best at. . Speaking of which, one of the strongest stand-ins was born in , and that is Golden Experience Requiem . It is a hundred times more powerful than any time- and space-based stand. This can be regarded as a reflection of Araki’s collapse. . The most outstanding character in "Golden Wind" is the supporting character Bucciarati . He used the zipper ability of " steel chain fingers " to dismantle his body and avoid Bessie's fishhook attack. , this kind of operation is jaw-dropping .

As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics,

Although "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" has been serialized for eight parts, with the continuous exploration of the substitute's ability, Araki began to lack inspiration. Therefore, he finished the sixth part "Stone" with the most complicated substitute ability in . After "The Sea", he decided to wipe out the protagonist group, and then restarted a parallel world . In the latest two films, stand-ins have become an auxiliary means. Araki has focused more on character creation. The most typical representative character is of course Qibelin in the seventh film. Although the editor's favorite part is the content in the seventh part "The Wild Horseman", however, we rarely see the exciting battle of wits plots in the previous parts, which I have to say is a pity.

As a representative masterpiece of wit-fighting comics,

The above are the 4 amazing "magic operations" compiled by the editor based on the plot of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". I hope everyone will like this article and give the editor a like and follow . If you have other ideas or suggestions about the content of this work, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss .

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