Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition.

2024/07/0315:55:32 hotcomm 1239

The mission is on our shoulders, and the war drum urges

troops to train and prepare for war. It is the right time

to focus on testing the results of winter training

to stimulate the enthusiasm for team training

and to continuously improve the overall quality of the team and the actual ability of fire fighting and rescue

Firefighting organizations across our province have carried out winter training assessments

Let’s watch together

This raging confrontation scene


html From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment carried out the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. This general examination adopts three modes: "basic-level examination for institutions, examination for all members of the brigade, and confrontation between top soldiers at the rescue station".

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

In this military training assessment, agencies and brigades will mainly assess five physical fitness subjects including the 3000-meter run, 5×10 meter return, seated forward bend, etc. The fire rescue station training elite soldiers will assess the 100-meter run, 5×25 meters The main assessment subjects are , turning back and running , and climbing the hook ladder on the spot to the fourth floor.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews


From March 21st to 23rd, the Yangquan Fire Rescue Detachment organized and carried out the 2022 winter duty job training general examination work. There were more than 200 fire rescue personnel in the detachment agency, 7 fire rescue brigades, and 6 fire rescue stations. participated in this assessment.

team, brigade physical men's 3000-meter run, 5×10 meter return, and seated forward bend are compulsory items, and the other two basic physical fitness subjects are optional; the fire station men's 5000-meter run is compulsory, and the remaining 4 optional items are optional For basic physical fitness subjects, each person will be assessed on a total of 5 physical fitness subjects. All the reference personnel were enthusiastic and high-spirited. The detachment chief and party committee members took the lead in participating in the assessment and successfully completed the assessment of all subjects.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews


html From March 9 to 11, the Changzhi Fire Rescue Detachment organized more than 600 fire rescue personnel in the detachment, 18 fire rescue brigades, and 6 fire rescue stations to carry out full-service winter training and general examination activities.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

This general examination will be conducted through a combination of centralized assessment and group assessment. The assessment subjects are set up as physical fitness assessment, combat training safety theory assessment, fire station commander's professional theory defense, etc. Among them, there are 12 basic physical fitness assessment items, 5000 meters (3000 meters) is a required test, and there are 4 optional subjects.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews


From March 18 to 22, the Jincheng City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the 2022 winter duty training and assessment for all fire rescue personnel. This assessment adheres to full coverage and scientific evaluation, and strives to achieve the goal of "promoting training through examination, testing actual results, and checking for omissions and filling vacancies."

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Organizations and brigades set up 5 assessment subjects including 3000 (1500) meter run, 5×10 meter return, and seated forward flexion; the fire rescue station set up 5 items including Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews000 meter run , 2-minute push-ups, and 3-minute sit-ups with bent legs. Assessment subjects.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews


On March 17, Xinzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment launched the 2022 full-service training phase assessment. This assessment was divided into four assessment groups to carry out assessment and combat training safety supervision and assistance work for 17 brigades (stations) in the city.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

This assessment is conducted in a "centralized and rotating" manner, that is, the urban fire station adopts a centralized approach to conduct assessment and acceptance, and the remaining units are conducted by the combat training department using a lower-level rotating assessment method. In terms of subject setting, assessment subjects are scientifically set for cadres, firefighters, and full-time government team members. Based on 8 physical fitness subjects such as 5000-meter run, 5*10-meter return run, horizontal bar roll-up, parallel bar arm flexion and extension , the theoretical Examinations and safety control will be included in the assessment and evaluation system.

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Fire protection organizations across our province have carried out winter training and assessment. From March 7th to 14th, the Taiyuan City Fire Rescue Detachment conducted the city’s winter training assessment and elite soldier competition. - DayDayNews

Source: Taiyuan Fire Protection Editor: Li Lin Tang Hua

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