Original comic works by Danke Club are not authorized. Please do not reprint them. Everyone has told "white lies" in life. Adults unintentionally set an example of "lying" to their children, making them mistakenly believe that they can accomplish many things by lying. Mom I belie

2024/07/0117:13:33 hotcomm 1684

Original comic works by Danke Club are not authorized. Please do not reprint them. Everyone has told

Danke Society’s original comic works

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Everyone has said “white lies” in life

Adults unintentionally set an example of “lying” to their children

Let children mistakenly believe that

As long as they lie, they will Can do a lot of things

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Mom easily believed

because she had been learning graphics during that time

It was almost time to learn circles

But it was not until school was over

that mother discovered

There was only an eggshell and one person was holding the ball

Other children It's not as bad as

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. Danke actually thinks that lying is normal.

And it's so natural.

What should we do?

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Lying is what you are doing. He is learning.

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Children are still young.

His behavior is generally imitation. And mom and dad are the first ones to imitate.

The relationship between adults is very complicated.

It is inevitable to rely on some "white lies" to deal with it.

This is a normal communication, but you must avoid children.

Don't think that children can do everything. If you don't understand

, you can't use your children as a "shield"

because this is tantamount to setting an example for your children.

It is almost impossible to not be affected.

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Parents must also keep their word.

They must do what they promise their children.

Some parents send their children to kindergarten on the first day.

The child cries and refuses to leave.

The mother starts to lie to him.

What is the result?

The children waited all day.

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Lying to satisfy vanity

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One day

Danke was late for kindergarten.

The children were all quietly listening to the teacher telling stories.

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When the children heard that "my brother is a policeman"

they all turned to her. He cast admiring glances at

, but all the teachers knew that

Danke only had one younger brother, so how could he have an older brother?

Besides, Disney doesn’t open so early~

My mother couldn’t believe it when she found out~

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That’s right, we always think that children

should be simple

without the complex emotions of adults

In fact, they are not.

Every Everyone has vanity

No matter men, women, old people or children

Adults live in a complex society

It is impossible to avoid some kind of vanity social interaction

Children may be subtly affected

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When parents find out that their children

In order to satisfy vanity When your heart is lying

don't rush to reprimand

After all, he hopes that he will be "excellent"

This is also a positive idea

Parents should patiently guide

and let the children learn to compare vertically and horizontally

Compare with yesterday's self, and constantly surpass

This is better than surpassing others. More to be proud of!

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He lied to avoid punishment

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One day

Danke happily said to his mother:

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However, when he went to school the next day...

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Danke looked at the teacher for a long time before telling the truth:

I saw a similar one in the supermarket a few days ago.

but her mother refused to buy it.

Danke liked it so much that she wanted to borrow it to play with for a day.

She would quietly return it early tomorrow morning.

And she had really returned it.

But Danke was afraid that her mother would "beat" it. I

so I dare not tell the truth

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In fact, a child

simply cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination

If he likes that toy

, he will think that he has one too.

This is not a deliberate lie

If parents blindly reprimand

the child is right You may not remember clearly what happened

but the fear at that time is really imprinted in your mind

So lying may be the best way to "escape being beaten"

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If your child never refuses to tell the truth

then don't lose it. Confidence

Temporarily let him go

The harder you push him, the more lies he will tell

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If the child is willing to tell the truth

Take the initiative to admit mistakes

Parents should also praise him in time ~

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