"The murderer was holding something bigger than a pistol, and the sound at the scene was as loud as fireworks. Later, the murderer was suppressed by about five people. I was very surprised by this incident."

2024/07/0114:50:33 hotcomm 1056

Text | Yiwan

Editor | Yiwan

"The murderer was holding something bigger than a pistol, and the sound at the scene was as loud as fireworks. Later, the murderer was overwhelmed by about five people. I am very concerned about this matter. Very surprised."

On the morning of July 8, 2022, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was suddenly attacked from behind and shot in the chest and neck while giving a speech on the streets of Nara.

The murderer who assassinated Shinzo Abe did not leave the scene after the incident.

The police immediately arrested him and confiscated the murderer's gun at the scene.

Who is so bold as to shoot Shinzo Abe in broad daylight?

Shinzo Abe was born in 1954 into a political family.

His grandfather Abe Hiroshi was once called "Yoshida Shoin of the Showa" . In 1937, was elected as a member of the Japanese House of Representatives. died of bone cancer in 1946.

JapanThe 56th and 57th Prime MinisterNobusuke Kishi is Shinzo Abe’s grandfather.

Coincidentally, on July 14, 1960, Nobusuke Kishi was also assassinated.

Shinzo Abe’s father Shintaro Abe once served as the Japanese Foreign Minister in the Sone Yasuhiro cabinet.

and Shinzo Abe first entered Japanese politics as a secretary under Shintaro Abe.

In 1991, Shintaro Abe, who was about to become prime minister, died of illness, and Shinzo Abe embarked on the road to politics alone.

Subsequently, with the support of Junichiro Koizumi, Shinzo Abe’s status continued to rise.

2001-2005 Shinzo Abe served twice as deputy chief of the Koizumi Cabinet Secretariat and once as chief.

On September 20, 2006, Shinzo Abe was officially elected as the 21st president of the Liberal Democratic Party .

On September 26 of the same year, Shinzo Abe became the 90th Prime Minister of Japan. He was known as the first " and the youngest prime minister to be born after the war."

However, one year after Shinzo Abe took office, due to various reasons, his support for him dropped significantly, so temporarily resigned as prime minister on the grounds of personal health.

On December 26, 2012, after six years, Shinzo Abe returned to take office as the 96th Prime Minister.

's appointment lasted until August 28, 2020. 's old illness worsened again. Shinzo Abe was worried about affecting national affairs, so he decided to resign as prime minister.

On September 16 of the same year , Shinzo Abe officially resigned.

Shinzo Abe has been in office for nearly 3,000 days, making him the longest-serving prime minister in Japan.

In terms of politics, many people comment that Shinzo Abe has the shadow of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

Junichiro Koizumi is particularly keen on visiting the Yasukuni Shrine.

Shinzo Abe often defended Junichiro Koizumi’s behavior.

Moreover, Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine many times before and after he took office.

This act alone has caused dissatisfaction among many peace-loving people around the world.

Although Shinzo Abe has retreated from the position of prime minister, he is still active in Japan's political arena.

Starting from May 2021 , Shinzo Abe has been preparing for a comeback in the House of Representatives election.

On November 11 of the same year, Shinzo Abe officially joined the "Hosoda faction", the largest faction of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, and changed his name to the "Abe faction".

On the morning of July 8, 2022, around 10:30 Beijing time.

Shinzo Abe campaigned for the Liberal Democratic Party Senate candidate and gave a speech near Yamato Saidaiji Station in Nara City.

At this time, there was a man observing Shinzo Abe from five meters behind him.

The man had a concealed gun and disguised it as a camera.

A minute or two after the speech started, the man took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention,and shot directly at Shinzo Abe.

At this time, the onlookers heard a huge gunshot. Before everyone could react, another gunshot rang out, and Shinzo Abe fell immediately in front of everyone.

For a moment, the onlookers were stunned.

Soon, the police on the side also immediately targeted a man wearing a gray shirt.

According to onlookers' statements, the man had no intention of escaping, but stood there blankly, as if waiting for the police to capture him.

Ten minutes after Shinzo Abe fell to the ground, an ambulance arrived at the scene and took him to hospital as soon as possible.

The police also revealed that Shinzo Abe still had some consciousness in the ambulance and answered the phone.

But after being sent to the hospital, Shinzo Abe had lost his vital signs.

Subsequently, Japan's Nara Medical University Hospital held a press conference to announce the news that Shinzo Abe died of excessive blood loss at 4:03 pm Beijing time.

The police interrogated and investigated the murderer.

The man who assassinated Shinzo Abe was named Tetsuya Yamama. He joined the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in 2002 and retired after serving in 2005.

When the police questioned Tetsuya Yamama, what was the motive for this behavior?

Tetsuya Yamama said bluntly: "I am very dissatisfied with him, so I want to kill him."

However, although Japan allows private ownership of guns, the management of guns is also very strict.

Individuals who want to obtain a gun license not only need to participate in formal studies and examinations, but also pass corresponding psychological tests and drug tests.

The police department will also investigate its criminal background.

Even if you go through various tedious procedures, you still need to renew your gun license every three years, and your guns must be inspected once a year.

Moreover, Western media once believed that Japan has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the world.

With such strict gun control laws, how did Yamato Tetsuya obtain a gun?

The police also checked the guns used by Tetsuya Yamama.

According to relevant sources, the gun used by Yamato Tetsuya should be made by 3D printer .

In this regard, the director of Japan's "3D Data Utilization Association" Sangma Dama also said: It is not difficult for ordinary people with knowledge and technology at the industrial college level to make guns.

However, the ammunition and raw materials in Tetsuya Yamama's guns are all chemicals, which ordinary people cannot easily obtain.

And the process of making ammunition is also very difficult.

At the same time, Japanese media also reported that Tetsuya Yamama had been planning to attack Shinzo Abe since the spring.

Tetsuya Yamama8 also made items similar to pistols many times to prepare for this .

The police also found suspected explosives at Tetsuya's home. From planning to implementation of

, it is enough to prove that Toru Yamayama has sufficient relevant training background.

can not only make homemade guns to avoid on-site security inspections, but can also calculate the probability of successful assassination.

This can also be seen from Tetsuya Yamayama’s meticulousness in this plan and his understanding of the on-site situation.

Since the news of Shinzo Abe’s murder and death came out, various countries have also expressed their condolences.

my country is no exception. When Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian was asked, he also said:

"China is shocked by this unexpected incident. Abe Former Prime Minister has contributed to the improvement and development of Sino-Japanese relations. "We express our condolences and condolences to the family of former Prime Minister Abe."

The experience of Shinzo Abe cannot help but make people feel that the Japanese prime minister is really a "high-risk" profession.

Since Japan's Meiji Restoration , there have been a total of 101 prime ministers, 7 of whom have been assassinated.

The first former Japanese Prime Minister to be assassinated was Ito Hirobumi.

Ito Hirobumi can be regarded as one of the pioneers of Japan's modern political system and Japan's first prime minister.

At the same time, Hirobumi Ito also served as the 5, 7, 10th Prime Minister of Japan.

During Ito Hirobumi's tenure, he launched the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1891-1891 and annexed North Korea, which made the North Koreans dissatisfied with it.

In October 1909, Ito Hirobumi held talks with Russia's Kovchev in Harbin, my country, and was informed by the Korean martyr An Jung-geun .

In Ito Hirobumi, he took a special car at Harbin Railway Station While talking with Kovchev, An Jung-gen turned into a Japanese and mixed in the crowd . He fired seven shots at Ito Hirobumi and others who had just come out of the carriage and were standing on the platform.

Hirobumi Ito, who was shot three times, died on the spot.

At that time, Hirobumi Ito was no longer the prime minister.

Ito Hirobumi

and Japan's second prime minister to be assassinated is also the first current prime minister to be assassinated: Hara Kei .

Hara Kei is the 19th Prime Minister of Japan.

In September 1918, Hara Kei, who was born as a civilian, was elected Prime Minister of Japan.

is also the first time in Japan's history that "civilian prime minister" has appeared.

but the good times did not last long, in 1921 on November 4, . Because at that time, Nakakanichi, a member of the right wing of , was very dissatisfied with 's handling of government affairs by Hara Kei.

So in front of Tokyo Station , Hara Kei, who was about to go to Kansai to attend an event, was killed.

Yuan Jing died on the spot.

Kei Hara

The third person to be assassinated was the 27th Prime Minister of Japan: Hamaguchi Yuyuki.

On November 14, 1930, because the right-wing forces were dissatisfied with the treaty with the London Navy that Hamaguchi Yuyuki forcibly promoted, Hamaguchi Yuyuki shot him when he passed by Tokyo Station .

But at that time Hamaguchi Yuyuki was shot in the lower abdomen, so he did not die on the spot. After being sent to the hospital for rescue,

became the first person in Japan to receive blood transfusion treatment.

However, due to the sequelae caused by this bullet, Hamaguchi Yuyuki died of worsening infection on August 26, 1931.

Hamaguchi Yuyuki

On May 15, 1932, the 28th Prime Minister Inukai Takeshi , because he offended the military.

More than a dozen young naval officers and army trainees rushed into Inukai Takeshi's residence and shot him to death.

Inukai Takeshi died on the spot, becoming the fourth prime minister to be assassinated in Japanese history.

Inukai Takeshi

The fifth is the 30th Prime Minister of Japan: Saito Minoru .

Because of Saito Minoru's policies, the young officers at the time were dissatisfied.

In 1936, the famous "226 Mutiny" occurred in Japan. 78-year-old Saito Minoru was assassinated by an officer and died on the spot.

Also assassinated in the same incident was Korekiyo Takahashi, who had served as the 20th Prime Minister of Japan..

The seventh one is Shinzo Abe’s grandfather: Nobusuke Kishi .

On July 14, 1960, among the right-wing forces, Aramaki, a member of the "Daikakai", withdrew his support because he was dissatisfied with Nobusuke Kishi.

So at an event, Nobusuke Kishi, who had retired, was stabbed by Aramaki, but his vital parts were not injured at the time, and he was sent to the hospital for prompt treatment.

Nobusuke Kishi stabbed him in the back

Since Nobusuke Kishi was assassinated, the one who has been assassinated so far is Shinzo Abe.

As for what kind of punishment Toru Yamama will receive, we can only know it after the Japanese police conduct a thorough investigation.

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