The Democratic Progressive Party held a "Central Executive Meeting" on the 13th and recruited Chen Shizhong, the head of the Taiwan authorities' health and welfare department, to run for mayor of Taipei, and Lin Jialong, the former head of the transportation department, to run fo

2024/07/0116:50:33 hotcomm 1851

( Observer Network News) The Democratic Progressive Party held a "Central Executive Meeting" on the 13th and recruited Chen Shizhong, the head of the health and welfare department of the Taiwan authorities, to run for mayor of Taipei, and Lin Jialong, the former head of the transportation department, to run for mayor of New Taipei . On the 14th, General Chen Shizhong resigned from the position of "Minister of Health and Welfare" to Taiwan's "Executive Yuan". This position may be taken over by "Parliamentary Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Welfare" Xue Ruiyuan.

The Democratic Progressive Party held a

Screenshot of a report by Taiwan media "China Times News Network"

html On the 13th, Chen Shizhong said at the DPP press conference that he had never read the script at the epidemic prevention press conference in the past, but the matter of running for election was too important, so he still had to follow the script. He said that he had previously said that "Taipei is stagnant." This was not to blame anyone, but to see that there was an opportunity to make Taipei better but missed it, and "the feeling of reluctance arose spontaneously." He emphasized that public opinion is like water and its voice is only temporary, and he will work hard to turn his voice into votes.

Regarding Chen Shizhong’s candidacy during the epidemic, Tsai Ing-wen explained that epidemic prevention requires commanders, and municipal administration also needs commanders. Through the "double arrow" powerful alliance, we can create a new situation for the northern part of Taiwan, hoping to drive Taiwan's overall progress. kinetic energy. Tsai Ing-wen also said that Chen Shizhong's "resilience", "coordination" and "leadership" in fighting the epidemic are obvious to all.

Regarding Lin Jialong, Tsai Ing-wen said that he has elected the mayor of New Taipei City and is also a New Taipei citizen. He hopes to find the best candidate for the citizens. "I always believe that Jialong is the best choice."

The Democratic Progressive Party held a

Tsai Ing-wen (middle) nominated Chen Shizhong (left) and Lin Jialong to run for mayor of Taipei and New Taipei City respectively. The picture comes from Taiwan media

"China Times News Network" reported that whether Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen can "green" her second term "Double North is related to her historical status in the DPP. Especially in Taipei City, with Chen Shizhong's candidacy, the blue, green, and white "three-legged governor" situation has officially taken shape ("three-legged governor" means "three legs standing", blue refers to the KMT candidate Chiang Wanan, green refers to Chen Shizhong, and white refers to non-party members) Taipei Deputy Mayor Huang Shanshan is running for election. Under the three-legged supervision situation, the DPP assesses that this year may be the year with the best chance of winning, and will use all the party's efforts to push Chen Shizhong to the Taipei City Government.

Previously, the Democratic Progressive Party held an election meeting on July 10 and planned to nominate Chen Shizhong, director of the health and welfare department of the Taiwan authorities, to run for mayor of Taipei. Chen Shizhong immediately issued a statement saying, "When the responsibility comes, I will shoulder it. This is true for epidemic prevention and the same is true for elections," expressing his will to run for office.

In response, the Kuomintang listed Chen Shizhong's "Top Ten Irresponsible Incidents" tit for tat, including hastily allowing people to coexist with the virus, wrong policies that led to unjust deaths of people, frequent malpractices in the procurement of medical supplies, and cremation chaos. The Kuomintang criticized Chen Shizhong for shirking, shirking and evading responsibility. Now that the epidemic has not slowed down significantly and the fatality rate is still high, he has further evaded responsibility for the deterioration in epidemic prevention. After falling behind, he shouldered "election responsibility", forming a "blame theory". Same joke.

The 2022 local public office elections in Taiwan (commonly known as the third nine-in-one local elections) will be held on November 26 this year. This election is the first local election in Taiwan since Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected in 2020. It is considered not only a "mid-term test" for Tsai Ing-wen's second term, but also a prelude to the 2024 Taiwan leader election.

The "local public officials election" in Taiwan will elect "mayors directly under the Central Government", "municipal" councilors, county (city) chiefs, county (city) councilors, township (town, city) chiefs, and "municipal" mountain aboriginal areas. There are nine categories of local “public officials” including chiefs, township (town, city) people’s representatives, “municipal” mountain aboriginal district people’s representatives, and village (district) chiefs. The elected person will take office on December 25, 2022.

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