The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age.

2024/06/2711:32:33 hotcomm 1900

What is it like to be the daughter of Trump President?

The eldest daughter Ivanka will definitely be the first to answer the question, which is a perfect score.

When I was a child, I was well clothed and well-fed. In middle age, I can still hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House . It is indeed an extraordinary experience.

But for the second daughter Tiffany, the painting style is completely different.

Trump does not consider the feelings of his youngest daughter at all. He is a serious face control and will openly mock Tiffany for being ugly.

This child, who has been ostracized by his brothers and sisters since childhood and treated differently by his father, finally found his own Prince Charming. It is really not easy.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews1. Weak mother

In a large family, children are often more valuable than their mothers. If the biological mother is not liked by the father, it will be difficult for her to be taken seriously.

Tiffany's mother's name is Marla, an unknown actress who was born as a beauty pageant girl. The order of Marla's appearance is a bit awkward. She and Trump cheated on each other during their marriage.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Trump and his second wife Marla

Although Trump was also a handsome guy when he was young, there are some hidden reasons why Marla is willing to have an extramarital affair with Trump.

It turns out that Marla’s father is also a real estate agent, and when it was at its most prosperous, the family’s wealth was no less than that of the Trump Group.

Although Trump’s first wife Ivana was born as a Czech immigrant and was only a ski instructor before marrying Trump, she is very talented in business.

The energetic Ivana not only gave birth to two sons and one daughter for Trump, but also worked 10 hours a day and was responsible for the public relations and marketing affairs of the Trump Group.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Trump and his first wife Ivana

have been married for thirteen years. Ivana has long since turned from a beautiful coach to Trump’s business partner. The Trump Group continues to expand in the hands of the couple, and Trump has also upgraded from an ordinary real estate rich second generation to a real estate tycoon.

One goes one way and the other goes, and Marla’s father has to rely on Trump to obtain business resources.

In 1989, when Marla was 26 years old, she met Trump on the street. From the moment Trump asked her for her phone number, her fate was unfortunately rewritten, and she became the link between the family business and Trump.

In order to maintain this extramarital affair, Trump made a lot of efforts, hiring a bunch of bodyguards to look around every date. In order to facilitate the meeting between the two, Mara had to move out of her home and live on Trump's yacht.

This is really aggrieved for the eldest lady who grew up in fine clothes and fine food.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Although he was careful when coming in and out, the shrewd paparazzi still caught the clues, and soon all major media news reported the news of Trump's derailment.

Mara, who had been patient for a long time, chose to seize this opportunity and take the initiative to attack. When Ivana was hosting a birthday party for her son, she came to provoke her

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

cheating headlines

, "I am your husband's lover." Seeing this woman with no appearance, she was proud of herself in front of her. Ivana's rationality could no longer suppress her anger, so she took the initiative to divorce Trump, took 10 million U.S. dollars and a large villa, and started her own business.

At that time, Trump’s financial situation was not good. Not only that a large amount of property was divided after the divorce, but also the loss of his most important business partner Ivana made him heartbroken.

You must know that although Trump is physically cheating, he is still very dependent on Ivana in his heart. Even after he was elected president, he called his first wife to discuss his governing policies.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Moreover, Trump has always had the dream of entering politics. According to Ivana's recollection, before the divorce, Trump had been invited by Reagan . With the intention of running for president, she was also ready to help her husband in the election campaign.

It can be said that the declaration of war by a canary disrupted many of Trump's life plans, so the relationship between Marla and Trump quickly reached a deadlock.

But at this moment, Mara is pregnant! Tiffany's presence brought the two into marriage, and in 1993, Marla became the hostess of the Trump Organization in the presence of more than a thousand guests.

In October of the same year, Tiffany was born. But the baby's laughter did not move Trump's enthusiasm to cool down. He has never been as caring about this daughter as Ivanka.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews2. Marginalized Life

A newborn baby needs a beautiful name, but her mother does not have the right to name it. Trump was too lazy to waste time and decided to call his second daughter Tiffany.

In fact, as early as when Ivanka was born, Trump acquired a piece of land called Tiffany, so he wanted to name his eldest daughter this name. But Ivana had her own ideas, and she didn't expect that this name would eventually be eliminated and given to the next child.

Just like her name, the father's love that Tiffany feels will always be the remaining part of her brother and sister. Perhaps because she was not loved since childhood, photos of Tiffany as a child always look noisy and restless.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

But this kind of photo with her parents is rare for her, because Marla and Trump’s marriage only lasted five years.

After marrying Trump, Marla deeply realized what it meant to be alone in an empty house. Trump hangs out in nightclubs and bars every day and rarely goes home. Because he misses Ivana, Trump often sends text messages to his ex-wife.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

As a beauty queen, Marla has been outstanding in appearance since she was a child. How has she ever suffered such grievances? Frustrated, she cheated on her bodyguard in 1997.

There is no airtight wall in the world, and Mara once again made the headlines because of her extramarital affair. The cheating photos of her cuddling up to her bodyguard and blowing in the sea breeze made Trump furious and he quickly chose to divorce.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Due to the signed prenuptial agreement and confidentiality agreement , Marla cannot get anything else from Trump except her daughter Tiffany.

Since then, Tiffany has grown up quietly in a world far away from Trump.

Her father only came to see her once a month. In order to gain his attention, she began to unconsciously please her father.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

In high school, Tiffany studied hard and finally got admitted to the same school as her father, University of Pennsylvania . While still in college, I joined Republican Party .

During college, she majored in sociology and urban studies. She graduated with straight A's and successfully entered Georgetown University in Washington.

Since the lawyer profession was more helpful to her father, she chose law this time, and finally got Trump’s approval.

After Tiffany received her degree, Trump rarely sent a message on Twitter to congratulate his second daughter, adding that "a family lawyer is exactly what I need."

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Tiffany and her sister Ivanka

But this kind of recognition is in vain. After each of his children reaches adulthood, Trump will arrange for them to enter the family business, but Tiffany does not have any position.

After Trump was elected president, his other sons and daughters were assigned to important positions in policy group companies. A reporter asked him if he had any special arrangements for Tiffany.

Trump nodded and said that every child is the same, and Tiffany will be divided into educational institutions and drinking water companies. But the irony is that these two industries of Trump have already closed down due to poor management.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Perhaps because her mother Mara and sister Ivanka have both been models, Tiffany has also been interested in the fashion industry since she was a child.

Once, Tiffany hoped that Trump could help her get a job in a fashion magazine, but she was unexpectedly rejected by Trump. Ivanka was also present at the time, and Trump actually laughed in front of his eldest daughter that Tiffany was fat and ugly and was not suitable for this job.

This is not the first time that Trump has controlled his daughter’s appearance. After all, the President of Sichuan University publicly stated when he appeared on the show that if Ivanka were not my daughter, I would definitely want to date her.

But it is quite unexpected to attack his little daughter’s appearance like this. You know, just looking at Tiffany herself, she is pretty and plump, and she looks like an American sweetheart.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

is just Tiffany's mother, she is definitely a first-class beauty.The three-time Hawaiian beauty queen is still gorgeous even in her old age. If you compare the facial features of mother and daughter, it is true that mother Mara is more relaxed and attractive.

Tiffany's nose and mouth are very delicate when taken alone, but they are a bit cramped together, which makes her eyes extra large. When the angle is not good, it will be a little bit small buck teeth . It can be said that it is more delicate and beautiful, but not stretchable enough.

If you compare all five Trump children, Tiffany is indeed a little worse. But by public standards, Tiffany is also a pretty beauty.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Trump’s preference for children is also reflected in pocket money. When Tiffany was a minor, she didn’t have much pocket money. She cried to Ivanka and complained that she had no way to communicate with the high-end circles in the school. Finally, with Ivanka’s help, Trump agreed to give Tiffany $500 a month.

When she grew up, Ivanka could receive US$600,000 in living expenses per month, while Tiffany only received US$100,000. Even his underage brother Barron has $200,000. Trump’s preference is clear.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

But when Trump was running for president, Tiffany still worked hard to stand up for her father. As a result, at the end of the event, Trump shouted, "Ivanka performed very well today..." Halfway through the praise, he remembered that Tiffany was there, and quickly added, "Tiffany also worked hard."

Although Tiffany wanted to cooperate with her father to perform family happiness, the tense relationship between the two was difficult to make up for. Trump’s relationship with his third wife is awkward enough. But when Tiffany attended public events alone with her father, Melania , Trump was still closer to his wife.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Trump has always maintained a "safe" distance from Tiffany and avoided in-depth communication.

Although Tiffany is also a Republican, she grew up on the West Coast. Tiffany's political views are diametrically opposed to her father's. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't have a friendly discussion with a family of orthodox Republicans.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

In 2017, a live interview conducted by Trump once again brought this unfamiliar father and daughter to the hot search again. Trump’s host friend Stern asked him without any scruple, how would distribute the property? If Ivanka and Trump want more inheritance, whose share will they squeeze out? Could it be Tiffany?

Faced with the difficulties faced by his old friends, Trump responded lightly and tried to muddle through. But when the other party insisted on asking, Trump gave an affirmative answer, Tiffany.

And this is not a consideration after the child grows up. As early as when Marla was pregnant with Tiffany, Trump asked Marla to abort the child. Because he didn't want this child to share the property with his brothers and sisters.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Trump’s five children

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews3, happy relationship

Although she has lived under the influence of her father and various media since she was a child, Tiffany is still very smooth emotionally.

Her partner is also a rich second generation named Michael Burrows, who is of Lebanese and French descent.

Michael's family business is in Nigeria , with assets of up to one billion US dollars. Michael has held an important position in the family business since 2016, and his own assets are US$20 million.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

The picture on the right is Tiffany’s fiancé

. The two announced their engagement the day before Trump stepped down. Tiffany stood next to her boyfriend in a black suit. The two smiled warmly and took a memorable White House engagement photo.

Tiffany’s fiancé is four years younger than her, but he dotes on Tiffany very much. Tiffany's engagement ring was a high-end custom-made gift from Michael. It was a 13-carat diamond ring worth $6.5 million.

And this is not the only ring Tiffany received. In the photo she posted, there is also a 13-carat Dubai emerald diamond, which shows that her fiancé is very generous to her.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

The relationship between the two has been quite good since they started dating. They are both born into the second generation of rich people. They both like famous brands and travel, and their respective Instagram styles are also on the line of Internet celebrities.She often posts cheeky photos, checks in for travel, and shows off her love.

Moreover, Michael has an active personality and is particularly good at getting into trouble. His somewhat awkward and unconfident personalities complement Tiffany quite a bit. Every time Tiffany brings her boyfriend to meet Trump, the atmosphere is much better than when they are alone.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Michael’s family

Because Michael is quite good at rainbow skin and often praises Trump’s various policies. Every time Michael posted a photo with his future father-in-law, he would label it "Make America Great Again."

The husband’s parents are also very supportive of the marriage between Tiffany and their son. In an interview, the man's father bluntly said that Trump is the best president in recent times in the United States. For Trump’s narcissistic character, such a son-in-law and in-laws are really useful to him.

The eldest daughter Ivanka definitely answered the question first and received full marks. It is indeed an extraordinary experience to be well-fed and well-fed when I was a child, and to be able to hold my father's hand and exercise power in the White House in middle age. - DayDayNews

Trump and his relatives

People cannot choose their birth. Although Tiffany was born into a wealthy family, she was not popular with her father. Children who have grown up with differential treatment, no matter how good they are, are always not confident in their hearts.

hopes that the love of her fiancé and the enthusiasm of the man's family can fill her lack of family ties. Perhaps the right love is the beginning of a better life.

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