In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a "loan" software. He then performed the loan operation under the guidance of the "platform customer service", but there were many "platform custome

2024/06/2915:52:32 hotcomm 1930

In urgent need of money, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a "loan" software. He then conducted the loan operation under the guidance of the "platform customer service", but the "platform customer service" He was asked to transfer money to a designated bank account many times for reasons such as swiping money and unfreezing his account. After dealing with and communicating with the "platform customer service", he slowly discovered that he had been defrauded out of 10,000 yuan. But what surprised the police was that the suspect involved in the case turned out to be a post-00s generation...

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

In recent days, the Public Security Bureau of Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Guangxi has conscientiously implemented the Liuzhou City Public Security Bureau’s telecom fraud “must investigate every case” working mechanism. The county bureau The Party Committee attached great importance to it, and the anti-fraud center, information center, and police stations in each jurisdiction cooperated closely and worked day and night. They successively traveled to Guangxi, Guangdong, Shandong, Sichuan, Hubei and other places to investigate and arrest, and achieved phased results. In April, 17 telecommunications fraud cases occurred in the county, and 9 cases were solved, with a detection rate of 52.9%. 15 suspects were arrested, and more than 110,000 yuan of defrauded funds were recovered, which won widespread praise from the masses.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

Interest-free loan?

A man fell into an online loan scheme and was defrauded of 10,000 yuan.

Faced with the volatile epidemic, many people are facing the dilemma of capital turnover. Some people are in urgent need of funds to repay their mortgages, car loans, etc. The victim, Zheng (male, 36 years old) ) is one of them. When he was in urgent need of cash, he saw an interest-free loan advertisement on Alipay, downloaded, installed and registered a "Quick Loan" APP, and operated the loan under the guidance of the "Platform Customer Service". During this period, the "platform customer service" asked Zheng to transfer the money to the designated account on the grounds that credit card processing required payment. Zheng without hesitation transferred 4,680 yuan and 5,320 yuan to the Wuhan Jiang'an Branch account of Ping An Bank (6230580000215082111) through mobile banking.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

When Zheng applied for a 50,000 yuan loan on the "Quick Loan" APP and filled in his bank card account number to withdraw cash, the "Quick Loan" APP prompted that the bank card number was entered incorrectly and was frozen. The "Platform Customer Service" said that Zheng's operation error caused the bank's The card is frozen and needs to be transferred to a designated account for another 10,000 yuan before it can be unfrozen. But Zheng could no longer afford the money. After thinking about it, he felt that something was not right, so he communicated with the "platform customer service" again. Only then did he realize that he might have been tricked by telecommunications fraud, so he dealt with the scammer skillfully. While quickly rushing to the local police station to call the police.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

After receiving the report, the Anti-Fraud Center and Information Center of the Public Security Bureau of Rongshui Miao Autonomous County quickly intervened, immediately activated the investigation mechanism for each case, urgently stopped payment on the account, and quickly conducted research and analysis of the case. After continuous day and night efforts, the police investigating the case discovered from complicated clues that the bank card under the name of Li (male, 18 years old) from Hubei Province had unidentified funds flowing in. He was suspected of transferring fraudulent funds for telecom fraud criminals and was suspected of helping information networks. criminal activities. The police immediately took action and quickly located Li's activities in Wuhan, Hubei.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

html On May 4, the Anti-Fraud Center of the Public Security Bureau of Rongshui Miao Autonomous County actively cooperated with the Wangdong Police Station, and drove more than 1,000 kilometers day and night to Wuhan City, Hubei Province to carry out the arrest. At about 2 o'clock in the morning on the 5th, as soon as the police handling the case arrived in the Wuhan area, they immediately rushed to Li's place to stay and successfully arrested him.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

In the face of strong factual evidence, Li confessed to the crime of using bank cards to transfer fraudulent funds for criminals. At present, Li has been subject to criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law, and the case is being further processed.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

It is reported that the telecommunications fraud cases with a relatively high incidence rate in Rongshui jurisdiction are mainly: online financial management, online loans, online part-time jobs, online bill rebates, impersonating leaders, impersonating public prosecutors and impersonating charger customer service fraud, etc.; those born in the 70s and 80s , self-employed people, migrant workers, unemployed people, housewives and other groups are easily deceived.

In urgent need of cash, he clicked on Alipay, saw an interest-free loan advertisement, and clicked the link to download and install a

Police investigation found that victims in Rongshui jurisdiction always held the idea that it would never happen to them and felt that they were far away from telecommunications fraud, but they never imagined that one day they would also be deceived.Therefore, among the thousands of deceptive tricks, scammers have all kinds of tricks. As long as you relax a little bit, scammers will try to find ways to seize the weakest point in your psychological defense and break into you, emptying out your money. Money bag. Police reminder: Hurry to download, install and register the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP~

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