When it comes to child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan, and these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy childhood and also accompany them. We all grew up to

2024/06/3002:16:32 hotcomm 1943

Speaking of child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan . Moreover, these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy Childhood, but also grew up with everyone. But there is another female child star who has brought many happy memories to everyone, but everyone has probably forgotten about her.

When it comes to child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan, and these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy childhood and also accompany them. We all grew up to - DayDayNews

This child star is Yang Xiaoli . She has also partnered with Hao Shaowen before. In the play, she is a chubby girl, very naughty and cute. Moreover, her voice was very cute and her performance was very funny, so her performance also attracted the attention of many audiences at that time. At that time, she was only four years old and was already able to perform very well.

When it comes to child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan, and these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy childhood and also accompany them. We all grew up to - DayDayNews

Yang Xiaoli, who was born in Taiwan, was trained by her mother to be a very good director when she was very young. Whenever her mother was free, she would take her out shopping. So when we were hanging out together, she didn't want to be discovered by talent scouts, and she entered the entertainment industry from then on. She worked with many celebrities back then, such as Andy Lau , Aaron Kwok, Takeshi Kaneshiro , etc. She can be said to be a killer of male idols. I don’t know how many fans envied her, but she was too young at the time and had no idea how much attention she would get from working with these people.

When it comes to child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan, and these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy childhood and also accompany them. We all grew up to - DayDayNews

In addition to filming, Yang Xiaoli also entered the hosting industry and was able to host several program channels. Later, she also entered the dubbing industry and moved to behind-the-scenes work. She was still very young at the time, but she already had a lot of work and accumulated a lot of connections and experience. However, for the sake of her studies, she quit the entertainment industry during her peak period and chose to concentrate on her studies. She did not return to the entertainment industry until after graduating from college.

When it comes to child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan, and these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy childhood and also accompany them. We all grew up to - DayDayNews

Yang Xiaoli is no longer young now. She is almost 30 years old this year. She is no longer the fat girl back then. Now, after years of polishing, she has become an intellectual beauty, and she has also become very beautiful. Gentle and gentle, very temperamental. No one could have imagined that the carefree chubby girl back then would turn into the white swan now.

When it comes to child stars, many people probably think of people like Shi Xiaolong and Zhang Yishan, and these people all have a very common characteristic, that is, they are little comedians. They also bring everyone a happy childhood and also accompany them. We all grew up to - DayDayNews

Recently she also participated in an exclusive interview for a program and talked about her childhood filming experience. She said that once while filming, she almost lost her life due to drowning. Fortunately, the staff found her in time and rescued her. Since then, she has been afraid of water. However, for filming, she also performed the scene of falling into the water many times, which put her under tremendous psychological pressure, and she is also a very dedicated person. Now that she has come back, she hopes to bring more works.

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