On October 10, Plastket.com, the Southeast Asian plasticizing B2B trading platform, held a grand launch press conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The platform is a joint venture between "IRPC", a listed company under Thailand's largest company and a Fortune 500 company, PTT Group, a

2024/06/2915:44:32 hotcomm 1215
On October 10, Plastket.com, the Southeast Asian plasticizing B2B trading platform, held a grand launch press conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The platform is a joint venture between

On October 10, Plastket.com, Southeast Asia’s plasticizing B2B trading platform, held a grand launch press conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The platform is a joint venture between "IRPC", a listed company under Thailand's largest company and a Fortune 500 company, PTT Group, and " Fast Plastic Network ", a comprehensive industrial Internet service platform for China's plastics industry. Kuaipu.com provides overall solutions and technical implementation, while the joint venture company is responsible for the overall operations of the local market. It is reported that this press conference attracted more than 40 media outlets in Thailand to report on it, including local mainstream financial media Nikkei, Siam Morning Post and Thansettakij. In the context of the ongoing trade dispute between China and the United States and the slowdown of economies in various countries, Thai media have paid widespread attention to whether China's industrial Internet innovation can help Thailand's industrial economy reverse the traditional economic recession trend and help Thailand and even Southeast Asia find new driving forces for economic growth.

borrows ships to go to sea to assist the digital transformation of , a traditional plasticizing enterprise in Southeast Asia.

In recent years, multi-terminal supply and diversified competition have continuously changed the traditional supply and demand pattern of the global plasticizing market. Globally, the U.S. shale gas revolution and China's coal chemical technology breakthroughs have directly brought about the impact of overcapacity. The Industrial Internet has attracted more and more attention and attention from the entire industry around the world because of its outstanding value of efficient connection, cost reduction and efficiency improvement. In this environment, many Chinese industrial Internet entrepreneurs have begun to actively think about how to use the technological innovation advantages of the industrial Internet to promote the innovation and development of the global plastics industry? The Southeast Asian market adjacent to China has naturally gradually become the first choice for innovators to make changes.

From an industry perspective, localization, refinement, and digital operations are top priorities for the B2B enterprise service market in the industrial Internet. Kuaipu.com has built a complete supply chain, finance, logistics, data and other systematic capabilities in China's plasticizing market. At the same time, it has created "Plastic Questions" for Kuaipu.com's supply chain platform to gain online access through content, live broadcasts and videos. Customer traffic. Kuaipu.com focuses on the needs of users and creates value for users. After establishing its dominant position as a leader, Kuaisu Network quickly adopted an alliance with local market giants in Southeast Asia to attempt overseas reforms.

It is reported that the official website of the Plastket.com platform took 9 months from concept to official launch. The rapid implementation of the project benefited from Kuaipu.com’s successful experience in China’s plasticizing market and the platform’s cloud service-based technology. Mr. Kraisri, CEO of the joint venture company, said: Plastket.com is Thailand's first e-commerce platform in the plastics field. The platform connects customer needs in China and Southeast Asia markets, promotes online transactions and logistics facilitation between the two places, and provides an supply chain. One-stop services such as financial services and plastic product technology research and development. Version 1.0 of the official website is launched this time, and new versions will be continuously iterated in the future to help small and medium-sized enterprises in the plastics industry chain achieve digital transformation, establish a digital ecosystem for the plastics industry chain, provide more precise services to customers in the plastics industry, and promote the Southeast Asian market digital economic development.

On October 10, Plastket.com, the Southeast Asian plasticizing B2B trading platform, held a grand launch press conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The platform is a joint venture between

(plastket.com platform official website)

Regarding the launch of the Plastket.com project, industry insiders are optimistic about its prospects and commented that, looking at the successful overseas teams, they all have the same strong "local genes" , have a deep understanding and respect for local culture, society, markets, users, etc. Therefore, it is a more pragmatic choice for Chinese enterprises to export their technological advantages and jointly operate with industry giants who are familiar with the local market.

join forces to explore the second growth curve of enterprises in the plastics industry

Public information shows that as early as December 2018, Kuai Plastic Network and IRPC jointly established a joint venture company iPolymer in Thailand. Both parties hope to jointly develop plasticizing raw materials and manufacturing in Southeast Asia. The finished product B2B transaction and related service market will replicate the successful model of Kuaisu.com to the Southeast Asian market. Positioned as an industrial Internet comprehensive service platform for the plastics industry, Kuaisu.com is a leading enterprise in China's plastics B2B industry. It focuses on comprehensive corporate services in the petrochemical industry and covers more than 60,000 small and medium-sized enterprise customers in China. As of August 2019, Kuaisu.com’s cumulative self-operated transactions exceeded 40 billion yuan, and the cumulative amount of supply chain financial services provided to 3,000+ terminal factories exceeded 10 billion yuan.Ms. Liu Yuhong, founder and CEO of

Kuaisu.com, said: Kuaisu.com uses its original industrial Internet ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) methodology and practices it on its own SAAS platform, insisting on the service concept of providing users with lifelong value. Through SAAS tools such as Quqibao and Plastic Questions, we start from transaction services to provide users with logistics, finance, big data services and provide value-added services to customers through Plastic Questions, a value closed loop that helps users reduce operational management costs and provide digital services. Improve industry transaction efficiency. The launch of the Plastket.com official website is the best practice to promote the Plastket.com ESB methodology to Southeast Asia. Through the mutual collaboration of Isuwang.com and Plastket.com platforms, we can achieve complementary advantages and win-win cooperation. Through the exchange and integration of resources (materials, technology, equipment, etc.) between platforms, the two parties help petrochemical companies enter the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets more quickly, promote special materials, quickly acquire customers, and differentiate their products according to user needs; at the same time, they help terminals The factory obtains technical solutions for advanced R&D products; it gives small and medium-sized enterprises more opportunities to innovate in product technology and enter the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets, and promote industrial capital to invest in the field of new materials in the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets.

She further said that with the help of technological progress, SaaS+AI brings development opportunities to the platform, using SaaS tools to accumulate user behavior data, and at the same time improving transaction efficiency for users. Both platforms will serve platform users in the digital transformation of the plastics industry. It brings huge business opportunities and explores and creates the second growth curve for enterprise development for platform users.

On October 10, Plastket.com, the Southeast Asian plasticizing B2B trading platform, held a grand launch press conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The platform is a joint venture between

(Interview session at the press conference for the launch of the Plastket.com platform)

It is worth noting that in recent years, China has initiated and promoted the “One Belt, One Road” construction, strongly supporting and encouraging Chinese enterprises to go abroad and collaborate with enterprises in countries along the “Belt and Road” For cooperative development, Kuai Plastic Network actively responds to national macro-policies and will continue to explore the use of technology to promote the digital transformation of the plastic industry in China, Southeast Asia and even the world based on its positioning as a comprehensive industrial Internet service platform for the plastic industry. Plastket.com hopes to use Plastket.com as a fulcrum to promote the digital transformation of the traditional plasticizing industry in Southeast Asia, and to discuss, build and share with countries along the “One Belt and One Road” for win-win cooperation. In the future, we will continue to expand the radius of cooperation to support the digital transformation of the global plastics industry.

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