Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to Australian Dollar (updated at 2016-01-04 07:11): Currency conversion 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.0416 Australian Dollar 1 Australian Dollar = 24.0385 New Taiwan Dollar New Taiwan Dollar to Australian Dollar Exchange Rate Chart (

2024/06/1611:03:32 hotcomm 1982

New Taiwan dollar to Australian dollar today's exchange rate real-time quotes (2016-01-04 07:11 update):

Currency exchange

1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0416 Australian dollar

1 Australian dollar = 24.0385 New Taiwan dollar

New Taiwan dollar to Australian dollar exchange rate trend chart (one week):

Today's real-time exchange rate of New Taiwan Dollar to Australian Dollar (updated at 2016-01-04 07:11): Currency conversion 1 New Taiwan Dollar = 0.0416 Australian Dollar 1 Australian Dollar = 24.0385 New Taiwan Dollar New Taiwan Dollar to Australian Dollar Exchange Rate Chart ( - DayDayNews

On January 4, 2016, the central parity rate of the Australian dollar exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 New Taiwan dollar to the Australian dollar 0.0416 yuan, and 100 New Taiwan dollars to the Australian dollar 4.16 yuan.

To be sure, New Zealand dollar yields rose after the Reserve Bank of New Zealand cut interest rates in December, as many believed that the end of the easing cycle, the official cash rate of 2.5%, completely lifted the tightening cycle since 2014. However, this month the AUD-NZD 2-year swap spread narrowed to -50 basis points, which is the lowest level of New Zealand dollar yields since mid-2013. Therefore, interest rate differentials did not drag AUD/NZD to refresh 6-week lows.

Benefiting from the market's repricing of the outlook for the Reserve Bank of Australia's monetary policy, the Australian dollar (0.7244, -0.0026, -0.36%) has performed strongly in the past period. And these driving factors continue to control the market's macro environment.

and above New Taiwan dollar to Australian dollar exchange rate Relevant information about today's market is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the New Taiwan dollar to Australian dollar exchange rate, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel Daily financial reports.

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