In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is, "sleep on your

2024/05/2302:41:32 hotcomm 1986

In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Today, a rehabilitation doctor will explain how to sleep healthily and relieve shoulder, neck and back pain and what to pay attention to.

In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is,

When sleeping, is it better to sleep on your back or on your side?

Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is, " sleep on your back and use a pillow to keep the head, shoulders and neck on the same plane " to relax the muscles of the shoulder and neck. Don't use pillows that are too high, otherwise it will easily put a strain on your cervical vertebrae. As for the mattress, it should be "firm" and not too soft. Doctor

particularly emphasizes "Don't sleep on your stomach if you are or ". A patient once slept on his stomach for ten or twenty years, because the pressure on the neck and lumbar spine increased, resulting in a herniated intervertebral disc! Although he was treated later, his condition still improved and deteriorated. I also met a patient who fell asleep on the steering wheel of a car after being drunk. After one night, he developed radial nerve lesions, which later evolved into "wrist drop syndrome", causing him to be unable to lift his hands. After several months of treatment, he finally recovered. Gradually returning to normal, doctors remind everyone not to develop the habit of sleeping on your stomach..

In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is,

In addition, many people are used to sleeping in a surrender position with their hands above their head when sleeping, which makes them feel more relaxed. In this regard, doctors think it is not good, as it can easily cause ulnar nerve lesions. The ulnar nerve is mainly composed of fibers from the eighth cervical nerve and the first thoracic nerve root . The ulnar nerve located in the cubital tunnel is relatively superficial, so it is easily compressed by external forces, causing numbness and pain in the little finger and ring finger of the hand, or difficulty or weakness in part of the hand's movements.

When sleeping, do not bend your elbows more than 60 degrees to the inside of your body! If you use your arm as a pillow when sleeping on your back, you will keep your elbow at an excessively flexed angle by stretching upward. Even if you feel relaxed and not exerting any effort, if it exceeds 60 degrees for a long time, it will cause excessive stretching of the ulnar nerve and may lead to injury and "neuritis" ”, causing numbness and weakness in the fingers. Doctor

provides a simple test that takes just one minute to determine whether there is a problem with your ulnar nerve. Method: If the action in the picture below continues for one minute, if numbness occurs on one side of the ring finger and the entire little finger, it means that the elbow flexion test is positive, and there may be "cubital tunnel syndrome", which also means that the ulnar nerve is located in the cubital tunnel on the inside of the elbow. There may be lesions or injuries.

In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is,

For those who have shoulder, neck and back, myofascial pain, or chronic pain, what exercise is most suitable for rehabilitation?

Doctors think swimming or brisk walking is most appropriate. He mentioned that a relative once suffered from lumbar disc herniation, which compressed the nerves. Later, he suggested "walking in water" and "swimming for 30 minutes" and the condition improved. But freestyle or breaststroke swimming is better. If you have low back pain, you should not swim in the frog pose for too long.

At the same time, office workers who have Internet habits or need to use computers every day should do at least the following four points to reduce the occurrence of myofascial pain syndrome:

1. Get up regularly to move your muscles and change postures

2. Alternate the left and right hands of the mouse Use

3. Appropriate exercise is required every week

4. Adequate sleep

In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is,

If you have back pain, what should you pay attention to when standing, sitting and sleeping?

For patients with long-term back pain, it is helpful to use cushions and seat cushions for assistance. If "acute back soreness or pain" occurs, do not go for massage or chiropractic treatment. It is recommended that in addition to going to the rehabilitation department or orthopedics department, you can rest in bed first, with an interval of 2 hours and 15 minutes each time for the first two days. Applying ice compresses to the painful area and gently massaging it can reduce swelling and pain and eliminate muscle spasm. If it doesn't work, you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. If patients have long-term back pain problems, in addition to going to the rehabilitation department or orthopedics for treatment, they also need to pay attention to the following points:

1. When wearing shoes and socks or lifting objects, you must bend your knees slightly and squat down, and try to keep the objects as close to the body as possible. Do not Bend down with straight legs to pick up things or lift heavy objects.

2. When coughing or sneezing hard, you should bend your knees, hold your waist with your hands and lean back with your body hunched.

3. When you have to stand for a long time, such as brushing your teeth or washing your face, you should bend your knees and place your feet alternately on a small stool.

4. If you work for a long time, use computers, read books, or watch TV, you must maintain correct standing, sitting, and squatting postures. Avoid fixating in one posture. Change postures or stretch your body every 10 to 15 minutes.

5. When driving or traveling long distances, you should carry back supports such as back pads or soft back frames, as well as backup anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. The simpler the luggage, the better.

In life, many people often suffer from back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain and other symptoms due to incorrect sleeping postures. As a result, they can only go to the clinic for rehabilitation treatment. Doctors believe that there is only one principle, that is,

6. When getting in or out of bed, you should turn sideways first, use your hips to move your body and use your hands to support the weight of your body, and strive to make your movements smooth.

7. When the weather is bad, do not drive long distances or ride a motorcycle, and wear appropriate footwear or avoid going out to avoid slipping and falling.

8. Maintain a proper weight. Being overweight or overweight can have adverse effects on the spine.

9. Female patients should try not to wear high heels when going out.

10. Walking, walking, and swimming are the best sports. Try to warm up in moderation, and don't be pushy to avoid injury. Any competitive sports involving competition, high speed, easy body collision or sudden jumps, and body twisting (such as weightlifting, basketball, etc.) should be avoided.

Finally, I would like to remind people undergoing rehabilitation treatment not to play with or talk on the phone during the treatment process, so as not to interfere with the smoothness of the treatment process. If you can often read relevant knowledge about spine and back health care and learn how to maintain a happy mood, it will be more helpful to relax your body.

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