In the once popular TV series "Knowledge", there is an impressive plot. Minglan follows her grandmother back to her hometown in Youyang to visit relatives, and happens to encounter the reconciliation between Sheng's eldest daughter Shulan and her husband. The reason was naturally

In the once popular TV series " Do you know ", there is a plot that is impressive. Minglan follows her grandmother back to Yuyang's hometown to visit relatives, and happens to encounter the reconciliation between Sheng's eldest daughter Shulan and her husband.

The reason was naturally that Shulan had nothing to do in the three years since her marriage, and her husband, Sun Xiucai, used Shulan’s dowry to keep more than a dozen concubines. He still went to the fireworks place to hang out with brothel girls, causing a brothel girl to become pregnant. .

The Sun family desperately wanted to have an heir, so they planned to marry this brothel girl. Naturally, the lady Sheng Shulan could not live under the same roof as a prostitute, so she proposed a divorce. The Sun family refused to reconcile and wanted to divorce. Only the wife is willing to give up.

Minglan came up with a plan and bought the woman's prostitution contract and deed from a brothel, which brought the farce to an end. Speaking of this, the question arises, why did Sun Xiucai have to bow his head in order to get the Hua Niang's contract of prostitution ?

There was no such thing as an ID card in ancient times, so why didn’t Hua Niang follow Sun Xiucai and escape privately? But what happens if you have to be redeemed and get the deed of sale before you can leave the brothel openly? Are these covenant proofs really that important? Today we will talk about the reasons for this.

A brothel woman who sells herself as a prostitute

As we all know, under the status of women in ancient feudal society, they were often regarded as appendages of men, or as beings to please men and carry on the family line. Naturally, some romantic places for men to spend their time were derived. .

Women who devote themselves to brothels are different from ordinary prostitutes. They are also divided into three, six or nine grades. The most elegant among them are geishas who are talented in playing, playing, playing, chess, calligraphy and painting, and performing arts without selling themselves. This type of geisha often entertains literati, and both parties pursue spiritual resonance when reciting poems.

Generally speaking, to become a geisha, not only do you have high requirements for literary skills and talents, but you also need to be well-educated, considerate, and have a ladylike demeanor, such as Xue Tao, a famous talented woman in the Tang Dynasty.

Xue Tao was born in the Jia clan. His father was an official in the court and his family was well off. He was a real lady from a famous family. The Xue family has trained her in reading, literacy, playing chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child. Xue Tao is also quite talented in literature and can write poems at the age of eight. She can be called a young talented girl.

Unfortunately, fate played a trick on people. After Xue Tao's father died of illness, his family gradually fell into decline. Because Xue Tao was married to his daughter, the only property in the family was divided up by relatives, and he was kicked out of the Xue family. In ancient times, there were only two kinds of jobs that women could do, one was to sell themselves as maids, and the other was to sell themselves as prostitutes.

Desperate, Xue Tao was forced to become a prostitute in order to survive. Like Xue Tao, there are many ladies who have to become geishas due to family changes. When they are desperate, "geisha" is the only way to survive.

In addition, if someone in the family is an official in the court and his or her home is confiscated due to a crime, the woman becomes a prostitute. Many dynasties in history experienced turmoil and frequent wars, which also made the lives of the people at the bottom miserable, and having a full meal became a luxury.

Sometimes the family is too poor, and they often sell their young daughters into brothels in exchange for a little money. There are also some people who are fond of gambling and will send their daughters to brothels to mortgage for money. In short, these poor women are not allowed to commit themselves to brothels because of the tricks of fate. Why doesn't

fly out of the cage?

No matter what your status is in the brothel, whether you are a prostitute or not, your reputation will always be unpleasant. For the ancients who valued reputation, there were certainly not many men who would be dazzled by love and spend a large sum of money to ransom the woman they loved from a brothel. After all, there were very few men who dared to marry a woman from a brothel.

In ancient times, many geishas would perform at the homes of dignitaries. Over time, brothels did not strictly monitor these women. So, why didn’t these women take the opportunity to escape when there was no one to ransom them? Most of the women in brothels are not willing to do so.

Judging from the above introduction, it is actually very easy for someone to escape on the road, but I have never heard of this geisha running away during a performance. In fact, it is not that these brothel girls never thought of running away and walking away.

But if they really escape, they will not be able to bear many consequences, including these reasons. As the saying goes, the world is big but there is no place for it. It was very difficult for women in ancient times to gain a foothold in society alone.

There are parents or husband's family to rely on, and they can barely have a place. If they run away, they have a place to live. However, as a brothel girl who has no support, she has nowhere to go without the brothel, a place she can rely on.

In ancient times, transportation was not convenient, and people moved very rarely. A strange face would become a unique focus wherever he went, let alone a strange woman who was alone. Maybe when you leave the city, you will be stopped by the soldiers guarding the city with proof that you have not left the city.

The management system of the brothel is also very strict. It maintains a group of slaves. Once a woman is found to have escaped, they will definitely try their best to search for her. It was okay not to be found, but once he was caught, he would be beaten severely, monitored even more strictly, and his freedom would be completely lost.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape all the way to live in the countryside, without an ID card or household registration, you will still be questioned by Li Zheng if you settle in the village. Every household in the village knew each other and was registered. Most of them came from a group family with the same surname. It was easy for an outsider to reveal his identity and be sent to the government.

In short, after a brothel woman escapes, even if she runs to the end of the world, she will still face the fate of being sent to the government and sent back to the brothel. Of course, there is another more practical reason for them not to escape.

No source of income

In ancient times, even if a woman had talents in a brothel, she could play chess, calligraphy and painting. Once she left here, she could not rely on these talents to earn money to support herself. After all, all the jobs that are in the public eye belong to men. From the big and wealthy to the poor, women are mostly not allowed to be in the public eye.

Therefore, it is not easy for a woman who has no source of income and cannot find a good job to survive. She can only continue to eat the money she has saved in a brothel. There will always be a day when I finish eating, what should I do then? Will be exposed as well.

Therefore, the price for a brothel woman to escape is too high. Instead of taking such a big risk to escape and face an even more uncertain future, it is better to stay in the brothel and eat and drink.

There is still a glimmer of hope in the brothel. One day God will favor him and he will be able to meet his true love, be redeemed openly and openly, and live a plain and simple life as an ordinary person. Even if you don't meet the infatuated scholar, you can be like Xue Tao, save enough money to redeem yourself, and gain the freedom you have longed for all your life.

Xue Tao never married and lived in seclusion in a quiet and simple house. He took off his gorgeous and luxurious dresses and put on gray Taoist robes. He spent his old age accompanied by poetry all day long.

In short, no matter whether you escape to the end of the world, the deed of betrayal with a handprint is still in the hands of the madam, as long as she wants you to come back, the deed of betrayal will be a wanted order, and the government will help her recover her belongings.

Only redemption can free a woman from the brothel, and no matter what form of redemption, she is free in the true sense. Instead of escaping privately and living the rest of his life in more fear and wandering.

What do you think about this?